Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 169 First Tutoring Session

Chapter 169 First Tutoring Session

Stretching her body in front of the mirror, Shiro smiled with satisfaction. The outfit that the maids gave her was that of a mage robe combined with some accessories and a cloak.

Tying up her hair into a ponytail, she grabbed one of the glasses that the maids had provided.

’I swear the technology in this place is f*cking everywhere.’ She mused to herself.

It was a weird mix of advanced tech and medieval tech.

Shaking her head, stored everything in a bracelet that had its own inventory.

"Is everything satisfactory miss Shiro?" The maid asked.

"Yes it is, thank you." Shiro smiled.

Making her way back to the main hall, Shiro saw Lisandra waiting by the door. However, this time she seemed tamer.

"Teacher!" She bowed with an embarrassed blush on her face.


"I’m sorry for behaving rudely before!" She continued as Shiro didn’t expect this from her.

"It’s alright?"

"So what are you teaching me today?" She asked with excitement in her eyes.

"Aren’t we supposed to talk to your royal father?"

"Nah forget about him. Let’s get training straight away!" She smiled widely and grabbed Shiro by the hand.

Pulling her away, Lisandra wasn’t able to suppress the adrenalin that was bubbling up inside her.

The maid watched Lisandra pull Shiro away with a soft chuckle.

"Princess seems to be quite content with Miss Shiro." She muttered as the guards nodded their heads.

As the youngest member of the royal family, Lisandra was doted upon by everyone in the castle. However, she herself didn’t want that hence, she took up swordsmanship.

But as she continued to use the sword, she started to enjoy it and it became her hobby. She enjoyed challenging all of the soldiers in the castle to the point it became a routine. But as the soldiers sparred with her, they slowly realised that they had to become serious as to not embarrass themselves.

Before they knew it, Lisandra was already defeating them in spars even though she’s only level 22.

The king heard about this predicament and had hired tutors to help her out but all of them quit mid way due to the fact that they simply could not keep up with Lisandra.

So seeing someone more capable than Lisandra was a fresh feeling. Especially since she hadn’t smiled so excitedly for such a long time.

Meanwhile, Lisandra had already brought Shiro to the training grounds and threw a sword towards her.

"Let’s fight!" She smiled with anticipation.

"Well, sure why not. I’ll see what you can do." Shiro nodded her head and swung the sword a few times to get used to the weight.

"Here I come!" Lisandra shouted out as she dashed towards her.

’Hou~ She’s fast for a level 22.’ Shiro thought as she raised her sword up to parry.

However, just as her sword was about to collide with Lisandra’s sword, Lisandra’s eyes glowed slightly before her body halted in mid air and transferred her attack into an uppercut that countered Shiro’s guard.


Lisandra widened her eyes in joy when she saw Shiro adjust herself quickly to block the sword.


Swinging her sword continuously, Lisandra never felt so happy before.

She could tell that Shiro was able to block her sword with ease.

"A little rough around the corners, but not bad. Not bad at all." Shiro smiled while casually parrying one of Lisandra’s attacks.

"But is your defence up to par?" She chuckled.

Stomping down on her foot, Shiro broke Lisandra’s guard by flicking her sword upwards.

Bringing her hand towards her face, Shiro narrowed her eyes as she aimed the sword towards Lisandra and pierced towards her.

With her sword still flying through the air, Lisandra knew that she had to do something fast.

"HA!" Aiming her palm downwards, she released a blast of air that propelled her upwards towards her sword.

"Not bad, but could be better." Shiro smiled.

Flicking her sword so that the tip aimed towards Lisandra, she kicked the pommel and sent the sword flying towards Lisandra who was still flying through the air.

Instincts overwhelmed Lisandra as she flipped her body over and grabbed the handle of the sword.

’Heh~ She’s kind of like Lyrica in a way.’ Shiro thought, seeing Lisandra rely on her body’s instincts.

Lisandra grabbed her sword that was sent flying by Shiro and narrowed her eyes.

With both swords in hand, she landed on the ground harshly.

The blades of the swords started to glow as she dashed towards Shiro.

"You forget that I’m a mage as well." Shiro chuckled.

Flexing her fingers, a glacial ice wall erected between them.

*BANG BANG!!!!!!

The force of the swords colliding with the wall caused a small pulse of air to explode outwards, surprising Shiro with her level of strength.

’Did she use a berserk skill?’ She thought to herself.

Just as Lisandra was about to jump back, ice bars shot out of the ground and locked her in with no way of escaping. Frowning slightly, she slashed towards one of the bars only for the sword to be repelled instantly.

"Lisandra." Shiro called out as she dismissed the ice wall.

"You are a magic swordswoman are you not? Why aren’t you adding more magic to your fighting style?" Shiro asked curiously.

"Erm... I only know a few spells. For some reason, I’m not really compatible with other magic." Lisandra replied as she sheathed her sword away, understanding that Shiro had completely overwhelmed her.

"Now then, I’ll give you two choices. Either you become the most extreme of swordsmanship or I teach you some magic and balance things out a little. Right now, you’re basically a swordswoman that can use a little magic. Nothing special even though your class is magic swordswoman. Your potential is being wasted." Shiro offered.

"..." Lisandra stood still for a moment as she contemplated about the choices she was given.

"What are you best at Shiro?" Lisandra asked.

"Me? Personally, I’m best at fighting mid to close range. So melee." Shiro replied.

"Then can you teach me melee fighting please."

"Sure. Though we’ll stop for now. I want to plan out what I want to teach first ok?" Shiro smiled.

"Of course!" Lisandra nodded her head.

"See you tomorrow Shiro!" She smiled and jogged back to the castle.

"Does that girl do everything at 100% enthusiasm?" She muttered with a soft smile. Even while saying goodbye, Lisandra was still active.

Shaking her head, Shiro narrowed her eyes as she was going to start investigating what could have potentially caused the downfall of this kingdom.

Ever since coming to this quest world, Shiro noticed that she could use all of her skills. Even Nanomancer.

Meaning she could leave devices around the place and listen to any gossip that would drift around. Naturally, that involved the main throne room where she heard the king talk about how the demons were constantly sieging this kingdom.

Looking towards the castle, Shiro narrowed her eyes as her body flickered away.

She wasn’t going to question the king and queen just yet since she wanted to understand some background information first.

The best way for her to find out about this would be the library since there were bound to be some history books that may inform her about what had been happening.

However, as she was flickering towards the castle, she paused in mid air as she realised something important.

"Where in the flying f*ck is the library?" She asked no one in particular.

Holding her chin in deep thought, Shiro ignored the fact that she was currently falling towards the ground.

"AHH!!!" One of the maids suddenly screamed when she saw Shiro suddenly land in front of her.

"Do you know where the library is?" Shiro asked with a soft smile.

Looking at the now known royal tutor, the maid didn’t know how to react to her question since she literally fell from the sky.

"Hello?" Shiro waved her hand after seeing the maid pause in a daze.

"Ah huh? Oh erm, the way to the library is just down the corridor. You’ll see a sign telling you where to go." She replied after snapping out of her daze.

"Thank you." Shiro smiled before flickering away.

Arriving at a hallway with several doors lined up, she eventually found her way to the library.

"Miss Shiro, what brings you to the library." One of the guards inquired. Everyone in the castle knew about the royal tutor and her unmatched beauty.

"Just browsing, don’t mind me." Shiro said, giving him a small wave.

Walking around the library, she craned her head up and saw that it was something akin to a tower of knowledge. There were ledges showing all the different floors. From what she could tell, there were more than 20 floors from what she could see.

"Well damn." She muttered.

’How am I even supposed to find the book I need amongst all of these.’ She wondered. Shaking her head, she looked for anything that might help her and eventually stumbled upon a guide of sorts.

It labelled what each of the floors contain. Of course, it was only a general outlook on what they may have and not all of the books otherwise the guide would be huge.

"Hmm... seems like history is on the 17th floor." Shiro muttered as she looked towards the 17th floor.

Placing the guide back where she found it, she crouched down for a moment before launching herself upwards.

Crouching on one of the railings, she reinforced it with nanobots before jumping up once more.

Landing on the 17th floor without too much trouble, she looked at some of the books available.

"World history, Besinium History, Elf history, Fericia history..." She muttered while scanning through all of the books.

However, she frowned when she felt a presence hid itself in the shadows.

"Why are you even watching me? I’ll let you go this time. Tell the king that I don’t really like having people follow me." Shiro said as the guard hidden in the shadows paused in shock.

’How did she notice me?’ He thought in confusion.

"OI, did you not hear me the first time? Do you want me to repeat myself?" Shiro narrowed her eyes as she flickered in front of the person.

Slashing towards her on instinct, the guard fell backwards in shock.


The dagger shattered into ice dust as Shiro casually blew on it with icy breath. It was just a simple green grade dagger, nothing special.

"Well?" Shiro asked against after there were no reply.

"U-understood." The guard nodded his head quickly as he left in a hurry.

Once she was sure that she was alone, Shiro sighed before grabbing a few books that may be useful.

Sitting down on a chair, she leaned back before opening the book.


Quickly flipping through the books, Shiro started to yawn when she found nothing useful.

"Hais..." She sighed as there was only one book left.

Flipping through the last book, she craned her head back after finding nothing useful.

’Do I have to try to negotiate for information without knowing anything?’ She thought to herself since it wasn’t a gamble that she liked to take.

’A few more books.’ She concluded.

While she did get some decent information from the books, it could be summarised into a few key points.

The demons are invading every two years.

They wish to take this kingdom as a stronghold for the rest of their army.

Once this kingdom falls, the other kingdoms will be next.

However, she knew that this was the information allowed to the public due to the fact that this library was akin to the main hub. All the books the citizens have are copied from this archive.


Shutting the book in her hands, Shiro glanced out of the window to check the time.

"The day is still young. I should be able to sneak into the private library of the king if he has one." She muttered.

Flexing her fingers, a device appeared in her palms. It was a similar device to the one she had used to find out about the hidden tunnels used by Black Monarchy back in New York.

However, unlike the one she made before, this one was more powerful and had a much bigger range.

Placing it on the library wall, she allowed it to send pulses through the entire castle. Soon, a 3d map could be seen in front of her.

"Heh~ So the king does have one. Though the private library is in a hidden chamber inside his room. I’ll need to be quick." She muttered before leaving the library.

Making sure that no one saw her, Shiro jumped onto the roof and flickered towards the king’s bedroom.

She would send out small pulses of mana, hardly detectable to the soldiers, and avoid them with ease due to the fact that she knew their positions.

Arriving in front of the king’s bedroom without anyone noticing, Shiro activated rift walker and snuck into the hidden chamber.

"Fufu, let’s see what secrets you hold." She chuckled as she looked towards the stack of books on a bookshelf next to a desk.

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