Konjiki no Moji Tsukai

Chapter 306

Version: Unedited

After Avoros Left,

Hiiro remained alone on the island and his line of sight fell on the tombstone.

It was the day hiiro experienced an unexpected encounter, but even so Hiiro thought it was a good thing seeing Avaros here.

And as expected, Hiiro could never side with Avoros.

Because avaros notion of justice was warped.

But, his notion of justice causes multiple people to be sacrificed.

And among those sacrifice's are a lot of things that Hiiro has vowed to protect.

It has not been a year since Hiiro had come to this world [Edea] but for HIiro it was really a world that he loved.

Just like japan there were a lot of desires that he wanted to fulfill.

Even if it was risky, it was impossible for Hiiro to forget about such a pleasant world.

Even more so, since there were still many books and food to look forward too.

And there were even some who had made their place in Hiiro's heart.

Although Hiiro would be reluctant to say the same thing when asked if they really were important, but according to hiiro, if they were to disappear then i would be become a lot more boring and worthless to go on.

You....did you also feel the same?

Hiiro spoke to the tombstone but it did not answer back/

But suddenly *pitsu* there was a crack at the side of the tombstone.


When Hiiro looked again, there was certainly a cracked line.

If Hiiro to guess, the crack was certainly quite aged but the cleaning must have caused to clean the edges leading to the crack.

And Within it, something could be seen, a rainbow coloured marble appeared from within.

Wondering what it was, Hiiro took it into his hands.

Then suddenly the marble started to emit light and slowly became particles and disapperead.

.....What was that anyway?

There was no response from the tombstone again.

(The Marble was buried within the tombstone?)

So why did it appear and disappear so suddenly.

Hiiro tried to examine it by using the character Analysis, but only the material of the tombstone was displayed.

The information about the marble was not displayed.

Hiiro turns back to the tombstone and looked at it doubtfully, Thinking that it will be fine, and turns his back to the tombstone and starts to leave from that place.

Then a gust of wind flew over, causing hiiro to unconsciously close his eyes.

This caused Hiiro to place his arms in front of his face and firmly place his foot on the ground.

and then Hiiro surely heard something.

It's not something that you need to know right now.

But, soon you shall....

He could hear those words being said from behind him.

When the gust of wind stopped, Hiiro once again turned to the tombstone thoughtfully.

The scenery in front of him did not change much from his previous one.

Hiiro looked again and then shook his head, he once again glanced at the letters written on the tombstone, and then left without looking back.

For the Happiness of my beloved Arisa and Arosu, i leave the Crimson ash container

As if it was intentionally hidden, it was engraved below with really small letters.

Although Lilyn asked where i had been to when i returned, i did not allow her to pursue it as it was private.

If i was to say that i met avoros, then it would certainly become really loud.

I heard that right now, The Demon lord Eveam and the Beast King Leowald and the Humas representative Judom were discussing military affairs.

Considering that Eveam had not heard Hiiro's voice all day long, Eveam was finally understanding how much she relied on Hiiro, and finally started to become independent.

But asking Hiiro to participate in the great war was something which was considered normal.

Well even if Hiiro was not asked to do so, he would still do it.

No matter what anyone says, he would just do what he had decided on.

Hiiro could hear the military strategies and formations being spoken by Eveam and Teckil from the room from time to time and teckil also sad that they would soon send a Raid unit to the Humas continent soon.

Finally the war was beginning in earnest.

Living peacefully in Japan and then suddenly being thrown into this strange world while having to fight people was nothing short of extreme.

Thanks to the blessing, Hiiro could continue living as usual. but hiiro was also indebted to the Character Magic Word Magic.

Even if that magic was secretive and profound but now the magic now belongs to hiiro.

Hiiro has now become so attached to this world within just a single year that he is ready to risk his life to protect it.

Hiiro had never dreamed that he would be participating in such a large scale war that would involve the world itself, but Hiiro now had the conviction of Beat and win it was in every single breath that he took.

Although i would usually tsukkomi with it would be ok as long as we survive but not this time because somewhere inside me i feel as if it would feel really disappointed if i were to lose.

Therefore, the things that must be done must be done even more securely.

(Let me confirm mystatus once again....)

And so Hiiro speaksStatusin his mind.

version: unedited

Hiiro Okamura



Magic Attribute None

MagicCharacter Magic (One word Chain,Air Writing,parallel writing,two word chain, simultaneous invocation,invocation management, three word chain, remote operation, range designation,automatic writing,four word chain)


Innocent Bystander,

world traveller,

Golden Letter user,

Inheritance of Glory,

Awakened one,


the one who imagines,

Killer of the Unique-Unique Genocider,

Gourmet Bastard,

one who follows his path,

friend of the fairies,

Mikazuki's owner,

monster slayer-The natural enemy of monsters,

lightning speed-Flash samurai,


Little girl killer- the god that brings down little girls,

One who is skilled in magic- one who is liked by magic,

Super powerful Constitution - Ten Thousand Man,

lady killer,

Mystery arts user- Nature user,

childrens hero,

insensitive meister,

Naturally insensitive Man,

Colorless book reading maniac,

Eating tyrant,

prince of misunderstanding,


Excellent driver,


Dream Chaser,

Hero of the Demons,

One who crossed the king,

Recognized by the beast king,

lucky bastard,

one who trains monkeys,

Supernatural Devil,

Master of Nikki,

Universal Man,

Old Fox,

overly determined Person,

one who transcends.

..........What is up with so many titles?

No, it's not like this is the first time i am seeing this Status, but even when i see it, i can't help put throw out a tsukkomi.

The amount of titles is obviously very high compared to the others.

And moreover hiiro couldn't remember getting most of them.

And there were some unpleasant ones.

However, Hiiro's level had not risen even after fighting against plenty of strong people..

As expected, it was hard to raise his level now.

Even Aquinas was only around level 240.

This was unusual because the strongest Demon of Evilahas been fighting for many years.

well,it is also true that i(hiiro) have earned these levels in cheat way to raise them.

(Oh right, let me check the guild card as well)

Name Hiiro Okamura

Sex Male

Age 17

From Unknown

Rank S



Zeikatana Zangeki(Spirtual katana)

Red Robe Revised Mental boots

Fairy Ring Bond Ring

(Well, to raise the rank in the guild from S Rank i would need to apply at the guild and it has to be permitted.......well anyways this is fine for now)

Honestly i(hiiro) am not interested in the rank at all.

The higher the rank the higher the preference for quests and the treatment within the guild is relatively better, but Hiiro does not care about that.

basically the guild is used to get money.

When Hiiro looks at the Status again, he looks through the description of Character Magic.

Remote control operationConsumption MP 100

Can Remotely operate characters released via sky writing

However, Only one character and two character magic can be used.

In addition once the character touches something then it cannot be moved further.

Automatic Character ReleaseConsumption 150 MP

You can automatically write letters as you think.

However, the first character must be written for the first time, cannot automatically write all kings of characters.

In addition, attention is required because restrictions may apply when writing the same letters continuously.

Range Designated ReleaseConsumption 100 MP

It is possible to write two character strings, one for type and the other for range.

Please note that if one character is being used then only One character is to be used and if two characters are to be used then only two characters anymore will cause rebound.

Also if more than three characters are used, you cannot use that characters for half a day once used.

Four Character Releaseconsumption 30% MP

You Can write Four letters in Succession.

Likewise with three characters, it's range of effect, strength and versatility are further improved.

Effect time depends on the character , and the receiving end of the ability, Three Character Release the time limit on the two character released is lightened a little but, and limit on the three characters is relaxed.

The restrictions are the same as with the two character release.

However, the number of stock characters which can be installed with Invocation Managementhas been increased by two, thus enabling the installation of the total of Seven characters.

Four Character chaincan only be used three times a day, same effect characters cannot be used repeatedly.

After having used it once, Untill MP has been completely recovered only single Character chain can be used.

Also When interrupting character activation halfway, all stats while return to level 1 asRecoil Reboundand invocation of magic ceases.

Furthermore, status abnormality occurs randomly.

Types of Stat abnormality: Pain, paralysis, sleep, blindness, confusion.

Status abnormality and status decrease will return to original at random point in time

(The convenience is really convenient but if the Four character chain fails during a fight then it will lead to an immediate death)

Oh that's right.

If the Recoil Rebound does occur and all stats are set to level 1, then there is even a possibility that even a simple goblin can end me.

Therefore Four Character Chain is hardly useable.

It can only be limited to a situation where i can never be interrupted if used.

But even so, the power of Four Character chain is overwhelming,

I tried it a few times when i was alone, but the difference in power is on a while another dimension.

I think that it was proven even in the fight against leowald, but depending on the letter the range of effect could affect the entire continent.

(Well, if one does not make mistakes while using it, it is certainly the strongest power)

And i think it will be of great use in the upcoming war.

At that moment, hiiro remembered the words Avoros spoke when they met at theErotic Tears.

Avoros did not say that he would do everything righteously, and how he would go about doing so is still yet to be seen.

If so, then this will quite suitable

(I shall use this power in full and make sure to settle the score)

As a result of Alisha explaining what kind of a place it was, although it was an unexpected encounter, now that i think about it, it was good thing that i could speak to avoros.

Hiiro was able to recognize what kind of enemy that avoros was.

And Hiiro swore to protect the books and goods without fail.

And as expected Hiiro would never give up on his desires.

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