Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Symbiote 0201: Hope *

Symbiote 0201: Hope *

As Alex thoroughly rewarded Yelena for helping him get the Mind Stone in the MCU Earth, he decided to take care of something essential in the Gaia Federation cluster.

“This is going nowhere…” Alex sighed as he looked at the burning whiteboard and notes before dousing the flames. There were no alarms since the fire wasn’t big enough to pass the threshold of the lab’s smoke detectors. They were currently in Gwen’s personal lab, where the detectors had a much higher threshold for smoke and fire. She’d been working here before abruptly setting fire to everything as Alex barely stepped up in time to stop her such that she was only able to set fire to the notes and the alcohol of the markers on the whiteboard.

He turned to look at Gwen who was looking at him angrily while restrained. Her arms were held behind her back in an armbinder and her legs were chained to the floor to prevent her from moving around.

‘At least she’s not struggling to the point of self-harm anymore,’ Alex thought as he looked at her hateful expression while she stood there without doing anything. He knew that in time, her resistance would naturally lower, but he didn’t have that time, ‘Especially with that Scarlet Witch-Angel whatever who took the Mind Stone from Wiccan.’

“Even if I’m not being freed from you, I’m sure as hell going to make life as difficult as possible for you,” Gwen said, bringing Alex out of his musings as he looked at her with a wry smile.

“Honey,” Alex said, “Why are you making this harder on the both of us? If you want, you can just stay inside and let your counterpart be the one in control at all times.”

“So that bitch can help you devise a way to get rid of me?” She scoffed, “No thanks.”

“Fine then, I guess work’s done for today,” Alex sighed as he walked up to Gwen and put her up on his shoulder while keeping an arm wrapped around her waist. He also made the armbinder that held her arms behind her back extend and grab her legs, restraining them too, “Let’s go home.”

It was already night and Alex and Gwen were about to go home when Altar Gwen came out. Alex created a portal in front of himself and walked through it, directly moving to her college dorm. He decided against bringing Gwen out of her personal lab. Some of the scientists and researchers were working late and it wouldn’t paint Gwen in the best picture if they saw their lead scientist being carried in such a manner by their other more scary boss.

“We should really get our own place, don’t you think?” Alex asked, “Your dorm is nice and all but it really doesn’t provide much in terms of space.”

“Let me down, asshole,” She ignored Alex and tried to struggle to get away from Alex, but it was useless.

“Well, that’s rude,” Alex said nonchalantly, “I think that warrants some punishment, don’t you think?”

“You can do your worst,” She said stubbornly, “You will never make me accept that meek slut of my other personality or you.”

Alex coughed awkwardly when he heard her words, “I think that’s all the consent I need to spank you as punishment.”

Alter Gwen tried resisting, but it was no use. Alex was soon sitting on the bed with her lying across his lap as he rubbed her butt from over the skirt that she’d been wearing. He shackled both her feet and hands to the ground so that she wouldn’t try to shake away from him. However, after the initial resistance, she was surprisingly unexpressive as Alex put her in that position.

Alex traced his palm over her backside as her skirt and most of her other clothes disappeared into her body, leaving her naked except for her underwear. Her struggle renewed as she felt herself losing her clothes, but it was still weak, almost as if she’d accepted that she wasn’t going to get out of this.

Alex wanted to mention how she seemed to be accepting of the situation but didn’t want to make her conscious of her subconscious thought process just yet. He gently traced his palm over her butt for a few seconds as he spoke, “You know I don’t hate you right?”

She scoffed, “Right.” She was about to speak further, but Alex’s first spank stole the words out of her mouth as she suppressed her shout, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. The wave of pain traveled through her entire body like a jolt of electricity, coalescing right in her core and making her feel like putty in his arms.

“If I hated you,” Alex spoke while lightly rubbing her butt that had a light red marking on it, “I could’ve just gotten rid of you permanently.” As he said that, he spanked her once again, eliciting a suppressed yelp from her.

“That’s only because you can’t,” She spoke with gritted teeth as she felt Alex rubbing her butt gently, bringing a sense of comfort to the stinging feeling on her butt. It also enhanced the tingling feeling that she had in her abdomen. She spoke further to try to ignore the weird feelings, “If you forcefully cut me off— Ahh!”

Alex’s next spank cut her words off as he spoke, “What were you saying?” He asked, “Can you repeat it?” There was a hint of taunting in his tone as he started lightly rubbing her butt.

Gwen growled at her failure to suppress her yelp, but spoke, “If you forcefully cut me off, your precious Gwen will also lose a large chunk of her—“ Another spank cut her off, but this time she was ready and only let out a suppressed yelp from the pain.

“That was the case beforehand,” Alex said as he gently rubbed her butt, [Beg me to spank your naked butt.] Gwen heard his words in her head and didn’t feel anything wrong in obeying the order. Although she felt them sounding a little weird, she obeyed nonetheless.

“Please spank my naked, butt, Master~,” She said sultrily while wiggling her butt lightly as Alex smiled and pulled down her panties, leaving her butt naked for his spankings. He could see the prominent reddened marks from his previous few spanks and felt his shaft twitching. This had been without Alex using the Mind Stone and only working with the new Hypnosis knowledge that he’d received from Doctor Faustus.

“Such an obedient girl,” Alex praised her while rubbing her naked butt as she shuddered, “Did you feel anything weird when you asked me to do that?”

“Of course not,” She snapped, “I asked you that because … because …”

“Because I hypnotized you to say that,” Alex said before spanking her again, drowning her outrage in pain as she let out a pained shout, not being able to suppress it anymore.

“How could you … “ She was in disbelief when she heard his words. When Alex’s fingers traced along her folds, she panicked and tried to move away, “Get away!” The vulnerable tone of her voice gave away her thoughts. The mix of conflicting feelings overwhelmed her.

Alex gently rubbed her back and shushed her while continuing to rub her folds lightly, “Hey, calm down,“ She whimpered and continued resisting as the heat in her abdomen started getting on her nerves.

“I’ll go back in, okay?” She pleaded, “Just stop, please ... “ Her desperate and vulnerable tone made Alex listen to her words as he stopped.

“Okay,” He said and rested his palm on her butt, “I’ll stop,” He said gently, “I showed you that because I want you to know that I can just hypnotize you to agree to merge with your other half. It would take some time, but I will be able to take care of everything without any problems.”

“Then why don’t you?” She said with a slightly hoarse voice that had hints of hopelessness.

“I don’t really know,” Alex said before spanking her again, making her shout in pain without even trying to suppress her voice.

“Ouch!” She wiggled while feeling the lasting sting on her butt, feeling slightly comforted by how Alex was gently rubbing her ass.

“I did wrong you,” Alex said, “And maybe it’s because I want some sort of a challenge, but I want to make you accept me willingly, without using any weird supernatural means.”

His words had her silent for a few seconds, “Just do whatever you want,” She said with a desolate tone, “I’ll time out sooner or later anyway.”

Alex sighed tiredly, knowing that he’d pushed her as much as he could for this session. He spanked her once again, eliciting a pained groan from her as her eyes got teary, “Spankings man,” He mumbled, “They can have so many effects … “ He said before bringing his fingers back to her folds, lightly rubbing her most sensitive spot as she instantly shuddered. The spanking had primed her up and she was very close to an orgasm.

Her personality may have been different, but the body was still the same one that Alex had been intimately familiar with for a while now. He knew exactly what buttons to press and how to work her in the most optimal way to being her closest to an orgasm.

‘Please change, please change please change … ‘ This was the internal plea that Gwen had been making for the past few seconds as she felt the building of the pleasure within her abdomen, but it seemed to be of no use. Neither she nor her counterpart had any sort of autonomy over who was in control.

She was desperate not to cum to Alex’s fingers and desperately wanted her counterpart to take control, but it seemed to be hopeless. Soon enough, the wave of euphoria passed her body as she came with a squirt after being spanked in a way that made her extremely vulnerable.

It didn’t take her long to pass out as she reeled from the effects of the orgasm.

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