Master Of None

Chapter 2237: 2237. Risky Experiments

Chapter 2237: 2237. Risky Experiments

"So that's where they have been. I thought that they would have been lost somewhere else by now." Gil's words were pretty calm considering he had just run through the city looking for Walker before he had found Onyx and managed to have Omyc help find Walker for him.

"Then I will leave you to whatever you need help with." It wasn't that Onyx didn't want to help, but he knew if he got dragged in to whatever Walker and Gil ended up doing, he would be caught up for hours. Sometimes he could even be pulled in to a few day's worth of events. It was just how Walker worked.

"Thanks again." Gil

Leaping down from the rooftops that Gil had used when moving through the city, he caught the eyes of Walker and mordant. "What brought you here? I thought that you had to scout out the best places to make herb gardens for the forest elf section of Genesis.

"Well, that's the thing, we ran in to something a little odd when it came to the herb gardens." Mordant looked at Walker and then at Gil. he knew that there was clearly more to do than just stay here and finish planting herbs.

"You go ahead, I will finish this. There are a few of my dragonkin that have recently begun training and desire to assist me in this." Mordant pointed out toward a shadow of a tree and four dragonkin wearing thin dark leather armor stepped out.

It was very normal for the youngest dragonkin to want to prove themselves in some way. Whatever way that was, it had to be something that showed they held loyalty for the royal dragon they were born under. Therefore, they had been waiting in the shadows for the chance to assist with anything that might appear.

"Good luck to all of you. Show Mordant what you can do to build the territory the right way." Walker saw a few slight nods. They understood why Mordant trusted Walker and would not hold back when they saw his encouragement. They did remain serious though, definitely a positive mark here.

As Walker began to follow Gil through the air and hopping on to rooftops and then trees, he saw that Gil had been hiding some worry. His face held a very open worry now since he had managed to get away from all the others.

"First off, it wasn't the spirit race that caused an issue while this was happening. There were some mages that decided to boost the mana in the area along with a rune carver. It was inevitable that mistakes would happen."

Looking at the way this might be going, Walker felt that Gil was about to tell him that there were issues with the density of mana in one place. Or even worse, that the runes carved had interrupted the flow of mana for a small area of the forest elves' forest.

"We thought at first that there was a mana flow issue. Making the manas slightly chaotic and also too dense in some places. They made an elemental rune formation that gathered all elemental manas in a place where not every mana was equally represented naturally. So it made a few of the more sensitive elves and echidna uncomfortable."

"From there, I went and found that the guards were blocked by the spirit race and a few elemental spirits that had recently awakened. They won't let anyone come nearby. If anyone tries, even me, they will attack. They just tolerate me more than the others so I was able to tell them that I will have the guards make a perimeter while I got you."

Now Walker understood.

Something had happened that the spirit race and the newborn elemental spirits or those from the elemental planes had sensed. Not that many of the elemental spirits had come to the world. They didn't like the fact that there was not denser mana to keep growing within the world right now.

"Can you sense anything when you get closer?" he was ready to call for Feur if things didn't go well. She had been very busy handling the elemental spirits that were growing and awakening in to full spirit race members.

The fine line between the two was something that came from being part of the world and the changes applicable with the world as it returned to proper flow entirely. Hence why it was hard for people to fully grasp which was which. As such, the learning that the spirit race needed right now was higher and Fleur had fully dedicated herself to doing so while also utilizing the fact that her body was made from natural mana.

"That's just it, nothing feels wrong. It actually feels better than normal. So much so that I can feel like I should be meditating rather than doing anything else when I start to get closer." Now that was odd. Gil would rather work on arrows. Train with his bow. That was all how he meditated compared to the sit and just sense the manas all around him as a mage would. As they began to approach the part of the forest that Gil was talking about, Walker felt a tugging at his senses. Not something bad, but like the mana wanted his attention. He also noticed that there was a line of guards keeping some prying eyes away while the spirit race moved around patrolling and pushing everyone away where the guards did not immediately do so.

When Walker saw this, he made a show of releasing some extra mana and bringing attention to himself. The guards looked to relax visibly while the spirit race moved around him. Those that fully grasped how to properly communicate were trying to get his attention. They also asked if he could bring Fleur here too. However, Walker shook his head before releasing more pressure by manipulating manas.

What he had learned from his time in the elemental planes was that his control over mana had grown above what the elemental spirits and the spirit race could do when they were within the world. Hence how he was able to keep them in check if they were angered or acting erratically. He could push them to snap out of it by pushing the manas around.

"Can all of you calm down?" His eyes were sharp and none of the spirit race present wanted to push back. "Very good, Gil has told me that nothing bad happened, however, I know that some people were doing things they were not supposed to be doing."

After a deep breath, Walker spoke again. "While I know that people are curious to move forward in life and to make a name for themselves, There are lines. I will personally speak with the mages and rune carver that took it in their own hands to experiment here in the herb garden made for the mage tower expansion project."

"Regardless of good things coming from it, they were risking a lot when it comes to the balance of mana within Genesis. That's why I am glad that all of you came when you sensed it. I am unhappy that you acted as guards and forced your way here though. You should understand that one of you should have gone for a leader to speak with instead of letting Gil discover it on his own."

"Now, I will do my best to understand the situation. Please bring me to what is happening and I will evaluate what to do from there. Alright?" Walker saw the faces of the spirit race become serious and firm. They understood that Walker was both disappointed but not throwing their feelings aside. So, they treated him with the same respect he was giving them.

As the spirit race guided him to the herb garden, Walker found that the rune carver and the mages were actually unconscious. They had used all their manas and passed out on the spot. They had also caused the newly planted herbs which represented the first elf people to be


Yet, the herbs had grown where they had been tossed and even become much larger. On top of this, there was a broken rune pattern which had failed working entirely. All the mana brought in by it had been the culprit for the larger growth in the herbs. They had the mana they needed to grow and the soil here was nutritious for them. It was perfect.

But floating above all that in the center, was an odd mix of manas. The elemental manas were pushed together improperly but still somehow formed as one. It felt right in a way. Not wrong at all. But like it was something unfinished because not enough mana had been brought in to


"Let's see what this is with an appraisal first."



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