Lord of the Truth

Chapter 771 Annoying

771  Annoying

Robin opened his eyes to the last of them and saw the source of the explosion at the top. Unfortunately for him, what he saw seemed like bleu rain about to fall on the dome, but it was not rain of water, but rather cannon shots.


*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

With this single wave, the Great Heaven Seal Array was filled with holes and turned into a shapeless rag.

After the shots faded, the source of these shots appeared. They were still somewhat distant, which is why they seemed small, but they were undoubtedly warships from the Great Serpent Empire, ships that Robin could not count at first glance.

Robin took a step back, looking up and opening his mouth, "No no no, why now of all times? It's starting!!" Hesitation and even fear were evident in his voice. All the reassurance he gathered in his conversation with Zara vanished.

"Oh my god, what's wrong with these numbers?" Unlike Robin, Zara took a few steps forward in amazement, "Hmm, there are 16 huge ships that they call the mother ship, does that mean we have 16 fleets? There are also 3 other ships that look weirder and bigger than we have seen before, What are those now? ...They seem to really value this planet, huh."


The prows of the 16 ships began to flash again, clearly preparing to launch a second wave of attacks. This time, the waves would directly penetrate the array cover and turn the city into rubble!

"Damn, don't they care about their own men?!"

"Stop them!!"

"We have to buy some time for the array to heal again!!"

All 16 motherships launched at the same time, but this time, standing in front of them was not an energy wall, but 250 Martial Emperors!

These were the Emperors who were assigned to form the Great Heaven Seal Array. Alexander left them and went down to participate in the fight against the generals, but they were kept at the top to stop anyone or any ship that succeeded in passing the energy wall. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

They were appointed to let no one out, and now they found themselves on a mission to let no one in!


In front of the 250 Martial Emperors, the cannon shots had no chance, they all instantly vanished as if they had never existed.

Then the 250 Emperors regrouped above the city and took a defensive formation to make it easier for them to form an energy shield in case the ships used all their cannons this time, but...


The ships' doors all opened one after the other, and the Emperors began to emerge from them like bees under attack. Their numbers definitely exceeded 1,500 Martial Emperors by a noticeable margin.

 There were 3 ships in particular, larger in size and with special characteristics different from the rest. From each of them a squad consisting of 100 individuals started emerging, every and each of them had strong auras and an established presence... With some concentration, it can be seen that most of them were intermediate Martial Emperors, while the rest were high-level Martial Emperors!!

This meant that the number of Martial Emperors exiting the ships exceeded 1,800

"This…" A number of True Beginning Emperors below took a step back, this was beyond their ability to withstand, or even comprehend.

"These weapons, they are..." One of the Emperors from the Orphan Blood Planet slowly took a step back, his eyes moving over the hammers and swords in the hands of the three squads, each one of these could definitely be compared to the weapons used by the likes of Supreme General Caesar and Governor Alexander!

If these people advance, there will be no battle. Any group of those three can kill them all easily.

And they are not the only ones affected by the scene above...

If these people advance, there will be no battle. Only any group of those three can kill them easily.

And they are not the only ones affected by the scene above

"Hahaha, we have survived!!"

"They all came for us?"

"FIGHT, support has arrived! Victory is ours!!"

"Look! It's a Marshall's ship!!"

"No, there are three of them!! Three marshals came to help us?!"

The morale of the soldiers of the Great Serpent Empire trapped in the city suddenly exploded. After they tried to prolong the fight to preserve their combat capabilities for as long as possible, they rushed forward with full force to carry out the strongest attack they could without taking anything else into consideration... The marshals are here, what else does matter?

"DAMMIT!" The True Beginning Martial Emperors felt the pressure immediately. It is said that morale is half the war, and now they can see why.

Not only has the power of their opponents increased many times over, but they themselves have to devote part of their attention to what is happening above. If those Martial Emperors hovering in the sky descend upon them, they will be annihilated!

"Arghgh!!" For the first time since the fighting began, one of the True Emperors of the Beginning was killed. The unfortunate man was wearing a wooden shield reinforced with black metal pieces. He was one of the Emperors of Greenland.


"Hmm..." A figure came out from one of the three marshals' ships, putting his hands behind his back, and slowly descended until he stood in front of everyone.

His appearance was undoubtedly different from the common demi-humans, and different even from the generals... His height was approximately two and a half meters, his color tended to be darker than usual, and a snake tail emerged from the back of his head instead of hair, "So this is the planet Nihari..."

"Do you feel this dense energy? And this enormous size. Since we left the wormhole now, I still cannot comprehend what can we do with all that land, how much riches can we find here? No wonder His Majesty gave such orders. If we control that planet, we will compensate for all our losses, and even more!" Another person with a different body and powerful aura slowly descended and stood next to his colleague with a big smile, "Hey, Celebus, I'll start the attack with my men, okay?"

"Don't forget your standing, Serpal. You're hardly the Eighth Marshal. Why should you take the honor of attacking first while I'm here?" The third of them descended until he was at the height of the two, "Secondly, his name is First Marshal Celebos or His Eminence Minister Celebos. Do not think, because you have recently become Marshal, that you are at the same level as the man who accompanied His Majesty from the beginning!"

"Calm down, Xanox, kissing *His Eminence's* ass will not give you the right to attack first!" Marshal Serpal laughed jokingly, but contrary to what he said, he actually took a step back. In the end, the two people in front of him were the first and sixth marshals, whether in strength, experience, or status, they were superior to him in everything.

"We are the ones who will launch the attack..." The First Marshal muttered in a low voice, then looked back at his men with a slight smile, "Are you ready, men, or have you forgotten what fighting is like?"

"Ahooo! Ahooo!!" The group of one hundred Emperors shook the ground with their voices and auras, not a single one among them was a low Emperor level!

These were not part of a fleet, they were only the personal guard of the First Marshal who accompanied him in the first invasions, and until today, each one of them could have been an independent general, but they preferred to remain with their commander, and recently they were all given weapons with epic weapons that they would like to try out... The term *yearning to fight* is not enough to describe what they feel right now!!

Celebus nodded and opened his arms wide, The aura of a Level 49 Martial Emperor shook the sky with pride, "After a long slumber, we have risen. Today we have no deterrent. Today we will show everyone the power of the ancient 001 Squad. Today... Our might will shake this planet and kill whoever stands in our way!"


At this moment, a space portal behind the Marshal opened and Warlord Julian stepped out. He only said one word, "Annoying." Then he kicked Celebus from behind like a child who saw a cool pebble.



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