Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 168 S Ranked Tutor

Chapter 168 S Ranked Tutor

[Quest activated: Ice Age]

The once prosperous kingdom of Astia fell into ruin which resulted in the dead, ice cold kingdom it is now. Your current role will be randomised but the main task is to pave a path out of this fate or find the best outcome.

Rewards depend on what you do.

D rank reward: Emergency Bag or Wish Bag (Randomised)

C rank reward: ???

B rank reward: ???

A rank reward: ???

S rank reward: ???

"Hou~ So the people in this city have only managed to earn the D ranked reward? None have passed the C ranked." Shiro muttered while holding her chin.

Pulling out the ’spell book’ that Natash had given her, which in reality was just a note pad, Shiro wrote down a few key notes.

"First, the kingdom will collapse. I need to find ways to avoid this outcome. From what I can guess, if I just tell people to evacuate, I’ll just get the D ranked reward meaning I need to take care of what actually caused the kingdom to collapse in the first place."

Currently, she was floating in empty space as she waited for her role to be randomised.

Untying her hairband, Shiro allowed her hair to flow freely while she kept the band on her wrist.

She didn’t know the time period of the quest so she needed to make sure that she wouldn’t stand out too much.

Quickly changing into a simple white dress, Shiro stored away all the other accessories.

Looking down at herself, Shiro nodded in satisfaction since she would fit into most timelines right now without standing out too much.

Just as she blinked, she noticed that she was in the middle of a road.

"Eh?" She muttered in confusion.

"Move out of the way!" Someone shouted out behind her.

Quickly hopping to the side, Shiro looked towards the person who shouted at her and noticed that he was currently riding on a horse carriage.

The man was shocked seeing her face.

"Ah er, sorry for shouting." He apologised before continuing on his way. Of course, he would turn around and glance at her a few more times.

As for Shiro, she realised that the clothes he wore was rather well made. If she needed to describe it, it would be a mix of both medieval and modern clothing.

’Seems like it would be fine if I use my normal outfit and glasses.’ Shiro thought to herself as she checked the system to find out about her role.

[You are a travelling scholar who was tasked to be the private tutor of the king’s youngest daughter, Lisandra Veil.]

"Heh~ So I’m a private tutor." Shiro muttered.

Since she was given this role, there were going to be things to prove her identity. Checking in her bag, she saw Yin, still in her egg form, while being next to a few books and a card of sorts.

[Name: Shiro

Profession: S rank tutor]

Next to this was a picture of her face.

"How in the hell do they even print stuff?" Shiro raised an eyebrow as she looked back at the city in front of her.

Just looking at the architecture and vehicles told her that they didn’t have the technology to make such an advanced card never mind printing an image.

"Forget it. This is only a system quest." She sighed and shrugged her shoulders.

She tried to access her inventory but frowned when she realised that she couldn’t do anything with her inventory. She couldn’t take anything out nor put anything in. It was as if the inventory was sealed off entirely.

’Seems like I can’t use the inventory in this quest. No matter.’ She thought to herself since unlike other people, she can create her weapons and armour on the spot.

Since she now understood her role along with a rough idea of what she’s tasked with, Shiro made her way to the main gate.

Unfortunately, she had to wait in line since the soldiers were checking all of the things that people were bringing into the city.

Waiting patiently in line, she took this chance to scan her surroundings a little.

’Most of the people here are below level 10. A single kick from me would kill them.’ She thought, looking at the people that were queueing up with her.

Glancing over at the soldiers, she saw that they were a little better considering the fact that they were on average level 20 with a few reaching level 25.

’For gate guards, they’re not too bad I guess.’

Since the mission was level 50, she expected high level ’people’ straight away. However, it also made sense in the way that not everyone could class up. Plus, one would normally assign high level guards to protect the important personal in the heart of the city so the outer walls would naturally be weakened.

Once it was her turn to get checked, Shiro handed over her bag.

After making sure that the contents were alright, they asked for her ID.

When they saw it was Shiro, one of them whispered to the other and brought over another armed soldier. However, his armour was a little more decorative.

"So it’s the esteemed Miss Shiro, the only S ranked tutor in the country. I welcome you into the city of Astia. The king has been waiting eagerly." He said with a slight bow.

"Heh~ You know of me?" Shiro chuckled slightly.

"Of course. Everyone at or above the rank of captain has been informed to treat you with respect should we see you. Plus, those who see you are tasked with showing you to the king himself. Follow me please." He smiled.

Grabbing her bag, Shiro walked behind the captain while he led her through the city.

A few kids would pause and look at her for long periods of time due to her beauty. Shiro would only smile and wave lightly to the kids that looks at her.

"Miss Shiro seemed to enjoy interacting with children." The captain smiled.

"Well they’re cute when they’re young." Shiro chuckled.

"Indeed." The captain nodded in agreement.

They talked for a little while on their way to the castle so that it wasn’t awkwardly silent.

"Captain Richards requests and audience with the king. I’ve brought over Miss Shiro, the S ranked tutor." He said to the guards at the gate.

Hearing his request, the guards passed on the message.

After waiting for a short moment, they told them that only Shiro was needed.

"See you around." Shiro smiled.

"Same to you Miss Shiro." The captain nodded before returning back to his post.

Two guards gestured for her to follow them as they escorted her to the main hall.

’Hmm, this is indeed the same place.’ She thought to herself. These corridors were naturally familiar to her since she had cleared the dungeon several times now.


Slamming the pommel of their spears into the ground, the two escorts waited by the gate.

"Goodness, you didn’t need to scare me." Shiro patted her chest in a joking manner.

Pushing open the giant set of doors, Shiro saw two rows of soldiers leading up to the king and queen who were both level 50.

As for the soldiers, they were around level 40.

Looking at both the king and queen, Shiro was a little surprised by their youthfulness but didn’t pay too much attention to it.

"Your highness." Shiro smiled slightly and gave him a small wave.

All of the soldiers frowned when they heard how she had greeted their king. However, when they looked over, their complaint instantly faded away.

Just looking at her smile that wasn’t burdened by anything made their bodies feel light.

Even the two royalties ignored how she had greeted them as they were inspecting her.

Both of them couldn’t believe how beautiful she was.

"It seems like rumours are not to be trusted. You’re more beautiful than the rumours state." The king praised slightly.

"I believe that it’s better for one to check for themselves rather than trusting in rumours that could be falsified." Shiro replied.

"Indeed. I shall cut the pleasantries since I believe every second is important for you. Bring in my youngest daughter." The king ordered.

Just as he laid down this order, the gates opened once more to reveal a young teen with her hair tied up into a ponytail. She had golden eyes along with light blue hair.

Wearing a modest combat dress, she had a sword hung on her waist.

"Is she my new teacher? Will she leave like the others because they’re weak?" She huffed whilst glaring at Shiro.

Shiro raised her eyebrows seeing her attitude.

"Please excuse my daughter, her personality had been like this since she was young." The king smiled apologetically.

"No worries no worries." Shiro chuckled.

"Oi you! You don’t feel strong. In fact, I don’t feel anything so that means you must be very weak." Lisandra called out to Shiro.

’She can get a grasp on other people’s strength?’ Shiro wondered to herself whilst glancing at her stats.

[Lisandra LVL 22 – Imperial Magic Swordswoman]

"I like to believe that I’m strong. It’s just that I’m suppressing myself right now." Shiro chuckled as she rubbed her nose. The best way to pacify people like Lisandra in her opinion was to prove that you are more capable than her.

"Lies! Hmph, even father’s guards have an aura when they suppress themselves. But you don’t." Lisandra shook her head.

"Hmm, is it ok if I do a small demonstration your highness?" Shiro asked, glancing back at the king.

"Go ahead, I allow it." The king smiled since Shiro was the only tutor left that could possibly handle his daughter. The other tutors were completely overwhelmed by her in terms of magic and swordsmanship.

’If the rumours are true, she should be a master of both swordsmanship and magic.’ He thought whilst narrowing his eyes.

"Let’s see... how about I stop controlling my aura so that you can feel it yourself." Shiro smiled.

"What do yo-"

Before she could even continue her words, a horrific burst of pressure erupted out from Shiro.

Fear overwhelmed the guards as they readied their weapons instantly. Their face pale with fright as sweat dripped from their hands onto their weapons.

"Fuu... that should be fine right?" Shiro chuckled as she suppressed her aura once more.

Lisandra was currently sitting on the floor since her legs gave up under her.

Trying to stand up, she was shocked to see that her strength seemed to have disappeared.

"Eh? Why can’t I move." She asked as her voice quivered slightly.

"I believe your body is reacting to my strength. Fufufu, does that prove I’m strong now?" Shiro smiled.

Turning around to see a pale king and queen along with frightful guards, Shiro coughed slightly.

"Was that a little too much?" Shiro asked whilst scratching her cheeks a little.

’You call that a little!?!?’ They cried out in their minds since it was like a powerful monster suddenly descended in the middle of the hall. They weren’t wrong, but they didn’t know that.

"So what will I be teaching her and what’s my payment?" Shiro asked with a smile.

"Naturally your reward will be spell books and research papers. As for what you would be teaching Lisandra, please direct her on the matters regarding swordsmanship and magic." The king said after adjusting himself.

"Is that all?" Shiro frowned slightly when she heard that her reward would be spell books and research papers.

"Of course, if you find that lacking, I’ll try my best to compensate." The king corrected himself quickly.

"How about access to the library and all the books that the royal family owns? I won’t take any of them of course. I’ll just read them in my spare time."

"Easy request. Are there anything else?"

"Hmm... how about a daily supply of mana stones since I wish to conduct research in my spare time as well."

’I lied, they’re my daily meals.’ Shiro thought to herself. Since she couldn’t access her inventory, that meant her food supply was also cut off.

"Also easy."

"Oh and one last thing, I promise. Can I get a change of clothes? I forgot to pack some outfits for myself when I left."

"Of course. Just follow the maids." The king nodded and gestured for the maids to take her to get a change of clothes.

Watching her leave, the king sighed and fell limp on his throne.

"My king, are you ok?" The queen asked with worry.

"What do you think?" He smiled tiredly.

"Even though our power has declined to D rank, we still have the experience of being C rank. However, just feeling her aura then made me feel like I was looking up at an unscalable wall. Not only that, it felt eerily similar to the feeling I got when we fought against monsters." The king sighed as he covered his eyes.

"If Lisandra could be taught by her, there’s no doubt that she’ll grow much stronger than we can imagine."

"Do you think it’s enough my king? Isn’t it dangerous to have someone like Shiro around her as well though?" The queen asked since she knew the potential danger that Shiro could bring.

"I can only hope that it’s enough. We’ve been constantly sieged by the demons for years now. I can tell that they’ve been growing stronger every year while we’ve lost promising men every battle. With someone like Lisandra holding potential greater than all that we’ve seen, I can only hope that she’s the one to save us all."

Looking outside the windows, the king couldn’t help but sigh at the fate of his kingdom.

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