Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 166: Gayoon's Story (2)

Chapter 166: Gayoon's Story (2)

Gayoon and Seungjo froze as Jung Yoo walked towards them with a sinister smile on his face. He had three other cronies, Park Seohyun, Kim Mingjae and Shin Woohyun, who used to do his bidding. All of them were part of the football team with Yoo as their star player. They were extremely popular for their looks and talent but also feared. Their antics were notorious for being extreme and their favorite pastime was to bully other students.

Yoo's girlfriend Shim Minjung was also the most popular girl in the school. She was the captain of the cheerleading team and a classic beauty with her petite figure and brunette hair. As Yoo's girlfriend, she ran the school and was also one of the girls who made Gayoon's life a literal hell. She looked at the cursed girl with disdain as if she was smelling something bad.

"What do we have here?" Yoo sneered and before Seungjo could react, he pulled the paper from the latter's hands to open it.

"Give that back!" Seungjo protested but Yoo was not listening.

"What's this?" Yoo frowned. "It's a sketch!"

It was a sketch of Gayoon, sleeping in the library. She was shocked to see that Seungjo had drawn it with such details, feeling it was a violation of her privacy. But Seungjo was flushed with embarrassment and leapt forward to take it back but Yoo was too tall for him.

"Looks like Skinny here has a thing for the Cursed one here!" he said it loudly for everyone to hear. The whole class was laughing as Seungjo tried to snatch the sketch back.

"They do make a good couple!" Minjung piped in. "Two freaks together. What a match made in heaven!"

Gayoon clenched her fists in anger. "And you two belong together," she said out loud. "Two dumb dumbs who could barely say the alphabets."

It was widely known that Yoo and Minjung were terrible students. They mostly failed and managed to stay in school thanks to their parents' connections. Minjung was furious at Gayoon while Yoo stepped towards her and grabbed her by the throat.

Gayoon tried to fight him off but she was too weak against his brute strength. The rest of the class watched, cheering for Yoo as he throttled Gayoon. No one cared for her, watching her choke. She scratched his hands, trying to make him let go of her but it barely made any difference to him.

"You need to be taught a lesson," he said in a menacing voice. "Your cursed predictions caused Seohyun to almost lose an eye!"

He was referring to the time when Gayoon had tried to warn Seohyun against playing at one of the football games. She had seen the ghost of a girl haunting the field. Whenever she got the chance, the ghost would swoop in between the games to kick the ball in the face of a player to try and hurt them. That night, she had chosen Seohyun as her target and despite Gayoon's repeated warnings, the team ignored her.

As a result, the ghost kicked the ball to Seohyun's face, almost crushing his face. He was lucky that she could not hit him hard otherwise he would have lost his eye. Since then, Yoo and his gang had been tormenting Gayoon because they thought she had cursed them.

Gayoon was almost losing consciousness when suddenly, someone stepped forward and began to spray something on the face of Yoo and his gang.

"What the hell-" Yoo began to curse but Jaewan kept on spraying the bottle on them with a bored expression. The bullies were irritated as the liquid slightly burned their eyes, causing them to yell in pain. In the haste, Yoo dropped the picture on the ground which Seungjo immediately picked up.

"What the hell are you doing?" Mingjae yelled.

"Make him stop!" Minjung whined, closing her eyes.

"Jaewan have you gone nuts?" Yoo screamed. "What are you doing?"

"Cleaning," Jaewan simply stated and continued to spray on them. "This classroom is too dirty so I'm getting rid of all the germs. This is a special formula I made by myself. Contains ammonia, bleach and chlorinators. Very effective for cleaning even the toughest spots!"

Gayoon was panting for breath while Seungjo attempted to lift her from the ground. But she squirmed away from his touch, making him back off. The bullies were yelling in pain as Jaewan kept on using his special formula on them. The other students laughed at Jaewan's actions while Yoo was enraged.

"I'll get you for this!" he swore. Jaewan stopped spraying at them and stepped closer. Unfortunately for Yoo, Jaewan was taller and more muscular than him. Moreover, Jaewan came from a wealthy family so they could not dare to anger him.

"Get out of here otherwise I'll use my broom to clean up this classroom," he threatened. Then he paused and added, "Which means I'll hit you guys with my broom. Now get out of here!"

Yoo glared at him and grabbed Minjung's hand. She was still rubbing the chemicals from her eyes when Yoo pulled her away followed by his cronies. Jaewan turned and stooped down to help Gayoon who was still wheezing. Seungjo watched them as Jaewan attempted to help Gayoon. His hands were clenched into a fist, crumpling the picture of Gayoon's.

"Are you alright?" Jaewan asked.

"I'm fine," she assured him. He noticed that she looked angrily at Seungjo and knew that she was not amused by that picture. After all, Jeon Gayoon was fiercely protective of her privacy and loathed it when people tried to interfere in her personal life. Bullies might annoy her but people like Seungjo equally irritated her and she made a point to stay away from such people.

Seungjo, stood there...glaring. Behind his spectacles was a rage which Gayoon had instantly noticed. She went up to him, displeased by his actions.

"That picture you drew," she began. "When did you draw it?"

"I saw you were sleeping in the library," he said. "There was no one in there so I...I drew it. You looked so beautiful that I couldn't resist!"

There was a strange glee in his voice. He clearly had no idea of what he did and Gayoon was uncomfortable by his actions.

"I don't know what you were thinking," she said in a calm tone. "But drawing my picture without my permission was wrong. It's even considered to be a crime. I'm letting you go this time with a warning but next time, don't pull this sort of stunt again."

Her voice was gentle yet behind her calm demeanor was a fierce threat. She would not let anyone violate her privacy like that. There were already millions of ghosts waiting to pounce on her and she was already sick of them. They were bad enough and now humans were also stalking her? All she wanted was a break from it all!

Seungjo looked embarrassed and Gayoon turned around to tell Jaewan, "Let's go from here, oppa."

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