My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 119 - 117: Duo Lai Version Upgrade, Tianyuan Rankings (2/3 Asking for Monthly Tickets!) !

Chapter 119: Chapter 117: Duo Lai Version Upgrade, Tianyuan Rankings (2/3 Asking for Monthly Tickets!) !

Translator: 549690339

That’s impressive!

After evolution, Lu Liu might not have as many fancy skills as Hong Yi, but it’s definitely powerful enough.

Moreover, it is an excellent human shield.

“What’s there to fear if I could evolve ten fearless knights to stride through a rain of flames?”

The most important thing is that as a Lord Shepherd, he can load ‘Lu Liu Mode,’ which is like having an extremely strong lifesaver. Its protective capabilities might even surpass the ‘Great Amulet’ he had, but never used once.

This type of soldier is not bad at all.

“Chirp Chirp-”

Duo Lai approached again, bringing freshly grilled, cumin-sprinkled Earth Rock Dragon leg meat while massaging his shoulders and fanning him.

This innocent and straightforward Duo Lai is starting to pick up bad habits!

Who taught it that?

Oh, it seems it watched a lot of movies on his phone when he took Duo Lai to the real world.

Dang it!

The next day.

Mu Yuan checked the scouting reports.

Hong Yi Squad destroyed two monster camps,

Dead Bone Squad is investigating the depths of the swamp,

Bone Two Squad killed two professional-level monsters,

Duo Lai Squad attacked and plundered three monster camps, found and picked some rare materials, Duo Lai ventured sixty kilometers into the wilderness alone and discovered a Lizard People Tribe, Duo Lai…

Has it been squeezing out more potential than before?

Is this the correct way to use Duo Lai?


Mu Yuan isn’t a devil after all. When starlight speckled the sky that night, he called Duo Lai over.

Here it comes-!

Tears of excitement and joy always welled up in Duo Lai’s eyes.

After all, it wouldn’t be able to challenge Hong Yi and Lu Liu without evolution. It’s a veteran in the territory, how can it let newcomers surpass it?

Wait a minute, it used to be pretty laid-back. When exactly did it become so competitive?

General Duo Lai fell into contemplation.

After contemplating for a half-second, it didn’t matter anymore. What matters is the evolution.

In the empty field, in front of Mu Yuan, the Slime began to evolve. Enclosed in faint stellar glow, it had a gelatinous form.

After a moment, the evolutionary glow slowly faded away.

The Duo Lai in front of him… unsurprisingly, its appearance hadn’t changed much. It wasn’t as dominating as Lu Liu, or as beautifully eerie as Hong Yi. It was still an innocuous-looking slime.

But inside, it had undergone earth-shattering changes.

“Notice: Your soldier ‘Duo Lai’ has advanced to ‘Devouring Slime (Excellent Three-star)’ and the talent ‘Devouring (Intermediate)’ has ascended to ‘Devouring (Advanced)’.”

At first glance, Duo Lai didn’t seem to have changed much.

The rank name was the same and there weren’t many talent skills. It seemed like a child without favor from the world, but…

Throughout the Tianyuan Territory, the one with the strongest ‘Root Bone’ was undoubtedly Duo Lai.

The notification on the dashboard was silent for a moment, as if brewing or waiting.

Then, like a bursting volcano, a barrage of notifications filled the entire screen.

“Notice: Due to talent advancement, the power Duo Lai gained from devouring has been remodeled and enhanced during the evolution.”

“Skill ‘Fire’ has evolved into ‘Fire Control’.”

“Skill ‘Thunderbolt’ has evolved into ‘Thunder Control’.”

“Skill ‘Harden’ has evolved into ‘Steel Control’.”

“Skill ‘Mimicry’ has evolved into ‘Complete Mimicry’.”

“Notice: Duo Lai has awakened talents ‘Self-healing Body (Partial)’ and ‘Gravity (Partial)’.”

Duo Lai blinked its big eyes.

Fire emerged from its body like a twisting fire dragon, enveloping it completely.

The next moment, when the fire dragon dissipated into sparks, what appeared was a human-shaped Duo Lai, draped in fire and wielding a weapon of thunderbolt.

In the blink of an eye, the fire and thunderbolt dispersed, changing into a suit of steel armor with a long spear.

It could be considered somewhat dashing.

The versatile Duo Lai started its performance.

Laughter echoed in the open playground.

It, General Duo Lai, is invincible again-!

Duo Lai went off to play on its own, and Mu Yuan also found a place to load ‘Duo Lai mode’ and happily practiced.

Duo Lai is indeed strong.

There’s a beautiful intensity to it.

“Under Duo Lai mode, my combat power seems to be stronger than the Dead Bone mode.”

This wasn’t because Duo Lai was stronger than Dead Bone.

It was because Duo Lai’s skills were easier to use, unlike Dead Bone…

But the strongest point of Duo Lai is its potential for further advancement, as long as it keeps eating.

Duo Lai’s evolution resulted in a surge in its combat power. Although its single-point burst ability was still not strong, it was very versatile.

Low emotional intelligence: the king of bullying the weak.

It displayed its dominating strength after a slight exchange with Lu Liu.

It, Duo Lai, is the second strongest in Tianyuan!

NO.l: Dead Bone.

N0.2: Duo Lai.

NO.3-4: Hong Yi, Lu Liu.

Hong Yi has an advanced skill more than Lu Liu, while Lu Liu owns a piece of Rare Equipment.

The two’s configuration is evenly matched.

In Mu Yuan’s opinion, Hong Yi is stronger than Lu Liu in external battles, as ghost-type soldiers usually have a great advantage. But if Hong Yi were to fight Lu Liu, her winning rate would be less than 10%.

She is countered by Lu Liu.

At most, she could draw a match by keeping her distance.

NO.5-10: Rakshasa, Seventeen, Bone Two, Bone Three, Bone Four, Jun.

The above are the top ten in Tianyuan.

Eight of them have the Excellent Tier.

Another one with the Excellent Tier, ‘Tree Demon Granny’, is still suffering to absorb Soul Sand to upgrade.

She is far from reaching the Professional Level.

“It’s about time, I should head to the Resource Secret Realm. Hopefully, I can find suitable treasures in the Secret Realm.”

What he wants the most,

First is to speed up upgrading, for example, a special treasure, or a cultivation type building.

Second is a treasure that can enhance the defensive ability of the territory and greatly increase the sense of security.

He looked back.

Dead Bone and Duo Lai, the two generals, stood on either side.

Then there were Lu Liu, Seventeen, Bone Two and Three, Jun, and other junior generals.

Their equipment had almost all been replaced, equipped with Li Erniu’s forge and “Harden+3” general equipment.

Almost all the strong people in Tianyuan Territory, Mu Yuan brought them with him on this trip.

There was no need to leave many behind.

Because he never really left home, whether he left all the troops in the Secret Realm or sent them back, it would only take three seconds.

He could also keep an eye on his territory at all times.

“Let’s go.”

Mu Yuan said. In the blink of an idea, he loaded the template of ‘Fearless Knight-Lu Liu’, and reached out to touch the Secret Realm’s Gate.

The next moment, a silver-gray tide surged from inside the gate, enveloping him and the shadows of dozens of types of soldiers.

Dizziness, shaking!

The discomfort of passing through the Secret Realm’s Gate was lighter than last time. Mu Yuan quickly opened his eyes and held the shield in front of him in a defensive manner.

Surrounding him were all the types of soldiers he had brought on this trip, gathering around in all directions.

Further away…

White fog! Extremely dense mist, filling the entire space of the Secret Realm, obscuring the sky, the earth, and the vegetation, nothing could be seen..

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