Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 230: World of the Dead (22)

Chapter 230: World of the Dead (22)


Seohyun threw his glass angrily on the floor, smashing it while Woohyun looked grim. The club around them was alive with music as the patrons danced their hearts out. A disco light was rotating above them, reflecting colorful lights while the circular dance floor was sparkling. There was a DJ's podium in the middle where the DJ was playing the latest tracks.

Seohyun and Woohyun were at The Moose, a bar which was popular among the young adults in the vicinity. Even though they were adults, they were still under the age of the legal age of drinking so they used fake ID cards to enter the place. Since they were regular customers, the staff did not question them, assuming that they were college freshmen. They were at the bar, fuming at the events which had transpired.

"They took Yoo away!" Seohyun growled, clenching his fists together. "That too for hit and run! He couldn't even drive!"

"The police found his fingerprints on the wheel and his DNA inside the car," Woohyun pointed out. "He was caught a few meters from the scene."

"But How did he learn to drive in one night?" Seohyun asked hotly. Woohyun had no answer to that. 

They had watched helplessly as their friend was carried away by the police. Yoo tried to fight off his captors but they hit him and threw him into jail. Even his parents had disowned him. They had just gotten him out of the Seungjo murder case and he got himself tangled up in another crime. Hence, he was cut out from the family.

"Someone is plotting this," Seohyun stated. "There's no other explanation."

"Are you saying that...Minjung planned it all?"

"Who else could have done it?" Seohyun claimed. "That button found with Seungjo was Minjung's! Both of us know that! If it wasn't for Yoo, we would have told the truth a long time ago! But he stopped us."

Then it suddenly hit him. "Yoo went to Minjung's house that day!" Seohyun realized. "Didn't he?"

"Yeah" Woohyun said slowly. "Are you saying that something happened there and Yoo went off to drive on his own? That Minjung was related to his inexplicable actions?"

"I'm saying that Minjung knows more than she's letting us believe," Seohyun said. "She's the key to everything."

"Then we should head there," Woohyun said. "Force her to talk. She can't get away with this!"

"Let's go," Seohyun agreed, standing up. They paid the bills for their drinks and headed off. Getting into Seohyun's car, he revved up the engine. 

The rain had stopped but the road was still wet. Darkness had set in and it was probably past 10 PM at night. They did not know how long they had been at the bar since they lost track of time but now, they were in a hurry.

"Will she answer the door?" Woohyun wondered.

"Her parents aren't home," Seohyun said. "She'll be alone. If needed, we'll break in. She must answer us. Why was she absent all this time and why did she let Yoo get the blame? Her actions have been very suspicious lately."

Woohyun nodded and looked ahead. The road was too dark and strangely secluded which made him frown. Usually there was a decent amount of traffic on that particular road so it was strange to see it so empty.

"Seohyun, don't you think this road is a bit too quiet tonight?" Woohyun opined.

"Who cares?" Seohyun scoffed, stepping on the accelerator. "We have bigger things to worry about."

Woohyun pursed his lips and sat back but he felt a little nervous. It was unlike him to feel that way and he was not even much of an intuitive person. But at that moment, his gut instincts were acting up, urging him to turn back. It was pitch black around them and he doubted that Seohyun could even see the route they were on.

"Soehyun, I don't think we're on the right track," he murmured as Seohyun took a right turn.

"Nonsense!" Seohyun scoffed. "We used this route just a few hours ago! And now you're saying we're on the wrong track?"

"I really think we shouldn't go through this road," Woohyun said, an inexplicable dread rising in his heart. Something was wrong and he could feel it. The whole atmosphere was too eerie and he felt as if someone was watching them. He glanced behind them but there was no one. There were no cars around and the increasing silence only bothered him more.

"Woohyun, relax," Seohyun told him. "We have bigger things to worry about. Minjung is getting away with murder! We must expose her."

"Yes, but can't we do it in the morning?" 

"No! The more we delay, the higher the chances are that she would run away. We can't let that happen."

Woohyun sighed and decided to give up persuading Seohyun. There was a glimmer in his eyes and it was obvious that he was obsessed with punishing Minjung for her alleged role in Yoo's imprisonment. They drove on in silence, amidst the darkness which was only deepening.

"I can't see anything!" Seohyun complained after a while. He was sure that the path was correct and yet, he could not see a single soul. The whole road seemed to be stretching further and further without any end. They should have reached Minjung's house over an hour ago and yet, it feels as if they had not moved from their spot at all.

"I'm telling you, we're lost!" Woohyun argued.

"We're not los-AHHHHHHH!"

Seohyun suddenly swerved the car around, causing it to spin out of control. Both of them yelled as the car spun and spun before Seohyun managed to hit the brakes. The car stopped and its riders were panting hard.

"What the hell are you doing?" Woohyun yelled at him but Seohyun was as white as a sheet.

"I-I" he stammered but words would not come out of his mouth. He was staring at the rearview mirror in fear as if he had seen something at it.

"What happened?"

"I saw someone!" Seohyun whimpered, pointing at the back. "I saw him! I saw his face!"

Woohyun turned around but there was no one there. Seohyun was terrified at what he saw. Was he imagining things? He was sure that he saw Seungjo in the mirror, staring right at him. There was no way Seohyun would be mistaken about that nerdy and specky guy with weird obsessions.

"There's no one there," Woohyun said sharply but Seohyun was still shaking and pointing at the mirror. Woohyun glanced at it and still found no one in it.

"I told you there's no one else but us-" 

His words froze midway as his eyes fell on something in front of the car. Seohyun followed his gaze and shrieked like a coward.

Standing in front of the car was Park Seungjo. He was flashing a creepy smile at them as he slowly climbed the bonnet of the car.

"WHAT IS THIS?" Seohyun screamed in panic. He tried to open the car's door but to his horror, the door would not open. Woohyun was kicking at the window but it would not break. Seungjo or whatever it was, gradually came towards them with that manic smile still etched on its lips. He looked like a predator on the hunt for prey and the two sitting in the car were his perfect meal.

"We need to get outta here!" Woohyun shouted. "Start the engine and shake him off!" 

Seohyun yelped and tried to start the engine but it was dead.

"SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!" he cursed. "This thing is dead!"

"Use something to break the window!" Woohyun shouted. Seohyun threw his mobile phone at the window in an attempt to break it but the phone bounced back. It was as if the car was immune to any such attack and had a protection casing over it. They were unable to open the doors nor smash the windows open.

The strange pale creature which looked like Seungjo was now staring at them through the front window, enjoying their reactions. The glee on his face was apparent as he tortured his victims just like the way they had tormented him.

He watched as the two bullies screamed for help, banging on the doors and windows for help. They were wrecked by the appearance of the ghost, trying to remember every prayer they could to get rid of him. Their past mistakes were about to catch up with them and the consequences would be deadly.

"Tsk tsk!" Seungjo scoffed. "I thought you two would be happy to see me."

Seohyun held on to Woohyun's shirt as they stared at the creature which was feeding off their fear. 

"What are we going to do?" Seohyun whimpered. But Woohyun was unable to speak, the creature holding his gaze.

Before any of them could scream again, the car came to life. The engine started on its own and the headlights lit up as if being controlled by an unseen force.

"What's happening-" Seohyun began but was never able to finish the sentence. The car began to spin around in speed, the two riders in it screaming and shrieking for help. Seungjo laughed gleefully as he steered the car, possessing its controls before overturning it. 

The car fell sideways, rolling on the ground as it slid on the slippery road. The screams of the two boys died out and they fell unconscious, their bloodied bodies buried under the wrecked car.

"Strike two!" Seungjo exclaimed, his voice brimming with happiness. "Time for strike three and then, Gayoon will come to me! Forever!"

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