Land Sword Immortal: Eighty Years as the Guardian of the Sword Pavilion

Chapter 87 – Encounter with a great demon, White Snake!

Chapter 87 – Encounter with a great demon, White Snake!

Meng Fan's intuition told him that the wooden hut probably didn't contain the kind of advanced bull demons he had imagined.

What could it be?

No need to guess; just push the door open and find out.

Meng Fan approached the first wooden hut and pushed open the wooden door.

A musty stench assaulted his nostrils, causing him to instinctively furrow his brow.

The hut was dark inside, but as he opened the door and let the sunlight in, Meng Fan could finally see the scene within.

In the next second, his gaze turned cold.

Because inside the hut weren't bull demons, but... people!

There were three children, around five or six years old, huddled together.

Seeing Meng Fan open the door, they watched him with great wariness, their eyes filled with fear and anxiety.


Or demons?

Meng Fan was somewhat astonished; he had thought that anyone he encountered here, if not from the Shu Mountain Sword Sect, would definitely not be human, but demons.

However, he didn't think these three children looked like demons!

Of course, he couldn't rule out the possibility that they were demons.

Perhaps it was a more sophisticated charm technique that could affect him even when he was aware of it!

"Hong Qi, you're adept at charm techniques. Are these three children truly human, or have demons used a charm technique to bewilder me?" Meng Fan didn't rush to attack but instead asked Hong Qi.

"Master, these three are indeed human children, unrelated to demons!" Hearing Hong Qi's words, Meng Fan's frown deepened.

Hong Qi was a sword spirit, skilled in charm, and she had confirmed that the children were not demons, but human.

That made it almost certain!

But how could human children appear in the Demon Realm?

Moreover, they were locked in this wooden hut, guarded by several high-level minotaurs.

Extremely bizarre!

"Since they're human, they cannot be killed. Not only can they not be killed, but they must be saved!"

Disciples of the Shu Mountain Sword Sect took it upon themselves to slay demons and exterminate evil, to punish the strong and support the weak, to save lives and heal the injured.

These children must have been abducted by demons from the outside world, and their parents were surely searching for them, hearts torn with grief.

If Meng Fan hadn't encountered them, it would be another matter, but now that he had, he would naturally save them if it was within his power!

However, Meng Fan didn't act immediately but instead said to the three children, "Stay here and don't move. I'll come back later to rescue you."

It wasn't appropriate to take them out at this moment because he didn't know what was in the other two huts.

He wouldn't naively assume that if this hut held children, the other two would definitely contain children as well!

Meng Fan left the first hut and approached the second, pushing the door open.

Inside this hut was just a chest.

Meng Fan walked over, opened the chest, and his eyes lit up.

The chest was filled with Spirit Stones and medicinal herbs.

Spirit Stones were not only useful to cultivators but also aided in the cultivation of demons.

Medicinal herbs, needless to say, were absolutely precious.

Low-level demons liked to swallow them whole, while high-level demons even had the means to refine pills.

Without a second thought, Meng Fan began stuffing these treasures into his storage ring.

But then, an awkward situation arose.

He had only managed to fit half of the treasures when his storage ring was full.

Meng Fan's storage ring was of the lowest grade, with only about one cubic meter of internal space.

It was usually enough for himself use, but at this moment, it was clearly insufficient.

He definitely needed to get a larger storage item when he returned, especially since he had come into a small fortune.

Fortunately, Li Xuerou and Liu Yanping were with him, and they could still fit these items.

Especially Liu Yanping, this little rich woman might not be strong, but her family wealth was unquestionable, and her storage equipment's space was definitely large enough to be more than sufficient!

Meng Fan exited the second hut and headed towards the third.

This was the last one!

He didn't rush to find Liu Yanping and Li Xuerou to collect the treasures from the second hut, preferring to first get a clear picture of what was in all three huts.

Meng Fan pushed open the door of the third hut, and the scene inside took him by surprise.

A thick, long white python was coiled inside the hut.

The white python was thicker than a young girl's waist.

As for its length, at first glance, it seemed to be seven or eight meters!

If it stood upright, it would be as tall as the trunk of a towering tree.

Meng Fan had not expected to find such a large python in the territory of the bull demons.

It was indeed unexpected and hard to imagine.

But whether it was a snake or a bull, in this place, they were definitely demons.

Either you kill it, or it kills you!

Meng Fan didn't hesitate and instantly drew the Hong Qi Sword.

As soon as Meng Fan pushed the door open, the great white python, sensing someone approaching, woke up.

Its head moved, turning to look at Meng Fan.

Seeing Meng Fan draw his sword, it surprisingly spoke in human language, "Human, leave quickly, and you may live. I can spare your life."

This was the first time Meng Fan had heard a demon speak human language, and truth be told, he was somewhat astonished.

At this moment, he truly felt the breath of a world of immortals and martial arts.

After all, on Earth, there were no animals that could speak human language.

Parrots don't count!

"You won't kill me? Good, then I can kill you," Meng Fan said calmly.

How could he leave after coming all this way?

Such high-level demons capable of speaking human language, if encountered outside the Demon Realm, would probably be too much for him to handle.

Luckily, this was the Demon Realm, which also had a strong suppressive effect on demons.

This was his Fortunate Place!

"Human, leave quickly, do not mistake yourself! I am in the midst of cultivation and do not wish to waste energy on you. If you provoke me to abandon my cultivation and take action, your death is certain!"

The great white python was in the middle of cultivation, and interrupting it would result in a significant loss, so it was reluctant to bother with Meng Fan.

But if Meng Fan failed to recognize the situation and completely enraged it, then even at the cost of disrupting its cultivation and suffering losses, it would kill Meng Fan!

Just then, Meng Fan suddenly spotted some small broken bones in the hut, resembling the bones of human children.

Thinking of the children in the first hut, his gaze instantly turned icy, and anger surged in his heart.

"Evil beast, you dare to eat humans!" Meng Fan shouted angrily.

"You humans can eat cows and sheep, why can't I eat humans?" The great white python flicked its tongue at Meng Fan, its eyes chillingly cold as it spoke.

The logic was sound: animals eat grass, humans eat animals, demons eat humans, gods and demons eat demons...

This could be considered a kind of food chain in this world.

"You're mistaken!" Meng Fan said coldly, looking at the great white python.

"The law of the jungle, what error is there in that?" the great white python continued to speak human language.

"Not only can humans eat cows and sheep, but they can also eat snakes. The delicacy of snake meat is no less than that of cows and sheep!" Meng Fan's expression was cold as he then slashed the Hong Qi Sword towards the great white python.

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