Konjiki no Moji Tsukai

Chapter 307


There were several routes to invade the humas world.

One of the route is using the bridge which spans from the Beast Continent.

Another is a route which spans from the Demon Continent.

One more spans from the sea.

and another from the sky.

And the final route would be using teleportation.

The first two route were the most proper ones considering common sense, while also being relatively safe to cross.

The next route is from the ocean, although this is not impossible but the number of forces that can be sent is rather limited.

There were plenty of monsters in the sea, and the climate was also equally worse.

There was a possibility of being attacked if done improperly.

It was the same for the sky as well.

Although the danger in the sky was not as much as in the ocean. but it was easy to be aimed at, and the number of troops which can be sent through this route was also quite limited.

Even if the Flying carriages were to be used, or by using the flying Demon Evila, they could still be shot down from an enemy who was half baked in attacking.

However, it could be used as decoy in terms of tactics.

And the final route is through teleportation.

This can be done through people who have the power of space magic, but as of now no-one possess space magic other than hiiro but the maximum amount of people he can teleport is about a few dozen people.

Which is at most several people.

And it is the same with using a teleportation tool.

Also since the number of teleportation tools are few and far between it is very valuable and therefore cannot be diversified.

Moreover, in the case of teleportation equipment, it can only be used by one person.

which also means that it is less convenient, which also means that it is not wise to use it in this case.

There were many discussions about the routes and which to consider, realistically the first two routes were the viable ones.

However, these two routes are ones which the enemy can easily predict and the element of surprise is also lost.

Therefore these two were considered as the main routes, and the idea of entering through the sky and the sea were also adopted.

The bridge which previously connected the Human continent and the demon continent theMuthihibridge which had been destroyed by Hiiro, but after the previous war between Beatsmen Gabranthand Demon Evilaan alliance had been signed between them, and soon after Hiiro restored the bridge using the characters As Before.

With the advent of Avoros, Eveam immediately and earnestly requested for Hiiro to participate in this war.

And they requested Hiiro, to fix the bridge which connected the borders of the continent since they could not allow for it be broken anymore.

And therefore there were currently no problems with the first two routes.

However, the Enemy could have taken measures with regards to these advances.

The demon lord Eveam was currently discussing about the effectiveness of the invasion tactics with the council.

And as expected Hiiro's name had come up.

Using Hiiro Teleportation magic, the amount of troops that could be sent into the enemy camp was about 100 people.

With the transportation magic, they could immediately enter Victoriasand quickly capture the castle.

Certainly it would be difficult to capture Victoriaswith only a 100 or so people, but Eveam had an opinion that if the top representatives along with Demon Lord Eveam, Beast King Leowald and Impact King Judom were to do there would be a chance and were tempted to go along with it.

In this war, protecting the kings were of absolute importance.

Nevertheless, the Humas king had refused to expose himself and therefore heading into the middle of the enemy territory without proof would no doubt be considered dangerous.

Beast King Leowald was really motivated by the plan but he chose to listen to Barid who gave the warning and therefore reluctantly gave up.

Which was as expected of the Fighting King.

But still Judom wanted to go ahead with this plan.

He wished to regain Victoriaswith his own hands.

Everyone also shared that feeling.

However the main question was if Hiiro would help in doing this.

When hiiro was called to the war council and was told about the plan.

I also have business in Victorias.There is no problem if anyone wants to join in.

But until i am done with it, i shall not be coming back

There was someone that Hiiro also wanted to overcome.

Well two actually, but one was sure to be inside the royal castle.

Hiiro, do you have someone that you want to take along?

When leowald asked that,

aa, I don't need to tell them to come with me they will come with me regardless.

Hiiro was implying about the Lilyn and gang and the Hero Party.

Among them were non-combatants like Shamoe and Mikazuki, but they said that Lilyn, silva and kuzel would protect them and so they would being coming along.

Nikki said that she wanted to go along with Hiiro, but Hiiro refused her.

However, Nikki was not going to take no for an answer.

And soon after, Hiiro had no choice but to allow her but put a condition some conditions on her.

Is it really fine ? Shamoe-done and gang will being coming too?

Eveam asked with an Uneasy expression.

Well, Since the Red-loli will be acting as escort it will be fine

To be honest hiiro could not imagine the two losing to any guards while being escorted.

Come to think of it, what about Camus-dono?

Eveam asks Camus who was silently standing beside Hiiro.

.......No intention...of seperation....

is-is that so

Hiiro also spoke nothing since Camus coming along was natural.

Camus also had opponents that he wished to fight and his loyalty was unquestionable.

So re confirming, there will be a surprise attack from the inside while simultaneously an invasion corps will be sent from the outside....

The Council proceedings were proceeding smoothly.

Version: Unedited

Beast Country PassionMimiru Kingu and her friend Muir Caster were currently staring at a piece of paper inside a private room.

Y~es.....I wonder if this is good ?

What the two were currently doing were thinking of lyrics for a song so that they could sing to Hiiiro when he comes around.

Since the last song was very well received, they thought that if they were to do it again it would be real nice and therefore the two were trying to put their heads together to get it done.

At that moment, *Ton Ton* and there was a knock on the door and Mimir replied to the voice that flew over, it was the voice was the voice of her elder sister kukuria.

Ara, what are you two doing?

Kukuria-Ane-sama, me and muir-chan are currently trying to think of song for next time to sing with Muir-chan desu

heh, Is it maybe for Hiiro?

When Kukuria says that, the two people's cheeks get's dyed red in color.

Aa~, So cute you two are really too pure.

Although She was trying to tease them a littlem but kukuria smiles bitterly after looking at the two of them who were showing a very innocent attitude.

When kukuria looked at the two, her eyes fell on their right wrist suddenly.

....ara? You two......did you two do that?

Eh? are you talking about this?

Mimiru noticing the gaze of kukuria brings her right arm in front of her face.

Yes, what is it? It is as you can see

Ah yes.


Actually this was something Hiiro-sama gave to us

Eh? Hiiro gave it?


Apparently it seems to be called a good luck charm from where Hiiro-sama came from

Good Luck charm? the pouch knitted with red string{TL: INSERT Misanga IMAGE here}

Yes! In Edeait is known as Bond Ring

Muir and Mimir's right wrist had a Misanga Good luck charm respectively,

Even so, A misanga seems to expire when your wish is granted though

This time Muir answered.

That is certainly something unusual.but....

Kukuria was starting at them with *Jii*, but still the two were stroking the charm with a glad expression on their face which made her to sigh.

While pouting a little she spoke again.

You two, it is insensitive what you are doing.

Yes? Did you say something Kukuria-ane-sama?

Eh? Um, no it's nothing at all.

By the way, have you two seen Arnold?

Are you asking about uncle?

Yes, Raibu was calling him

Raibu was the older sister of Arnold, she was a gorgeous woman who was currently serving as the Head Maid at the King Treewere the Beast King currently resides.

Is that so? Uncle should be training right now, he is probably at the training grounds i think?

Ah is that so? Then i shall be on my way.

Aa, But this not just for Hiiro, from now on make the song for all the people who shall now be fighting in the war.

If you were to do so, then it will raise the morale of the troops.

Please be relieved Kukria-anesama.

We are already working on it.

When Father comes back, i will make sure to let everyone hear it

mimir turns around and gives a cute smile.

Muir looked really happy.

Everyone will surely be pleased with it.

No matter what you sing, because you are the idol of the Beast men.

This will surely heal the people fighting on the battlefield, that i what i think

Yes! I will make to sing earnestly!

I-I shall also do my best to help you!

And then Kukria gently stroked their heads, and then she headed to look for arnold in the training field.

....Mimiru-chan, I think it will get harder from now on, so let's do our best from now on!

Yes! I am always with you Mu-chan! and moreover.....

The two looked at the misanga good luck charm that was on their hands.

The two's cheeks were dyed red and they smiled at the same time.

For the person that We(Us) stand by!

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