Chapter 127 CH 123: DREAM AND DEATH

Chapter 127 CH 123: DREAM AND DEATH

Adam watched as the world of dreams and illusions crumbled before him.

Even though he had obtained the so-called Power over dreams, there was no doubt in his mind that he would need a great deal of experience before being able to create something of the caliber of what Asmodeus had created to ensnare his soul.

This was why… There was one last thing he wanted to do.

He focused his mind — Dreams usually connected all of the sea of consciousness into one and there was one dream in particular that interested him.

He started to walk on an intangible path and a door appeared for him before long.

On the other side of the door, he could see a woman weeping in a dark place. There was no mistaking her identity. He recognized her as the woman who had served as Asmodeus's vessel.

He approached her slowly, even though he knew that she could not feel nor see him, and looked at her own dream, or rather nightmare, he still decided to be careful with her. The violence that was done to her was constantly being replayed in her mind, and the cruel loss of her family and friends was also being constantly replayed to intensify her agony.

In a way — This place was worse than hell or perhaps this was what could fall in the criterion of hell, in the first place. There was no real way to know at the moment.

"There is nothing I can do for you in the real world, miss."

The woman had to die. She was carrying the vessel of Asmodeus inside her. Be it from an overall standpoint, because he did not wish to see the advent of a demon prince on earth, or from a personnel standpoint, because he was now mortal enemy with said demon prince, Adam had to the realization long ago that he needed to make sure that this woman died.

He was once again reminded that he was no hero of justice. He did not have the power to save anyone. Only that to kill and destroy.

But… At the very least…

"Let me give you a peaceful dream and a good rest."

He moved his hands and the world started to change. Darkness was swept away and a bright blue sky appeared in exchange.

The memory she was experiencing was being rewritten and in the place where her brother attacked the man, a new scene played as Adam intervened and calmed him down before he could do anything untowardly to the man.

He met her in this newly created dream. Her name was Zoe. She apologized for the rudeness of her brother and the two became close.

They dated, fell in love, entered into a relationship, married, and had many children. Life wasn't perfect. There were some problems along the way but eventually, everything settled down and they were happy.

This world lasted for more than 80 years.

Now, sitting with Zoe at his side.

She gave a smile as she looked up at the starry sky. "I am really happy, you know?"

"Heh. Why the sudden gushing? You aren't a young lady anymore, you know?"

Zoe smirked and placed her feeble and old hand on his.

"Thank you. I guess I got a little greedy toward the end."

Adam stopped smiling and gently grasped the hand that overlapped his, "I guess I am not really good enough yet."


She smiled. She may have been looking old but her smile was still beautiful. "Are you an angel?"

"In this case, I am more like a grim reaper or a simple trickster filled with hypocrisy trying to lighten my guilt."

She shook her head, "Whatever your reasons were… Thank you. Thanks for everything you did."

Her breath grew ragged, "I… What will happen to me after I die?"

Adam grew silent. He did not know about that. He was not privy to the way of heaven. Would she go to heaven or hell or somewhere else?

"Wherever you go… It will be a beautiful place, for a beautiful soul such as yours."


Tears streamed down her face, "Hug me one last time please."

He did as was asked. She was light, very much so. He hugged her tightly against his chest while her breath began to slow down.

"Even though it was a dream… It was really a blissful life."

Her eyes closed, her breath ceased, and slowly her body was reduced to dust until there was nothing left in his arms.

Death in the dream world meant death in reality.

Adam looked up, feeling lost. He had now lived through a lifetime's worth of memories for the third time. All of them were illusions. But unlike the previous two, he had not actively rejected this one. He may have been acting but he also immersed himself in this fake reality in order to give her the greatest happiness possible.

What was a dream when you truly thought about it? What was reality in its truest form? Was there really a difference between the two at one point?

'This power is dangerous.'

Adam sighed and stood up. His firm will allowed him to break free from the confusion that accompanied every illusion master.

'Now… It's time for me to leave.'

 Adam stood up. He had won. He had beaten off a demon prince in his own game. He had killed the Cursed Womb and brought an end to the whole ritual.

But, he felt no joy. Only hollowness and a cold simmering rage which tried to fill the hollowness of his heart. Sadly, he couldn't even let that soothe his weary mind and heart.


His eyes slowly opened and Adam realized that he was now back in the real world.

He first looked at Zoe, in the real world her body was still a stuff of horrors. But her heart had gone still and all signs of life had vanished from her body.

Adam gently placed his hand over her face and closed her eyes.

"May you rest in peace, dear."

Adam did not believe in God. He believed in its existence, he didn't really have a choice in this matter now after all, but he had no faith. He knew once again that his actions were utterly useless. But this did not change his wish.

He stood up and looked around. Taking in the current scene, the girl named Makoto, Natasha in her wolf form, Lilith who was still in Sae's body, and then his eyes finally landed on the red armored figure that was releasing so much heat that it felt like she was born with a vendetta to burn everything down in this world.


He was sure it was her even without using his ocular powers.

"We can talk later. Now, what will you do?"

She lightly moved her hand and threw the now awakened and weakened vampire toward him.


Cecilia knew about his 1st ordeal and the reward he would get from killing this man. But in this instant— no such consideration entered Adam's mind.

All of this was this damn guy's fault.

It was because of him that he had to step into the Supernatural world, making his mother's pain and suffering completely meaningless.

If not for that man, the first dream world he had lived in may have been a possibility rather than a simple fleeting dream.

If not for that man, hundreds of people wouldn't have died in such a meaningless way and would not be condemned to an eternity of pain.

If not for him… Adam would not have to drench his hand in the blood of so many innocents.please visit

If not for him… the innocent Zoe would still be alive.


Adam saw visions of red in his eyes and his mind. Electricity coursed through the air and the vampire was caught up in the air by the usage of his telekinetic powers.

Lightning bloomed and wiped at the man. Adam had finally become able to bring forth electricity by manipulating Electromagnetism but he did not care about that for a single bit.

All he wanted was for the man to feel pain, pain, and even more pain. Endless agony should be his only truth.

Cecilia watched her son in silence. She could see the tears in the corner of his eyes. The rage in his depths and the self-hatred and guilt even more beneath the shell of his being. She could imagine what he must be feeling.

In fact — The whole scene currently felt so familiar to her that it was both hilarious and eerie.

Nearly forty years ago, she stood in Adam's place and Musashi stood in hers. She had always wondered why the old man did what he did, why he gave a choice to the two young girls who had witnessed the death of their parents.

She understood now.


She brought her sword by the handle and gave it to him. She was the only one who could use Surtr's divine power. But even in its base form, it was still a Divine Weapon that could kill creatures of the night.

Adam took a hold of the weapon, the blade features immediately all vanished and the sword looked more like an ordinary greatsword.

He approached the man— the vampire called Richard. Adam's lightning had not been very strong. But it was enough to sear the armor that was coated over his body and bring him true pain. Furthermore, its wounds were healing rather slowly because of Cecilia's fire reducing its healing factor.

"You talked about humanity or whatever bullshit that you were spouting. Claiming that all of those were necessary sacrifices or some horse shit. I just want you to know. Everything you did was meaningless. I want you to feel our pain and anguished for yourself."

Adam's eyes began to glow as their gaze crossed and he placed a hand on the monster's hand.


Adam leaked a groan. Now that he was doing it alone, it was far more difficult. He initially wished to enter the dream of the man and obtain some information but this proved to be useless.

So all Adam did was simple. He pushed in his pain.

The memory of the hundreds of deaths he had to go through. The feelings of fear and confusion that constantly plagued his mind. The guilt and constant worry that constantly killed him from the inside.

He imagined the most vicious nightmares possible.

All of his visions, all of his feelings, he pushed all of them inside the sick motherfucker.

Richard's jaw was broken so he could not speak. But one only needed to look at this body to imagine how much pain he was feeling right now.

It was only then that Adam felt satisfied enough and finally plunged the sword deep into its chest.

The result was immediate…. It was instant death.

'Now with this, everything is finished.'

Adam slumped on the ground, feeling light-headed.

The book of Genesis flew above him and reminded him of his achievements.

『 The 1st ordeal has been completed.

Reward: 1 free pass to the Bronze section of the Nexus.

Additional reward: 200 karma for making your enemy feel fear and despair in his last moments. 』

『 Epic Ordeal — Path of the Black knight has been completed.

Reward: 10000 Karma + 1 free pass for the silver section of the Library. 』

『 You killed a total of 112 people. 』

『 Additional reward:

2240 Karma for Killing 112 People in total

550 Karma for making all demons feel fear

50 Karma for making Zoe Baker feel love

300 Karma for making Zoe Baker feel faith 』

『 Total Karma Gained: 13340. 』

『 Current Total Karma: 13400. 』

This should have been it. But… The book was not finished yet.

Adam felt a surging pain burn his heart and his forehead felt hot and hurting, as if molten lava was being splashed on top of his head, melting it whole.


Even for him, it was an unimaginable amount of pain.

『 For the first time, you have killed, not for survival or necessity but from a simple desire for revenge. 』

『 The curse of Cain reacts to the senseless murder and awakens the Stigma of the Immortal. 』

『 A new skill is generated. 』

『 Name: Death [1]

Rank: EX

Description: For you who can never face death, you obtained the power to bring death to others. The power to bring death even to the immortals. This was previously the Unique Skill bestowed to Cain as the Harbinger of Death. As his true son, this skill is now yours as well. 』

『 Warning: If immortals discover you have this power, your relationship with all of them may immediately turn hostile. 』

Adam was unable to look at all the messages that followed. The pain was simply too much for him to bear.

As such — He fainted on the spot.

This day was indeed one he would never be able to forget, even if he did not have a perfect memory.

[1]: Like The World and The Magician, Death is also one of the Major Arcana.

Basically it's

I- The Magician

XIII- Death

XXI- The World.

Yeah the Major Arcana are going to be a Major theme of the story. Bad pun. I know.

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