Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 165: Gayoon's Story (1)

Chapter 165: Gayoon's Story (1)

"Jeon Gayoon!"

The teacher's stern voice startled the seventeen year old Gayoon and she snapped out of her apparent daydreaming. The other students were also staring at her as she sheepishly stood up, facing the teacher.

"Care to explain what you were staring at?" the teacher asked angrily. Gayoon trembled but did not dare to say anything. Jaewan was at the backseat, frowning at her. She looked visibly scared and he noticed that she was glancing constantly at the window. He followed her gaze and there was nothing there except for the blazing sunshine entering through it.

But her silence only angered the teacher. Gayoon whimpered, not daring to say anything.

"Tell us, Jeon Gayoon!" he barked at her. "Is my lecture that boring? Are you not happy in this class? Or do you want to leave?"

"I" she trailed off. She could not find her voice and was very afraid. The teacher mistook her silence as insolence and the other students were snickering at her state.

"Freak," a pretty girl at the front muttered, making sure that Gayoon heard her clearly. 

"Detention for you, Jeon Gayoon!" the teacher spat at her. Gayoon winced. Detention?

"Sir, I'm really sorry!" she said quickly. "I'll pay more attention in class but please don't give me detention!"

"No more excuses!" the teacher yelled at her. "I've had enough of your bad attitude. Orphans like you lose track of right and wrong! You're going astray and if you weren't a good student, this school would have thrown you out a long time ago! After all the false claims and accusations you made over the years, I'm surprised the board is still keeping you here!"

He looked at her in a way as if he was repulsed by her. A few months ago, Gayoon had warned him not to pass through the rose garden in the school premises and he had scoffed at her. When he passed by the garden to reach his car, he slipped on the ground and fell, breaking his hip. 

What shocked him was that the ground was rough and there were slippery places on it. It was as if someone had grabbed his foot while he walked by. He had also heard rumors of this strange girl's predictions and she was an outcast. The teachers were afraid of her and students shooed her away from them because her ominous words used to come true. It was like she was a curse.

"You will serve detention today and if you keep on protesting, I'll put you in detention for the rest of the month!" he threatened her.

The threat worked because Gayoon was even more scared now. She did not want to stay in the detention room for the whole month but the teacher was forcing her to stay there after school. The room was the last place she wanted to be but she had no choice.

Suddenly, a paper ball came flying at the teacher and hit his head. The teacher turned around in shock to see Jaewan smirking at him. 

"W-what?" he spluttered. 

Jaewan looked bored as he said, "Oops! My hand slipped. Sorry."

The teacher was enraged and declared, "Detention for you, Ahn!"

Jaewan shrugged while Gayoon looked a little relieved. At least she would have someone to accompany her during detention. She gave him a small smile and he nodded. 

"Go to your seat, Jeon!" the teacher ordered her. She nodded and slowly walked towards her seat. As she sat down, she glanced at the window one last time.

Outside the window was a pearly apparition, scratching the window pane. It was a woman with long, black hair and a long oval face. Her pale white skin was glittering under the scorching sun as she looked inside the classroom. But she was not really looking.

Her sockets were completely empty and black liquid was dripping from them as she tried to understand who among the students was able to see her. The woman could tell that there was a seer amongst them but she could not figure out who it was.

Gayoon stared at the woman in fright but quickly averted her gaze, trying to focus on the lesson while her heart was beating fast. The teacher had his back to them as he explained the lesson so one of the students threw a paper ball at Gayoon. She picked it up from the floor. 

In it, was one word written in bold. 


She tucked the paper away and focused on the lesson while Jaewan stared at her back. He glanced at the window where she had been staring but saw nothing. After their encounter on his first day at school, he had been carefully observing the girl. Everyone at school picked on her because she was an orphan who lived with her grandmother. 

But there were some disturbing rumors about her. A lot of people whispered that she was cursed and could bring bad luck to people. Many students were hurt because of her after she warned them of dangers, but they ignored her and only bullied the girl. However, all her predictions came true and instead of following her advice, people were scared of her.

Gayoon lowered her head, doing her work in peace while dreading the impending detention. The woman at the window was one of the many ghosts who haunted that building and the detention room was one of her favorite spots. She did not want to go in the same room as that woman because the ghost looked so scary. 

Moreover, the woman even injured one of the students at school by pushing her off the roof. Luckily, the girl held on to the pipe and managed to save herself. Gayoon had seen it all and tried to warn the girl from not going to the roof but the girl only spread rumors that Gayoon was the one who pushed her. After that, she was also labeled as a crazy psycho.

She sighed and counted the minutes until the class ended. At least Jaewan would stay with her so she would not be completely alone. After a few minutes, the bell rang, indicating the end of the lesson and the teacher left. Gayoon was packing her bag, preparing for the art class when someone walked up to her.


She looked up to see Park Seungjo, a scrawny looking boy who was in the same class as them. 

"What is it, Seungjo?" she asked curiously. 

"T-this is for you!" he exclaimed, handing her a paper. Gayoon was about to open her mouth to refuse when a snide voice came from behind them.

"Well well well!"

A tall, muscular boy with blonde hair came towards them with a sneer on his face. His arm was around the pretty brunette who had called Gayoon a freak moments ago.

"What do we have here?" he snickered. "A love story?"

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