Lord of the Truth

Chapter 772 The Cornered Rabbit

772  The Cornered Rabbit

A few minutes before the kick--

"No no no, this shouldn't have happened! We were one hour away from killing off the 5 fleets, why did they appear now? And are they that many?!" Robin took a few steps back, "This is my fault, I should have killed them all since they arrived! I shouldn't have waited until today! I shouldn't have waited to create the Great Heaven Sealing Array!!"

"Dad, pull yourself together! If you lose control, what will the rest of us do?!" Zara took a few steps toward her father

"What should I do? What should I do?! Look at them, there are at least 1,800 Emperors up there, If we combine them with those remaining from the five fleets, then we are facing approximately 2,200~2,300 Martial Emperors. This is regardless of the soldiers on board that ship, if they were to have the same rate as the five fleets, we are looking at 2 million soldiers who can be compared to our elite soldiers!" Robin began pointing upwards, shouting in panic, "My initial plan was to wait for them to send 5 fleets as backup, and if a miracle happened, they might send 10, why the hell did they send 16?! What happened to all those other planets they're battling on?!"

Zara's facial expression changed to fear as well, not because of what was happening above, but because of her father's actions, so she grabbed his shoulders and shook him forcefully, "You are the Planetary Emperor Robin Burton, have you forgotten your entire history? How can a few more enemies make you so frustrated?!"

"I..." Robin opened his eyes wide for a moment, then looked away... He has let the Truthful Omen dominate his thoughts.

If this same scene had been repeated without Robin feeling the Truthful Omen earlier, he would have acted more calmly. He might have ordered a defensive formation or made a new strategy, or he might have simply ordered a retreat until he found a solution, but his downward expectation made him lose focus... Instead of dealing with the newcomers as intruders and making up a new plan, he began treating them as the bringers of inevitable disaster.

Robin wriggled out of Zara's hands and went back to sitting on the rock again, and this time the trembling that was running through his body had completely subsided...


Meanwhile, the second wave of shots was fired with full force, and the 250 True Biggning Emperors above were stopping them.

"We did not bring many soldiers to the city, Father. We can easily withdraw by opening a few instant space portals. Should we retreat and return to the strategy of siege from four sides?" Zara tried to speak calmly, but she was clearly nervous. If they just remained sitting without doing anything, they would inevitably be destroyed.

But her adoptive father did not pay attention to her, and she heard him muttering: "...For today's battle, I summoned everyone. At this moment, we have 200 Martial Emperors of Orphan Blood, 350 from Planet Greenland, and 400 from Planet Jura, 950 in total, and above them we have 700 Demon Martial Emperors scattered around the central region, making the total number of Martial Emperors fighting under my direct banner 1650, that's not mentioning the Warlords and Tree Fathers… We have a chance."

"We have a chance at what exactly? Dad, do you realize the number of deaths that will occur today? We must retreat immediately!!" Zara felt that her father had not come out of his tense state yet

Summoning all the power the True Beginning Empire has accumulated and starting a face-to-face battle immediately is theoretically possible because the difference in numbers is not that far, but the difference in quality is too great!!

There have been 700 True Beginning Emperors fighting against 400 Great Serpent Emperors for about half an hour, and the battle has barely begun to tilt in favor of the True Beginning Emperors. What would happen if the Great Snake Emperors had greater numbers?!

"I realize what you are thinking, but what benefit will we gain if we retreat? The siege strategy is no longer applicable after the numerical superiority has become in their favor. Will they leave us alone and sit in their places until we besiege them? They WILL mobilize all their forces directly and head to attack us in the South or just go to crush the East or the North! Within a few days, the other four regions will fall in succession. They will wreak havoc on the entire planet with those ships and plunder it inside and out!"

Upon reaching this idea, Robin's blood began to boil and his tone gradually rose, "Then we will have no choice but to leave the entire planet and escape. More than fifty years of preparation and sacrifices will be in vain. My wife was brutally killed as a consequence of the mission of protecting this filthy planet, even if I hated it to the core, I would not abandon it so easily! ...And assuming that I give it up to protect some lives, what then? I will go back to being indebted to that bastard, and then who knows what other disaster he will throw us into? I cannot allow this, I have to break off my relationship with him with a victory in Nihari, I don't want anything to do with him ever again!! Haa... Haa..."

"..." Zara looked to the side, a few drops of tears starting to fall from her eyes.

Her tears were like rain falling on a volcano, Robin looked down and started biting his finger, "...I'm sorry I yelled at you, I know you were trying to help..." Then he looked at her, giving a gentle smile, "...It's okay, Don't worry, I realize that my plan is a little crazy and that the numbers are not in our favor, but..."

Then Robin stood up and took a few steps towards the city, a crazy smile appearing on his face as he continued: "...My men are not just numbers."

Then he passed his spiritual sense into the voice ring, and spoke in an audible voice, "Caesar, I'm afraid we have no more time to waste, give orders to begin the *Cornered Rabbit* strategy."

The floating Caesar opened his eyes to the end of them and looked at where Robin was standing, "...This will be a problem. If we exhaust the soldiers in the battle here, they will not stand a chance against the support above, that's if there are any of them left..."

"And if we allow those inside the city to live until support arrives, we won't stand a chance against them either, Just do it!" A determined look appeared on Robin's face.

"...As you wish." Caesar sighed and muttered in a low voice, then raised his halberd and shouted loudly, "The Cornered Rabbit!"

*Rumble* *Rumble*

The atmosphere around the city completely changed again, just before Caesar's shout, the morale of the Great Serpent Emperors was dominating the battlefield as they were able to take down 15 True Beginning Emperors, but now... the morale of the Great Serpent Emperors was not the only motive in the field, a terrible blood thirst radiated from all True Beginning Emperors!

"Do you think these games will make us afraid of you? You are dead meat!!" One of the Great Snake Emperors came forward, laughing angrily, and brought down a great sword on his opponent

After fighting for 40 minutes, he knew his opponent's movements well and it was clear that he would avoid them and try to send an attack from afar, but...


The True Beginning soldier did not retreat or form a counterattack, he used his arm to block the attack!

"What?!" The Great Serpent Emperor was surprised as he saw his sword penetrate the wrest armor, then the flesh, until it stopped in the middle of the forearm bone and got stuck in it!


The True Beginning Martial Emperor wasted no time, gathering all his strength in his other fist and sending a punch that pierced his opponent's chest and came out from the other side. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

"Pffff!!! This is ...NOTHING!!!" The Great Serpent Martial Emperor spat out a large amount of blood and threw his weapon aside. He then raised his hands which were covered in purple mist and began to crush his opponent's head. If it were not for the golden helmet that was slowly starting to fade away, the True Beginning Emperor would have already been reduced to a pile of ash, "You are dead! Haha, YOU ARE DEAD!!"

With an arm that became incapacitated from the blow of his sword and his other arm penetrating his chest and his head that became in his hands, he knew that he was the victor in this battle... As for his exploded heart, he can live an additional half-hour before he dies, after he kills this human he can take cover and heal himself.

This idiot wanted to die together with him, but he would die alone!


"Ughh-------" The Great Snake Martial Emperor wanted to continue his taunt as he saw his opponent's head being crushed, but his voice did not come out, the strength in his hands had also disappeared, something strange was happening...

He slowly removed his hands from his opponent's head and headed towards the place where he felt the pain, towards his throat. He did not find it. It had disappeared. There was nothing connecting his head to his body anymore except his spine.

Then, with all the strength he had left, he looked aside. He saw another human Martial Emperor flying away, holding a large piece of meat in his hand. He was holding the throat that he had pulled out, and that same human emperor had a sword going through his back and coming out the other side and was being chased. It is clear that he received a sword attack in order to have the opportunity to snatch his throat...

The first risked his arm so he could destroy his heart, and the second risked his life to finish him off.

Then he heard his chest-piercing opponent mutter, "Do not underestimate... Those who have tasted the scourge of Jura!!"

The last thing the Great Serpent Emperor felt was a hideous killing intent, followed by his head falling down.

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