Master Of None

Chapter 2236: 2236. Dark Herb Planting

Chapter 2236: 2236. Dark Herb Planting

Finding himself enjoying the progress being made, Walker had been moving around Genesis and preparing the areas they needed to clear for the potential mage towers which would connect to the main tower. His efforts in this had been revolving around magic and ensuring that those who worked on the project did not have any issues.

Out of everything that he had done so far, he was finding a great amount of calmness in planting the many herbs that would be related to different elemental manas. It wasn't just that the act was calming, it was that he could take a deeper look in to the flow of elemental manas around herbs.

He was basically meditating while he worked. Not that this was a bad thing. It was similar to what some unique mages did. Alma was one of them. She could only grow the plants she used for combat because she understood them at a deeper level. Hence how Walker Was

considering this job.

Right now, he had made his way in to the darkness dragon territory to plant herbs related to dark mana. Some of which looked nothing like an herb with dark mana affinity at all. But that was nature. It changed and developed in unique ways giving birth to things a normal person couldn't properly explain without researching for a great deal of time.

The herbs that related to dark mana were normally very easy to spot. Specifically those with purple or black colorations. But this one in his hands was deceptive. It appeared to be completely white just like some of the light elemental herbs. Yet, it housed potent dark mana which caused a greater deal of decay than what most people would realize.

'White rot herb

This herb is a very unique form of dark affinity herb that only grows in deep caves. However, it can grow elsewhere with the proper care and consistent dark mana.

The decaying mana is so potent that it causes any nutrients absorbed to become pale and white due to the breaking down of colors. This means that it can also cause the discoloration of the soil and stone around it.

However, it surprisingly leaves behind very well fertilized soil due to the constant breaking down of materials within the soil. In turn, plants and herbs growing around it are much larger.'

Walker didn't even have to read the entire part of the all around appraisal. He was planting this herb because it had been selected to make this small herb garden. He could tell the value of the white rot herb.

It was already helping the concentration of dark mana. That and the curled trap plant which was a carnivorous plant that ate insects. The only downside was the chance of it becoming a proper monster if left to grow out of control. However, there would be utmost care in this herb garden so the chances were very slim.

"I knew you would already be here today." The sound of Mordants' voice wasn't a surprise at all. Especially since Walker knew he had been working in the dark dragon area of the city.

Mordant had been working hard to bring in natural herbs and plants that attracted dark mana. He also had buildings and stone brought in resistant to dark mana so that there would be places for others to stay. People without dark mana affinity would have a comfortable place. This level of care proved a lot about Mordant's goal with his territory. Especially with the fact that he was one of the first and most accepting dragons of change when Walker had approached them. His acceptance easily contributed to the other dragons adapting better. The same could be said for Current. Not that he had been very active lately. His had been a little more reclusive since his adaptation to becoming a water dominator dragon had been a little slower. But that also had been good since he had brought together water elves, merfolk, and his water affinity dragonkin at the same time.

"I thought you would come by at some point. You were a bit more interested in the mage tower expansion than I thought you would be." Trying to make a little conversation with Mordant was easy. Walker had always been comfortable around him. But as they were always so busy they hadn't been able to speak much to one another.

"It's very interesting. If communication rune formations are mixed in around these small mage towers, then I expect life will become much easier." His focus on communication meant that he was interested in whatever that would bring for the Royal dragons and their elders who like to spread out often.

"It will be even more interesting if there is a way to make it all work from here to the Sigil continent. One day maybe even in to the elemental planes. But that could be harder. Lots more dense mana to figure out."

The theory that Walker had was sound but the mana would be the struggle. He could only hope that as the manas became even more balanced that the runes would be able to manage through denser areas of mana. It was something that many of the rune research topics might


"If we manage to communicate across all that water without needing to use a teleportation formation, I would be very glad." Like many others, Mordant had taken an interest in the Sigil continent due to its somewhat unexplored lands.

While the unexplored aspect was due to the rough relationship between the angels over the past years, it still was a fact. There were also herbs and monsters thought to be extinct there. It was enjoyable to explore and rediscover them. The dragons could vastly assist in this.

"I'm sure you heard the news about the rune formations being changed too. Plenty of potential." Walker noticed that Mordant was guiding dark mana around the herbs he had just planted. It would help them take root without issues.

"I was more interested in the changes with herbs. That little red and black here becoming a vibrant purple under the influence of my mana is astounding. I would have never imagined there were plants that changed due to those races not eating them as often. Or not growing them."

To be fair, this was a big deal since there were herbs that tied deeply in to what race was around them or eating them. The simple fact that they had been in a somewhat dormant form was considered amazing enough.

"The next hatchlings born may have a chance to become stronger sooner because of them. There is also the increasing mana density. I would never have imagined I would see things like this in my lifetime."

While anyone else would see this as something very unusual to say for such a long lived race like the dragons, Walker understood. The dragons were set in their ways but upon breaking them, they had broken their perceptions of the world. Even aspects of it that they hadn't realized they set in stone in their minds had been changed.

With Mordants' help, Walker found that the black venom grass, ebony root, and circling vines all began to grow within minutes of planting. It wasn't the same as an herbalist or farmer, but these herbs had all been found to enjoy higher dark mana environments. Along with attracting dark mana more often.

They could both sense the dark mana getting denser in the area of the dark herb garden. It would cause more of the spirit race to gather here naturally. But it would also allow the spirit race to be born from the denser dark mana which would mean a higher chance of a natural dark rune appearing.

If everything went as planned, there would be a large focus on this project as the first small mage towers were built within the herb gardens.

They would house elemental mana knowledge. That would allow there to be better access to knowledge in that area where that mana was more concentrated. Also, the additional fact that teleportation formations would be around the more popular mage towers.

Some people were even considering how the mage towers could expand in to the wilderness. It might create specific areas for monsters to live with focused manas but also allow for

rescue points.

Someone could go to them if there was unexpected trouble while they were outside of the

city. Using the rune formations to communicate their need for assistance or to even teleport themselves would be life saving.

It could change the risk levels of adventurers as a whole. Not to mention travelers and merchants. They would have a higher level of safety than they ever had before. It would take years to achieve, however, the efforts were never going to be a waste.




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