Land Sword Immortal: Eighty Years as the Guardian of the Sword Pavilion

Chapter 88 – Yao Dan, good stuff!

Chapter 88 – Yao Dan, good stuff!

The Hong Qi Sword slashed down, unleashing a captivating radiance.

Demon-Slaying Sword Momentum!

Mountain Splitting Sword Momentum!

The two sword momentums merged perfectly, amplifying Meng Fan's sword strike to a new pinnacle of power.

The giant white python, seeing Meng Fan daring to attack it, was furiously enraged. Its body twisted, attempting to coil around Meng Fan.

But its body was too large, especially within the confines of the house, limiting its range of movement.

Thus, its speed was naturally no match for Meng Fan!

A fierce smile appeared on Meng Fan's face as the Hong Qi Sword aimed for the giant white python's head.

As the saying goes, to hit a snake, aim for seven inches above its tail, which is where its heart lies.

But when dealing with such demons, the most direct and effective method is decapitation.

Since they have developed intelligence, only by severing the head can they be thoroughly vanquished.

However, when beheading, it's best to cut a bit lower, so as to sever the heart as well for a better effect!


When Meng Fan's Hong Qi Sword struck the python's body, it made a sound akin to the clashing of metal.

Sparks even flew from the snake's skin.

The skin of this giant white python was harder than iron!

Yet even so, Meng Fan's sword still managed to slice through its skin and flesh.

The skin split and flesh burst open, cutting halfway through the python's neck!

Just one more sword strike, at most two.

Striking the same spot, the giant white python would undoubtedly perish.

It sounded simple, but this already proved the terrifying resilience of the giant white python.

Even Meng Fan, wielding two sword momentums, couldn't slay the demon with a single strike, which was truly fearsome.

If other disciples of the Shu Mountain Sword Sect encountered such a terrifying demon, they would likely meet their demise!

To be honest, it was fortunate that Meng Fan encountered this giant white python.

"Boom!!!!!" A loud explosion.

After Meng Fan's sword had sliced through the python's skin and flesh, the creature fell into a frenzied rage.

Its body thrashed wildly, overturning and crushing the wooden house.

Its massive tail, like a divine whip, lashed viciously at Meng Fan!

Meng Fan retreated with his sword, choosing not to confront it head-on.

He noticed a green mist spewing from the python's mouth, which looked highly poisonous.

He wasn't afraid of the tail attack, but the poison was a different story!

With the strength of his body, he could probably withstand the tail whip, but poison was something to be avoided at all costs.

He dared not take the risk!

Not far away, Liu Yanping and Li Xuerou saw the last of the three wooden houses explode, and a towering giant snake emerged.

The sight stunned them, nearly causing them to be struck by the minotaurs!

They had anticipated stronger bull demons inside the house, but never expected a snake demon to emerge.

The two women did their best to fend off the minotaurs while stealing glances at the giant white snake.

A snake as thick as a tree trunk was obviously not easy to deal with.

Was Meng Fan really a match for this giant snake?

But at that moment, they had no choice but to trust Meng Fan.

Trust aside, Li Xuerou's face was still filled with worry, given the giant snake's intimidating size.

Liu Yanping, on the other hand, was calm, believing that if Meng Fan couldn't handle the giant snake, then none of the Shu Mountain disciples in the Demon Realm stood a chance.

Wouldn't the Clan have sent them to their deaths?

At the critical moment, Liu Yanping still had faith in Meng Fan, after all, she had once doubted whether Meng Fan could defeat Jiang Poyue in a literary competition!

And indeed, Meng Fan did not disappoint her.

As the giant white python demolished the wooden house and surged skyward, Meng Fan's second sword strike was unleashed.

Demon-Slaying Sword Momentum!

Mountain Splitting Sword Momentum!

Thunderous Sword Momentum!

Three sword momentums, all infused into a single strike.

This was an extraordinary strike, one beyond common understanding.

Demon-Slaying Sword Momentum and Mountain Splitting Sword Momentum had no conflict, complementing and enhancing each other.

But Thunderous Sword Momentum was entirely out of place; to merge these three sword momentums into one strike was bound to cause conflict.

It was impossible!

Yet in Meng Fan's hands, it was done with such ease, as if it were nothing.

This was the marvel of the Primordial Sword Technique, capable of assimilating all sword techniques under the heavens for one's own use.

Not just three sword momentums, even thirty could be integrated into a single strike if Meng Fan's sword technique foundation was strong enough!

Moreover, the sword momentums wouldn't conflict with each other; instead, their power would stack.

For instance, at this moment, Meng Fan leaped up, and even without the use of True Qi, he could still jump four to five meters high relying on the strength of the third layer of the Supreme Dominance Body.

The Hong Qi Sword was swung, and a sword qi containing three sword momentums burst forth.

The next second, the giant white python's body was severed in two.

The snake's head rolled off, and dark green blood sprayed everywhere, like a sudden downpour in a small area.

Not far away, Liu Yanping and Li Xuerou were dumbstruck.

The scene was truly... horrifying!

Caught in a daze, the three remaining minotaurs were also stunned and did not attack them.

Their "master" had just died like that?

Such a fearsome, massive master, so easily slain?

They felt no anger, for they had been captured by the giant white snake to guard the place, bearing no affection but rather grudges against it.

Yet now, witnessing the death of their enemy, they couldn't feel joy, knowing their own demise was certain.

Even the "master" had been killed, leaving them with no chance of survival.

Realizing this, they no longer hesitated and attacked Liu Yanping and Li Xuerou with increased ferocity.

Meng Fan glanced in their direction but chose not to intervene.

The two young ladies still had the strength to fight, and theoretically, they could kill the three minotaurs.

He had said the three minotaurs were for them to handle, so he would let them handle it!

Unless it was truly beyond their capability, Meng Fan would not step in.

He began to examine the corpse of the snake demon, which was undoubtedly of a higher level than the minotaurs.

Intuition told Meng Fan that this snake demon was one of the rulers of this forest... He used the Hong Qi Sword to dissect the snake demon.

The snake skin was extremely tough; if the Hong Qi Sword wasn't a spiritual weapon, it would have been difficult to handle the demon.

After much effort, Meng Fan managed to cut open the snake demon's abdomen.

He searched for a while but did not find a demon core.

Instead, he found a yellow-orange inner pill!

The snake demon's demon core had evolved into a demon pill.

A demon pill!

This was a valuable treasure.

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