My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 118 - 116 Mass Evolution (1/3 Seeking Monthly Ticket!) !

Chapter 118: Chapter 116 Mass Evolution (1/3 Seeking Monthly Ticket!) !

Translator: 549690339

Thud- Thud- Thud-

The core area of Tianyuan Territory.

Several soldiers wielding long spears were patrolling in a set path around the territory. Their presence added an aura of might to this core area.

If you overlooked the shabby appearance of these soldiers.

They were militia, a one-star soldier rank. Their appearance and combat power were stronger than those of the Little Skeleton, but only marginally so. They wore no armor and were only dressed in fairly sturdy clothing. They firmly gripped their wooden spears and executed the movements of thrusting in combat in a very rigid manner.

Their combat strategy was simple: stab as hard as they can.

Once they evolved into two-star spearmen, they could switch their wooden spears for iron ones, wear a full set of light armor, and could handle several Little Skeletons by themselves.

At the Halberd Guard or Big Halberdier stages, they could even enjoy extravagant… at least, extravagant-looking long halberds and armor.

“Big Halberdier Niu Si”

“Rank: Rare Three-star”

“Skills: Thrust, Heavy Split”

“Talent: Deadly Blow (A big halberdier is good at finding the enemy’s weakness, and when attacking, has a chance to deal high burst damage)”

Niu Si was one of the selected from the militia who stood out.

As the leader of the spearman team, he helped Lu Liu in the recruitment and administration work of the refugees and local citizens.

His status panel was quite average in the eyes of Mu Yuan, especially because his talent was lacking a bit.

“Pure combat talents are inferior compared to talents that enhance base abilities and limits of soldiers. This talent’s application range is also not broad enough…”

Of course, it also depends on who is using it.

If Dead Bone had the Deadly Blow talent, it would probably strike a critical blow with every attack.

Even with its less impressive talent, Mu Yuan’s expectations for the spearman team was just internal patrolling and management. He didn’t expect them to have strong combat power.

Moreover, the position of Big Halberdier conflicts with the Skeleton General. He wouldn’t evolve too many of them.

Having them as “sacrifices” to provide Evolution Points for the Imperial Guards and Strong Shooters was sufficient.

Returning to the Mage Tower Small House, Mu Yuan sat down on a specially purchased “Step-by-step Sofa”, closed his eyes, and entered the Lord’s perspective.

The “+0.01” popping up from time to time on the militiamen, spearmen, and imperial guards looked like little luminous particles to him now.

They popped out of the soldiers’ bodies, flew into the territoriy’s sky above him, and mutated into bright orbs of light high above his head.

When he looked at any of those orbs, he would naturally receive information about it.

“Human Evolution Points”

“Includes 15 Sentinel troops, 15 Archer troops, 70 Militiamen.”

“The current accumulated Evolution Points 129.”

“Undead Evolution Point”

“Includes 530 Skeleton troops, 125 Wandering Soul troops, one Zombie.”

“The current accumulated Evolution Points 802.”

“Natural Evolution Points”

“Includes 30 Tree people troops, 20 Flower Fairy troops (including 3 Flower Fairies and 5 Flower Sprites), and 80 vine snakes.”

“The current accumulated Evolution Points 0.69.”

“Slime Evolution Points: Contains 200 Slime troops.”

“The current accumulated Evolution Points 560.”

“Battle Falcon Evolution Points:…”

Slimes are currently the only main battle troops in the Tianyuan Territory that haven’t formed a CP.

Mu Yuan speculated that slimes should belong to the “Elemental” category. Although they can’t resist physical attacks and can’t breathe fire or water, they can barely be considered elemental creatures.

However, genuine elemental creatures mostly start from Rare Rank. It’s a little expensive to match them with the Slimes.

It doesn’t matter if they don’t match up, they can generate Evolution Points on their own.

If the slimes do belong to the Elemental category, he could use their power to stack up a few “high priced”, “rare” elemental creatures.

Elemental creatures are typically mobile artillery, and their damage output and destructive power are definitely amongst the highest of same-tier soldiers.

He still remembered, in the Secret Realm of Challenge, several Spring Spirits were able to create a tidal wave that washed away everything, the coverage of their attack making even General Dead Bone pale in comparison.

He had two remaining Rare One-star Remnant souls that he could freely assign to any soldier type. He wondered if he should recruit Elemental Troops like the Spring Spirit and create a combination with Duo Lai?

Or perhaps, recruiting a mage, a griffin, or a nun wouldn’t be a bad idea either? Especially a healing nun!

Mu Yuan marked ‘pending’ in his notes.

The Undead evolution points accumulated the fastest. Mu Yuan pulled up the list of troop types and after comparing and contemplating for a while, he began mass evolution.

At present, the range of remote evolution was three kilometers in radius centered around him.

With a single pointed finger in the air, he was able to bathe the soldiers in the radiance of evolution.

‘You have evolved new “58* Ghosts”.’

‘You have evolved new “4.x Resentful Spirits”.’

‘You have evolved new “5x Skeleton Generals”.’

In this way, he had used up 283 units of Undead evolution points.


Mu Yuan’s gaze fell on the Skeletal Cemetery, where he identified outstanding individuals among the Resentful Spirits and Ghosts — one with dark skin, a robust physique, who if not for his semi-transparent body and floating stance, Mu Yuan would have mistaken for a zombie rather than a Resentful Spirit.


Moreover, he had broken through to the professional level, fortified by the blessings from a temple twenty kilometers away.

‘You have evolved a new “Evil SpiritRakshasa”.’

His professional level and awakening skills were the same as Hong Yi’s, but his appearance was completely different.

Under the light of evolution, Rakshasa’s body solidified as his bare feet touched the ground. His figure grew taller, his muscles bulged like coiling pythons, his skin still dark, and his face became greenish-black. His eyes widened in anger, revealing protruding fangs.

If Hong Yi’s evolution was becoming more dignified, graceful, full, and beautiful, then Rakshasa’s evolution was…

Very imposing!

Since Rakshasa had evolved, Mu Yuan naturally didn’t forget his old veterans — namely, those skeletons that had died multiple times in the Earth Rock Dragon battle.

He evolved them one by one into ‘Skeleton Morticians’.

By now, almost all of the Undead evolution points had been consumed but it had also given birth to four Excellence tier soldiers and several Rare Level soldiers.

‘Lord Wangba has recruited and tamed the “Black Knight” and has purchased dozens of Rare Training Treasures at high prices, he is working hard to train new Trump Cards.’

‘The Lord of Da Ri Territory claimed that he will surpass Tianyuan Territory and Wangba Territory, and revealed that he has also introduced an Excellence tier future general.’

On the forum, related topics about Wangba Territory, Da Ri Territory, and Shen Lei Territory could often be found in the hot searches.

Who else could Tianyuan Territory blame for being unable to find any traces?

Oh, there was also a hot search about Tianyuan Territory.

‘Master Bo Liuliang said that Lord Tianyuan’s recent absence suggests he was heavily damaged during the trials and is currently in the process of recovery.’ Right right right, you’re absolutely right.

Once the four Excellence level soldiers ascended to the Tianyuan Territory’s strength leaderboard, Mu Yuan summoned Lu Liu who had just been squeezed off the list. He personally bestowed the glory of evolution onto Lu Liu.

After all,

‘The Royal Guard and the Skeleton General belong to the same series of military units, theoretically, they are the pinnacle of the series, continuing to evolve would lead to mutant or hidden units.’

Mu Yuan was also unable to predict what form they would take.

His same ranked colleague Seventeen, and Niu Si, who only had mediocre intelligence, were all present to watch. The always curious Duo Lai also couldn’t miss this event.

Duo Lai’s chubby body came over and asked, “When will it be my turn, guji guji~!”

Mu Yuan pushed Duo Lai’s big slime face away, “Definitely tomorrow.”

The light of evolution then fell on Lu Liu.

And then,

The new version of Lu Liu emerged from that light.

His physique had barely changed, but his equipment had completely transformed. The lavish gilded armor had become silent and black.

It was somewhat similar to the Excellence tier ‘Black Knight’.

But Lu Liu still held a large shield and wielded a long spear. The spear was also a black spear, symbolizing silence, fearlessness, persistence, and piercing through everything.

‘Prompt: Your soldier “Lu Liu” bathed in the light of evolution and transformed, becoming the “Fearless Knight (Excellence One-Star)”, and awakening the skill “By the Name of Fearless”.’

‘Description: Upon shouting “By the Name of Fearless”, the Fearless Knight can enter a Pseudo Invincible State. In this state, his speed and strength drastically increase, and he can absorb and ignore a large amount of damage. The duration of this state is extremely short..’

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