Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 167 Ice Age

Chapter 167 Ice Age

After the first general died in a single burst, the other three knew they would have the same ending if they’re not going in at 120% of their full power.

"HAA!!!" All of them used their final trump cards instantly. One even activated his life essence skill that would quickly burn away his life force in return for overwhelming power.

Feeling the explosion of mana in the area, Shiro narrowed her eyes, erasing all signs of playfulness faded from her face.

Sliding backwards, she readied her swords as the generals dashed towards her.


Quickly parrying two swords, she averted them to the side and slashed towards them with the remaining two swords that she had floating above her.

However. Before they could meet their target, it was blocked by a spear.

Element Shift: Lightning!


Electricity sparked around the sword and lashed towards the general. Unfortunately, it was unsuccessful since he managed to erect a barrier just in time to block it.

"Imperial Judgement!"

Hearing the shout of the king, Shiro suddenly felt the threat of death from above her.

Instantly looking towards the source of the feeling, she widened her eyes seeing a giant golden sword piercing towards her.

Frozen Hell: Ice Drake’s Feast!

Stomping her foot down, a magic circle erupted under her and summoned the Ice Drake.


As the two collided the generals took advantage of the force and pushed Shiro back by a few steps.

All three of their weapons erupted with a golden glow and attacked her body at three different points.

Rift Walker!

Phasing into the rift, Shiro dodged their strikes and appeared behind them.

’First, kill the weak one.’ Shiro thought to herself.

Activating her pseudo elemental armour, she created a hand cannon to break the shield first.


Shattering the mana barrier that the generals activated, she lashed the spiked chain around his neck and flipped her body over him before pulling hard at her chains.

However, just as she knew how to use pseudo elemental armour, the boss also activated his. Fire raged around him as it converged together into a flaming full plate armour.

"Support me!" He shouted out as he summoned two greatswords that were encased in first.

Twisting his body, he swung both swords towards her.


Pulling hard on her chains, Shiro shifted her centre of gravity and parried the two great swords into the ground beside her so that she wouldn’t take any damage from the force.

The two other generals weren’t idle while this was happening. Activating their own pseudo elemental armour, they dashed towards her with their weapons in hand.

’Both my hands are occupied with the boss in front of me. I doubt the ascendant dream can parry their strength without me backing it up.’ She thought, seeing the duo dash towards her.

Not only that, she also needed to worry about the king that was preparing his next spell.

Stepping into the rift once more, she reappeared above them with a pitch black trident in hand.

Calamity Trident!


The ground broke apart from the force of the trident slamming into the ground. While the three generals managed to dodge the impact head on, they were still stunned nonetheless.

Lashing her chains at the two generals that wanted to support their teammate, she tugged on the chains and launched herself at them.

Yin Style Asura’s Path: Phantom path!


Kicking them with as much power as she could focus at the moment, their bodies were launched towards the back of the hall.

"Now it’s just me and you boy!" Shiro shouted out with a grin since she was given more room now.

Pivoting on her ankle, she launched her body towards him like a bullet.

Swing her sword at him, all four of the swords were covered with a golden glow that made several copies of the same sword.

In a few short moments, the generals armour was already in tatters due to the fact that he wasn’t able to block the swords at all.


A bell toll rang out as a three fold magic circle encased the entire hall.

"No tier 3 magic zone!" Shiro grinned as she flipped her body over the general and aimed her hand cannon at the magic circle.


Destroying the outermost ring, Shiro reverted the tier 3 magic that the king had been working on into a tier 2.

Gritting his teeth in frustration, the king decided to accept the current situation and activate the magic.

The temperature around the area dropped as snow started to fall.

"Ice God Kyfir’s Fractured Domain!"

"Hou hou~ You dare use ice magic in this princess’s presence. And to make it worse, a domain? Man you really are unlucky aren’t you?" Shiro chuckled as the king was confused.

"Let me educate you!" She smiled since she could see his confusion.

A burst of mana exploded out from her body, pushing back the general by a few steps.

Slamming her palm into the ground, a spider web of mana strands expanded out from her spot and started to corrode away at the domain.

"Impossible!" Aephium cried out in shock. He could clearly feel the domain being ripped from his control and there was no way he could stop it.

Twisting her palms slightly, a pulse of black mana flowed through the entire formation. Black snow started to fall as it corroded everything it touched. The only exception being Shiro herself.

[Skill Discovered: Ice Demon’s Calamitous Domain]

[Added to the Frozen Hell Series]

Ignoring the notifications, Shiro flicked her fingers and created hundreds of ice spears from the snowflakes that were falling.

Thankfully, all she needed to do was to change their shape as the main mana supply had already been taken from the king. If not, her mana links would crumble right around now.

Letting the king deal with the spears, Shiro dashed towards the general once more. She had a small window of time to kill him before the other two generals come as support.

Flexing her fingers, a giant greatsword was created in her hands.


Swinging the sword at the boss, Shiro grinned when she saw his attempt to dodge.


The sword broke apart to reveal what was under the ice.

Widening his eyes at the pitch black trident, the general knew that this wasn’t looking good for him.

Gritting his teeth, he surged mana through his entire body, hoping to reinforce it enough so that he survived the attack.


Looking at the general who was still alive, albeit barely, Shiro chuckled nonetheless.

"You should have died with that attack. But since you’re at 10% health, you’ve given me some stress relief." She said, pulling down her mask to reveal a stone cold smile.

Dark Seraphim


A giant cloud of black mist suddenly exploded out with Shiro in the centre.

Since the skill only lasted 5 seconds, she needed to make sure that she got as much fun out of it as she could.

"HA!" Stabbing his swords into the ground, the boss summoned a giant fire array around him as a firestorm started to grow within the dark mist. While he didn’t know what the mist did, he wasn’t about to risk it.

Unfortunately for him, any form of mana defence was useless against Shiro.

"Ah ah ah~ Don’t use a flimsy defence. If you’re going to resist, let this princess have some fun." Her voice tinged with joy was heard softly behind his ear.

A chill shot down his spine as he turned around quickly in hopes of defending against her assault.

However, when he made contact with her pair of eyes that were narrowed in sadistic joy, a question appeared in his mind.

’Who’s the real monster here?’

Grabbing him by the head, she kneed him in the face and broke his jaw with ease.

Since she only had a short moment of time to do whatever she wanted, she made sure that there were no wasted movements.

Flexing her fingers, several strands of wires that were tinged with corruption wrapped around the boss’s body and started to eat away at him.

"AR –!"

His scream was cut short when Shiro jammed a sword straight down his throat.

However, she wasn’t using the ascendant dream but rather a glacial ice sword. Meaning, she could control its shape however she wanted.

He could feel the ice melt inside his body before coagulating itself into a different shape. It was something that bore a resemblance to a spiked ball that had hooks of varying lengths instead of normal spikes.

"Ever heard of disembowelment?" Shiro grinned before standing on his shoulders and pulled back on the handle.

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Just as the mist cleared up, the king was shocked to see one of his general’s dead with most of his internal organs ripped out from his mouth.

Due to the amount of force she used to pull the weapon out, the blood spewed everywhere, especially onto her body.

"Hehe, are you next? Or shall I leave you for last? You did try to make me marry you after all." Shiro turned her head towards the king and giggle slightly.

"That being said, I shouldn’t keep your two other boy toys bored now shall I?" She continued, narrowing her eyes at the remaining two generals.

For the next few minutes, it could only be described as gruesome. While it was a rather quick death, Shiro made sure that it was painful enough so that she felt satisfied.

Looking at the dead body of the king, Shiro excavated the mana stone from his corpse that was anything but intact.


Looking at the loot she received from him, Shiro raised an eyebrow when she saw a piece of set equipment.

[Imperial Ice Decree LVL 50 Greatsword – Purple (Part of the Imperial Ice Set 1/6]

+1500 Attack

+1000 Ignore Defence

+800 Sharpness

+15% Chance of stun

Passive Skill:

Frozen Edge – When the sword hits anything, it has a small chance to freeze the target for a short period of time.

Imperial Wrath – For every successful attack that the user makes, a single point would be added to a counter. After the counter passes a certain amount of points, the user can spend the points to increase the power of the next skill or attack. Counters can be stacked on continuously but will reset once the user stops attacking for more than 15 seconds.

Active Skills:

Imperial Ice Coffin – Encase the enemy in a coffin of ice that will siphon their MP away.

Imperial Protection – Stab the sword into the ground to summon a formation that will protect the user with ice for a short period of time.

Imperial Judgment – Summon a mighty sword that will strike down on your opponent, dealing massive damage. (Increased attack if enemy is on low health.)

While the item is amazing, Shiro couldn’t help but sigh at the restrictions.

[Can only be used by a user with an Imperial type class.]

"I wonder... If I can lend this to the blacksmithing department, they should be able to study the sword’s craftsmanship while giving me some contributions as well." She muttered since this kind of sword would be a waste to recycle. Especially since she didn’t need the skills that the weapon came with.

She already had skills from other weapons that held similar effects.

Shaking her head, she looked at the other loot drops and found the Ice King’s Crown that she needed.

’That’s one down, only 9 more to go.’ She thought to herself.

Looking at the other corpses, she shrugged off the fact that she didn’t get any more set pieces since a full set would increase its value. However, since she had 9 more runs to go, she had more than enough time to farm for the items.

Teleporting out of the dungeon, Shiro jumped back in to kill the bosses once more.

Running through the dungeon over and over again, her clearing speed became incredible since she was able to exploit their weaknesses the moment they fought. Naturally, she managed to bag herself some Humiliation type equipment.

Umak’s Humiliation, Tilfire’s Humiliation, Valen’s Humiliation, Barius’s Humiliation and last but not least, King Aephium’s Humiliation.

Of course the Humiliation type equipment wasn’t the only useful item she got. She also managed to get a few more parts to the Imperial Ice set. Unfortunately, she had a few duplicates so she only managed to collect four out of six items.

Strangely however, the set didn’t give her a set effect at 3 pieces collected. Which only meant that the effect will only appear once all 6 sets are gathered.

’it’s power should be much higher when compared to normal set effects.’ She mused to herself as she was hopping into her 8th run of the dungeon.

[Quest activated: Ice Age]

The once prosperous kingdom of Astia fell into ruin which resulted in the dead, ice cold kingdom it is now. Your current role will be randomised but the main task is to pave a path out of this fate or find the best outcome.

Rewards depend on what you do.

D rank reward: Emergency Bag or Wish Bag (Randomised)

C rank reward: ???

B rank reward: ???

A rank reward: ???

S rank reward: ???

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