Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 229: World of the Dead (21)

Chapter 229: World of the Dead (21)

Gayoon was shocked at the revelation. Minjung broke into tears, hiding her face as she cried. The past few weeks were an unending nightmare for her and she did not know how to get out of this. Her parents forbade her from meeting Yoo but they did not know of her state yet. But she would not be able to hide it from them for long.

"You must tell your parents," Gayoon asserted but Minjung shook her head.

"No!" she said. "My parents can't know! My dad just had surgery on his heart last year. If he finds out and gets a heart attack, he'll die! I can't let this happen!"

Gayoon bit her lip, worried about what to do. She had no idea on this matter and was completely unsure of what to do. Minjung might be an adult but most doctors in the country were reluctant to perform abortions on young mothers due to the risks associated with it. Moreover, the procedure might worsen her state.

"We'll have to do something!" Gayoon said. "Tell an adult! Otherwise, we won't be able to do anything-"

"I'm not telling anyone else!" Minjung cried. "And you better not tell others!"

The last part was a threat. She was unhinged and paranoid to the point that she found it impossible to trust anyone. 

"Minjung, I'm only trying to help you," Gayoon said calmly.

"You can't," Minjung said in a sad tone. "No one can. Just don't tell anyone. I'll try to figure out what to do with it. But until then, do not talk about this."

Gayoon nodded her head. "But you need to make a decision soon," she warned. "Because the more you delay making a decision, the riskier your health will become. Until then, try to follow all the health precautions for pregnancy."

Minjung scoffed. She would rather do the opposite only to get rid of the satanic spawn in her. Getting to her feet, she added, "I'm not returning to school for a while. But I'll stay in touch with you."

She flashed a rare and sincere smile at Gayoon. The latter smiled back and watched Minjung leave. She was about to wave her goodbye but her hand froze midway. Her eyes fell on the pale figure which had appeared next to Minjung. It smiled at Gayoon, the nerdy face hiding the twisted mind beneath.

Did he hear everything? Gayoon was now panicking. What if he tried to harm Minjung? 

Seungjo was creepily smiling at her and then glanced at Minjung who was only a few meters away. She was standing on the pavement, ready to cross the road towards her car. The traffic light flashes green and cars were passing by at full speed.

A large red truck was coming nearer. Minjung was busy checking her phone and glanced up. The light was still red so she did not cross. Gayoon watched from her to the pale ghost which was going towards Minjung. 

Seungjo mocked Gayoon as he stood behind Minjung. She shivered a little at the sudden coldness which crept in and hugged her jacket closer. Seungjo looked from her to the truck which was now heading their way. Raising his hand, he was almost touching her back

Minjung felt a sudden jerk and yelped. The truck sped past her.

"What the-" 

She looked around to see that Gayoon was panting heavily beside her. The latter had pulled her backwards.

"What happened?" Minjung asked in shock. "Why did you pull me like that?"

"I" Gayoon began, trying to think of a lie. Behind her, Seungjo cackled and made a face at her. He was enjoying the torment he inflicted on both the girls and his menacing smile was flashing in front of her eyes. Gayoon tried to ignore him.

"I just wanted to say that you shouldn't leave school," she hastily said. "The more you stay away from people, the more depressed you'll be! I think you should return to school."

"I can't," Minjung said. "Not where I was assaulted and killed a person. The school is gonna give me terrifying nightmares and I don't think I can take it anymore."

She touched Gayoon's cheek and said, "I really can't go back, Gayoon. My parents will be furious at me but I'm gonna transfer out. I can't stay there."

Gayoon did not argue further but thankfully, Seungjo had disappeared from sight. She did not know where he went but as long as he was far away from Minjung, it was fine with her. Minjung merely frowned and hailed a cab to go home. Gayoon sent her off, waving at her until the cab was out of sight.

Seungjo had heard their conversation and was no more vengeful than ever. What he did so far was only a teaser. There was more to come.

Gayoon took a deep breath and began to walk towards her house. The clouds were gloomily hovering above her as she headed up the hill, lost in her thoughts. 

Minjung's revelation was ringing in her ears. She did not know much about being a mother but was it alright for Minjung to get rid of that child? Gayoon never had a mother and her father was absent so she did not know what parental love was like. The closest people to her were her grandma and her ahjusshi who tried their best to make sure that she never lacked anything.

So at that moment, she had no idea what was right or wrong. Should Minjung abort the baby which was the result of a demon's evil deed? Or should she stop blaming the unborn baby for a sin it had no idea about.

Rain began to pour down heavily, drenching her. Gayoon did not care but let herself get wet as she kept on repeating what Minjung had told her. For the first time, she was confused about what to do. Minjung needed help and guidance from an adult but if Gayoon revealed the truth, then it would ruin the former's life. The dilemma was beginning to irritate Gayoon and she was frustrated at what to do.

And the bloody ghost was making it even worse.


The whisper in her ears startled her and she jumped back on the road. Headlights flashed at her and Gayoon barely had any time to leap away from the car which sped towards her. She raised her hands in reflex, ready for the impact.

The car screeched and halted in front of her. The lights were too bright for her to see anything clearly but there were shadows of two people in the car.


Minho was texting an important client, Shin Hyunmin while traveling to his hotel. He had gone through a proposal regarding a land in Town C which he was interested to buy. 

The land was situated right next to an intersection which led to the main business hub while the other road led to the port. It was the perfect land for him to build his new office on and there were other bidders who were eyeing it. Minho hated to lose and he was trying to draft a long message, detailing why his company deserved the land.

"Jang, how much further?" he asked the chauffeur who was driving the car. "We need to head out for that stupid Kanji's party tonight."

"The traffic is heavy, sir," Jang stated. "Once I make it to the corner, I can turn right and speed up. The GPS says the road there is clear."

"Step on it," Minho said, still drafting the mail. Jang nodded and as soon as the traffic cleared, he took the right turn. The speed of the car increased but Minho was absorbed in his text without any sense of what was going on.

Jang did not want to drive so fast in the heavy rain. He turned on the wipers to clear off the water on the wind shield but the rain was pouring continuously, making it hard for him to see ahead. 

"Speed it up, Jang!" Minho ordered, not taking his eye off the phone. 

"Yes sir," Jang squeaked and stepped on the pedal. The car was driving faster than usual, hurrying towards its destination. Jang tried to be as careful as possible but the darn rain was making it difficult.

Suddenly, a figure jumped in front of the car. Jang yelled and hit the brake hard.

Thankfully, the car had an auto sensor which stopped as soon as it sensed the person who jumped in front of the car. Minho almost fell forward due to the impact. The mail he had drafted got deleted and instead, his phone's autocorrect option wrote the word 'No' on the email body and sent the mail.

"Shit!" Minho cursed as he desperately tried to stop the message from being sent. But it was too late. The mail was sent.

"WHO THE BLOODY HELL FELL IN FRONT OF MY CAR?" he yelled. Jang was scared of Vesudas' temper and only god could save the person who had dared to jump in front of Hwang Minho's car. 

"It looks like a high school student, sir," Jang said. It was raining a lot so the face was not clear but it was definitely a girl. 

Gayoon was terrified and she sprinted off as fast as she could away from the ghost which was stalking her. As she passed by the car, Minho's annoyed eyes momentarily fell on her. He caught a brief glimpse of that petrified girl and before he could yell at her, she disappeared.

Just then, his phone rang up. It was his client, Hyunmin.

"Mr. Shin," he greeted, answering the phone. "That mail-"

"You're lucky, Mr. Hwang," Shin said from the other end. "For rejecting that land!"

Minho frowned. "Why?" he asked. "What happened?"

"The broker who sold us the land is a conman!" Shin revealed. "It belongs to a man named Min Chang who's currently in Country A. The original owner has no idea about his land being sold to us and has filed a lawsuit against us! We're trying to track down the conman to prove our innocence but we can't find him. It's a good thing you refused. Otherwise, you'd have fallen into this mess as well."

Minho did a calculation in his head. The strange high schooler had saved him at least fifty million dollars which included the land cost and the subsequent lawsuit.

"My money was saved," he mused. "Guess my luck is always in my favor."

Smiling a little, he briefly glanced back at the alley where the girl had disappeared. 

"Shall we go to the hotel, sir?" Jang asked.

"Yeah," Minho said, tearing his eyes away from the alley. "Let's go."

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