Marvel: I'm a Symbiote

Symbiote 0202: Time Talk

Symbiote 0202: Time Talk

“You’re up?” Gwen opened her eyes to Alex’s words and saw Alex sitting on her study desk as he looked at her. She noticed the curtains having been drawn away as the morning sunlight shone through the room, illuminating every corner.

Gwen groaned a little as she felt the sun hitting her eyes, “What happened?” She asked while turning around to lay on her back so that the sun wouldn’t directly shine on her eyes. A hiss escaped her mouth, “Why’s my butt stinging so much?” She had to turn to the side again, “Did you spank alter me?” She looked at him with blame in her eyes.

“She asked,” Alex said with a smile as he admired her nude body and cute expression while she looked like a literal goddess who was being illuminated by the sun, “I had full consent to do what I did.”

She raised a brow and looked at him suspiciously while rubbing her butt. After a few seconds, “Did she cause any problems?” She asked him with a slightly guilty expression on her face.

“Burned a few notes,” Alex said, “Nothing too important, I made backups of everything. Come here.” He gestured to her.

Gwen shrugged and got off of the bed before walking to him and sitting in his lap, “What?” She asked.

“She’s not your fault,” Alex said, “She came to be because of me.”

“Yeah yeah, you have a huge secret that will make me completely despise you for all of my life. I’d rather not know about it,” She said while nestling her face into his neck and straddling him as she wrapped her arms around his torso.

They both sat in their places for a few seconds as Alex gently traced his knuckles along Gwen’s spine, “So …” Alex seemed to have something on his mind.

“Yeah?” Gwen prompted him to go on while enjoying his light caress.

“I have a way to really accelerate the Time of the Gaia Federation cluster,” Alex said, “But I need a medium to channel Time Authority before I can get anything done.”

“Back up a little,” Gwen blinked a few times, pulling back from his neck and looking into his eyes, “Explain the situation to me from the start.”

“Oh … um, sure,” Alex took a moment to think before saying, “I won’t go too deep into it, but the universe has six major authorities that came to be right as the big bang happened, they are Power, Space, Time, Reality, Soul and Mind. There are many other aspects too, but these are the six most fundamental authorities that make up the fabric of reality itself. You getting it?”

“I think so,” Gwen said, “And you have access to the Time Authority?”

“And Mind Authority,” Alex said, “There’s a whole thing going …” Alex took a couple of minutes to explain to Gwen the whole concept of the Infinity Stones and how they each allow him to access a fundamental authority within the universe.

“Any questions?” He asked.

“So you need the Power Stone to be able to use the Time Stone to its fullest because it has a limited energy capacity?” She asked. She’d changed her position and was sitting sideways on Alex’s lap with one arm around his neck for support as she leaned her head on his chest, making him raise his head higher to let her rest her head on his sternum.

“I also need the Space Stone,” He said while rubbing her back lightly, “Peak time manipulation cannot be done without altering Spacetime.”

“And what exactly does this have to do with manipulating the time of the Gaia Cluster?” She asked before shuffling again and trying to make herself more comfortable. Her actions undoubtedly caused her butt to constantly rub against Alex’s crotch repeatedly.

“I need some kind of medium that can amplify and spread the authority through the entire cluster without me having to use the kind of energy that would deplete the stone within a couple of days.” Alex said, “Currently, as far as my estimates go, without a medium, I can speed up time such that seventeen days pass in undistorted space while around seven months pass inside the cluster’s shields. If I factor in the current temporal distortion of three Gaia days to one ‘space day’, we can have almost twenty-one months, maybe two years if I push it.”

Gwen went silent for a few seconds, thinking about Alex’s requirements. She seemed to still not be comfortable enough and shuffled around a little more before saying, “The temporal distortion that is induced by the messed up gravity has always been very unstable, we can go from the three-to-one ratio for Gaia and space days, as you call it, to half-to-one within a matter of hours. So we need to factor those changes in too.”

Alex wasn’t going to stay completely passive and brought his free hand to Gwen’s thigh, slowly creeping toward her pussy with light gentle strokes along her inner thigh.

“I should probably be able to freeze those distortions to a single point, but it will, without a doubt, dip how long I can accelerate the time.” Alex said, “From the initial seventeen days, I’ll probably drop to ten days. You can do the math. This is all considering that the entities who are being enveloped within the domain are all normal un-superpowered humans. If we run into some special abnormal, that will without a doubt dip things significantly.”

“How much time do you really need?” Gwen asked Alex while looking into his eyes, “Two years sounds like a long time to work on my alter ego who already seems to be getting receptive to you.” She moved once again as Alex’s fingers made contact with her slit, slowly rubbing her labia. Her expression grew a little hazy from his actions and she shuffled once again, slightly spreading her legs to allow him better access.

Alex had been barely holding his erection back as Gwen kept rubbing herself on his lap as if trying her best to seduce him, “That’s because I also want to accelerate the development of both planets to an extreme extent. Which cannot be done without a significant amount of time,” He said, “Remember our other project? Generating Cosmic Energy through the prosperity and destruction of life? I need that energy. Once we can start collecting it, I should be able to amplify my use of the Time authority by many magnitudes.”

“Ugh!” Gwen groaned just as Alex decided to push her down on the bed and give her what she was so desperately vying for, “So much work. I want a break just thinking about these things.” She just got off of his lap after essentially spending the past ten minutes grinding on him and moved back to the bed, “I’m taking a nap, wake me up in an hour or so.” She wrapped herself in the blanket and closed her eyes, leaving Alex stunned.

“What’s the date today …” He spoke to himself blankly, “I can never keep track of time anymore.”

“Alex, come into bed this instant,” Gwen said poutily, “I’m uncomfortable.”

“Yep, she’s moody again,” Alex mumbled to himself before slipping under the blanket with Gwen before hugging her. He also formed a comfortable set of clothes over her body since she wasn’t as comfortable sleeping naked during her ‘downtime’.

“Mm~” She smiled happily as she pushed her face into his neck, hugging him back and putting one leg on top of him.

‘Should I just take care of it on my terms?’ Alex thought absently as he felt Gwen rubbing herself on him without having any intention of having sex. She was just going through her motions and Alex let her, ‘Not having to go through menstruation regularly should be a lucrative idea … But do I want to alter their bodies in such a way? Not to mention that I’d have to put it back to normal eventually.’

Alex turned to his side and looked at Gwen’s expression which didn’t seem to be fully at peace, but she seemed to have settled down by now and was happily snuggling with him. ’Forget it, they’ll ask me when they decide that it’s too much trouble to spend immortality going through this every month for an entire week …’

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