Land Sword Immortal: Eighty Years as the Guardian of the Sword Pavilion

Chapter 86 – After seven breaths, death in a row!

Chapter 86 – After seven breaths, death in a row!

Li Xuerou and Liu Yanping were both in an agitated state, so it hadn't occurred to them to consider this particular point.

Hearing Meng Fan's words, they suddenly realized the implication.


If minotaurs were guarding the door, there must be a stronger presence inside the house.

Otherwise, why would the minotaurs willingly play the role of gatekeepers?

Liu Yanping immediately became even more nervous. She found it challenging enough to fight a single minotaur!

Now, suspecting the existence of something stronger than a minotaur inside, she naturally felt a bit intimidated.

In fact, not only Liu Yanping was nervous, but Li Xuerou was as well.

On their way here, although she had slain a minotaur, killing one was already her limit.

If she didn't consider killing them, she could handle two minotaurs.

By that calculation, Liu Yanping could handle one minotaur, and Li Xuerou could handle two.

The remaining five minotaurs would all be up to Meng Fan!

And this was without even considering the possibility of a stronger presence inside the house...

Even the usually combative Li Xuerou was feeling hesitant. She cautiously asked Meng Fan, "Brother Meng Fan, should we take a detour, or wait to see if any other Shu Mountain disciples catch up?"

Liu Yanping immediately nodded like mad, in agreement.

Courage was good, but not at the cost of one's life!

However, Meng Fan shook his head and said, "Wait? Why wait? With so many treasures at stake, why should we share them with others?"

In Meng Fan's eyes, these were all spoils of war, and top-quality ones at that!

"But we can't handle them," Li Xuerou said, frowning.

As for Liu Yanping, she was so nervous and anxious that she didn't know what to say.

After all, whatever she said seemed useless since Meng Fan was the leader among the three, and the decision-making power was always with him.

Meng Fan patted Li Xuerou's shoulder with his left hand and Liu Yanping's shoulder with his right, smiling as he said, "Sister Xuerou, you hold off two minotaurs.

Sister Liu, you hold off one minotaur.

Kill them if you can, but if not, just keep them busy until I can help!"

Hearing Meng Fan's arrangement, the two women still felt uncertain.

"Brother Meng Fan, are you sure you can handle it?" Li Xuerou expressed her doubt.

Liu Yanping was even more skeptical!

One person against five minotaurs, and he would need to slay them quickly to be able to turn around and help them.

"Don't worry, I can handle five minotaurs," Meng Fan said earnestly.

Liu Yanping quickly voiced her concern, "But what if there really is a stronger presence inside the house that rushes out while we're fighting? What then?"

Such worries were normal; she could only manage to hold off one ordinary minotaur, and even killing it was difficult.

Honestly, this situation was a bit too much for her!

Meng Fan replied, "You don't need to worry about that. Just hold off one minotaur, and leave the rest to me."

After speaking, he glanced at Li Xuerou and continued, "Actually, the tasks I've given you are just to give you a chance to take action.

Otherwise, if I were to break through alone, wouldn't it be awkward for you to just stand by and watch?

If you're really worried, then just stay here and watch me take action, and don't say later that I didn't give you a chance to fight!"

In fact, Meng Fan was confident that he could break through the place on his own.

But since they were all good friends, he was actually considering the feelings of these two young ladies, which is why he had been letting them take action.

If he were always at the forefront, breaking through everything and leaving them with no chance to fight, it could inadvertently make them feel somewhat inferior.

"Alright, Brother Meng Fan, I believe in you!" Li Xuerou said with determination.

Since Li Xuerou believed in Meng Fan, Liu Yanping didn't want to be outdone and said, "Alright, I'll listen to you!"

Li Xuerou had not witnessed Meng Fan create miracle after miracle and yet chose to believe in him.

Having seen Meng Fan's monstrous performance with her own eyes, why wouldn't Liu Yanping believe in him?

"Then let's go!" Meng Fan didn't waste any more words and led the charge towards the "village" ahead.

Li Xuerou and Liu Yanping followed Meng Fan, their pretty faces set in grim determination, as they too charged into battle.


Ten breaths later, Meng Fan burst into the village, drawing the Hong Qi Sword.

Extreme Path Sword Drawing Technique!

Demon-Slaying Sword Intent!

In the blink of an eye, a minotaur's head fell, and blood sprayed wildly.

Then Meng Fan executed the Willow Fluff on the Wind movement technique, combined with the True Qi of the Spirit Wind Profound Art, moving as fast as a specter.

The Hong Qi Sword descended, unleashing the Demon-Slaying Sword Intent.

In just half a breath, another minotaur's head hit the ground, blood spilling everywhere.

Seven breaths later, the heads of all five minotaurs in the "village" had been severed by Meng Fan, lying in a row.

If it weren't for the fact that the minotaurs were quite spread out and not close to each other, Meng Fan wouldn't have needed even seven breaths.

After killing the five minotaurs, Meng Fan sheathed the Hong Qi Sword and silently looked on with a smug expression as Li Xuerou and Liu Yanping approached.

The two young ladies were a bit slower than Meng Fan, about ten breaths behind.

And Meng Fan had taken down five minotaurs in just a few breaths.

So, by the time they had just reached the "village entrance," they saw the bodies of the five minotaurs.

Nothing could be more shocking than this!

They knew Meng Fan was strong, but they had still underestimated his "strength."

Indeed, if he hadn't been giving them a chance to fight, he really could have broken through the place on his own.

It was hard to imagine that just half a year ago, Meng Fan was a Menial Disciple who hadn't even reached the Qi Cultivation Realm.

A goldfish is nothing in a pond, but once it encounters a storm, it transforms into a dragon!

When Liu Yanping and Li Xuerou entered the "village," only the three minotaurs that had been guarding the gate remained.

Even the numbers had been allocated perfectly!

Two for Li Xuerou, and one for Liu Yanping.

Because Meng Fan had acted so swiftly, by the time the five minotaurs had turned into corpses, the three gatekeeper minotaurs had just reacted and charged towards Meng Fan.

By then, Liu Yanping and Li Xuerou had also reached Meng Fan's side.

"Just right, the remaining three are yours to handle. Don't worry about what's in the house; I'll take care of it!" Meng Fan told the two women.

They nodded and, without another word, drew their swords and charged at the three approaching minotaurs.

They couldn't dispatch the minotaurs as effortlessly as Meng Fan had.

It would take some time.

Meng Fan simply watched silently, refraining from taking action.

In truth, if he had acted, those three minotaurs would also be corpses by now.

After all, there's no difference between stepping on one ant and stepping on ten.

He deliberately left three minotaurs for the two young ladies to pass the time!

To be honest, in this Demon Realm, Meng Fan truly thrived.

Unable to use his cultivation level and relying only on his sword technique, along with the strength of his physical body, Meng Fan was the undisputed king here!

Meng Fan flashed past the three minotaurs and arrived at the three wooden houses.

Truth be told, he was also curious about what was inside.

Stronger bull demons?

With all the commotion outside, if there were stronger bull demons inside, why hadn't they come out yet?

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