Chapter 128 CH 124: REACTION


A mysterious meeting was taking place in a place that was recorded on no map.

Standing in the middle of a large conference room, a woman was observing the footage running on a big screen, and all around her, blurry holographic figures were doing the same in absolute silence.

The footage showed the fight between Adam and co against Richard from the perspective of the monster in the skin of a man.

The woman had a voluptuous figure, mesmerizing brown caramel colored skin, and was donned in a short black skirt, a white shirt, and an equally white lab coat over her shirt that covered her body but could do nothing to cover the curves of her sinful body.

Her face was covered with a featureless black mask on which the number 10 was engraved in the blood red color, giving an eerie touch to the otherwise luscious appearance of the woman.

Thanks to the mask, it was impossible to discern her expressions. Like a doll, she stood unmoving and if one did not look closely, one would not even feel that her chest was moving, making one have the impression that she was not even breathing.

But as the fight went on, while her reactions stayed stoic, those of the others became more and more pronounced, and finally, when the figure clad in a scarlet red armor and a flaming chainsaw blade appeared, audible gasps, and curses could be heard all around the wide conference room as they watched how the last intruder absolutely crushed the experimental subject that should have been able to fight a literal Director as an equal even if only for a limited amount of time.

When the footage finally ended with the death of Richard, silence completely lapsed in the room once again.

"Very well. This is the end of the experiment. Your thoughts?"


One of the figures couldn't help but scream, "You ask for our thoughts!? Did we not watch the same thing there!? We invested in a way to bring humans' evolution to the next step. I was already leery about having him fighting a Director. But what the hell was that!? Rape? Murder? Demonic summoning!?"

The last one came more as a shrill scream than anything. But even so, no one berated him for that.

Another of the figure spoke out after the outburst of the hysteric figure, "My friend may have been a little agitated in speaking like that, but I believe that the concerns he raised are more than valid. This matter went beyond what we were told and now that the summoning of a Demon and a Zodiac are part of this matter, we believe you owe us an explanation."

The woman stood calmly and listened to them berate her one after another. Her mind was calm like a still lake.

She knew very well that those people had no care about the means she had used. Without a shadow of a doubt in her mind, all the people gathered here were, in more ways than that was imaginable, even more horrible than the vilest of Demons.

In the end, those were nothing but the barks of bereaved dogs trying to find someone to throw the fault of this failure on.

She was clearly the easy target in their opinion.

"I sent all of you a special file. I believe that after you read it, the next meeting will be more agreeable between us."

She did not wait for them to answer and cut the communication that was connecting the individuals with her. Plunging the room into the dark completely until the screen was switched on once again.

She rewatched everything from the start. One time, two times, again, and again for hours on end. Alone, silently, like a machine. A doll with its sole purpose being the analysis of every single detail of the footage.

She would sometime pause and think of some things, rewind, or even accelerate… For everyone else seeing the scene, what would attract their attention would be the second group of intruders or more prominently the final one— the supposed Zodiac.

It was normal. After all, unlike the first group, the rest had been able to do a lot more and bring more depth into the fight. But for her, it was the first two individuals that created the most amount of mystery and intrigue in her mind.

"I cannot remember."

She noticed this after watching for the 100th time. No matter what she did, no matter how she tried, she would subconsciously try to not look at the girl that was wearing the bikini set. Trying to remember her face was pointless as well.

Obviously, this was not something possible with the advancement of technology. "Another godly entity was involved in the fight?"

She mused quietly as she took her notebook and began to scribble down. Asmodeus was a Prince of Hell, and the number of godly entities who would dare to face him was not incredibly high.

The number of those who would actually have a reason to do so was even lower and no matter how she looked, she did not think this person was related to Heaven or those gods on the side of the 'Good' and holy as they claimed to belong to.

This means a god with a neutral or evil alignment intervened in the fight.

"Another Prince of Hell? Or a demon who wants to steal 'His' authority?"

She was meticulous in not pronouncing His name. After all, at that level, they could feel it every time someone used their true name with the explicit knowledge of their existence. While they would generally simply ignore it, she did not want to take any risk in this subject. Surely after this debacle, Asmodeus would have a bone to pick with them.

She continued to scribble and narrowed it down to a few names, focusing on the Demonic beings' side.

Asmodeus had many authorities. Dream, Lust, Probability Manipulation, and even Architecture was added to the list of his authorities along with many minor ones.

She circled the word Lust and Dream as only those were the major authorities and worth the risk of offending this malevolent being.

In the end, she was able to narrow it down to four entities that were the most likely culprit in this matter.

"The four angels of prostitution?" [1]

She stopped and frowned beneath her mask, almost making it appear above due to the intensity of her emotions. Those were the most likely candidates and were all related to Dreams and Lust.

She did not write their names, however.

Lilith, Naamah, Agrat Bat Mahlat, and Eisheth Zenunim.

The four women who were once chosen by the Supreme Deity to join with Prime Adam, but refused those orders and fell into hell with Samael.

The voluptuous scientist mused slightly and erased Agrat Bat Mahlat from her mind. In some records of the Kabbalah she was recognized as the mother of Asmodeus and King David. [2]

She hesitated a little before erasing Lilith's name as well. Lilith was considered to be Asmodeus' wife and they had created the second generation of demonic children together. [3]

'No… I am in too much of a hurry.'

She calmed down and decided to think about it later.

Her attention finally focused on the second one that had intrigued her the most.

He was undoubtedly a Human, without a shadow of a doubt.


"He died?"

They weren't just able to monitor Richard's vision, but all his senses as well as, undoubtedly from his point of view, the black haired boy had died when he was pierced by the attack.

Furthermore, he had his eardrums burst previously by the sound attack.

If so… How come he was completely healthy and well a few moments later.

'A warlock?'

She cropped out the picture of all the people she could recognize and sent them to the database.

She could already recognize the armored woman. Even if her face was hidden, even if more than twenty years went past, Legends like her could hardly be forgotten.

"Tell the hounds in LA to retire temporarily."

The experience itself was a failure but the data they had retrieved were extremely precious.

She pointed at the holographic map and the yellow zone that represented LA became entirely dyed in red.

She then looked at the map of Las Vegas. A large patch of mixed green and yellow covered the map.

She was not in charge of the plan in that place but she knew they needed to take careful steps after the current failure.

It was time to eliminate one of the greatest stumbling blocks on their path.

A cross mark appeared on a gray wolf that was in the yellow area.

They would start with him.

[1] The Four Angels of Prostitution or Four Demons of Prostitution. The fact is, for many they are simply considered to be a different aspect of Lilith. This was pretty common back then. For example, there are two versions of Aphrodite worshiped in Ancient Greece. One version is a god of war and victory more akin to the Queen of Heavens. Her name is Aphrodite Urania since she is the daughter of Uranus— and the second is the goddess of Love and Sex. Aphrodite Pandemos daughter of Zeus and Dione.

So those four demons/angels of prostitution are basically all Lilith. Their origin is extremely similar, and they are all wives of Samael or had demon children from Adam. But since they are interesting I decided to keep them as separate entities.

[2] Linked to [1]. This is the reason why I decided to keep them as separate entities.

[3]: Basically, depending on the version Lilith first had children from Adam or Samael. Those children were called Lilim; they were all Succubi. Then she had children with Asmodeus. Those children were Incubi, weaker than the Succubi.

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