Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 188 Spy

Chapter 188 Spy

"Division 1 and 2, I want you to split up and make your way towards Kino Forest. Division 3 stay on course and meet the demons. However, make sure that you’re not too close since our numbers are a little limited. Division 4 and 5, I want you to split up to the left and go to Harrow’s Edge." Shiro ordered over the crystal.

The army was shocked at the sudden presence of a voice near their ear.

"Don’t be shocked. This is a transmission crystal that I’ve set up on your uniforms." Shiro lied without a hint of hesitation.

However, there was still one more thing she had to do. Since it would be strange for her to insert her mana into the king and queen, she was going to use the communicators as a catalyst since she had already set up the needed sequences.

Looking at the army splitting up below them, she narrowed her eyes before turning to Lisandra.

"Take this, you’ll be helping me snipe a few important targets from up here." She said as she handed Lisandra a weakened version of her Eclipse Particle Cannon. The mana and recoil would have been too much for Lisandra if she didn’t weaken it.

"The hell is this?" Lisandra asked in confusion.

"The weapon I used to kill the generals. As for how you use it, just aim down the scope and fire when it lines up with their head. As for the more powerful generals, flick this switch and wait 10 seconds for the charge up." Shiro explained while pointing at the parts.

"Ah right." Lisandra nodded her head.

Looking at the Rail Sniper in her hands, she couldn’t believe that something like this could kill a general.

Shiro only shook her head with a small smile after seeing the doubt on Lisandra’s face.

Looking back at the battlefield, she narrowed her eyes as she could see the demon army in the distance.

"Like hell the enemy is 250k strong. Isn’t this more than 300k units?" She muttered. Just a quick glance allowed her to roughly estimate the enemy’s army size. This meant that she needed to defeat them even though they only had 100k men.

As for their formation, the Ghastis were at the forefront of the army, followed by Krana and the Igni Colossus.

"Hmm.. The Verkus will show up later when casualties start to pile up since they’re corpse parasites. We can’t see the Phantis yet since they’re in stealth. Damn, 300k might just be a small portion of their army nearby." Shiro frowned.

However, the army number wasn’t her only concern. The Ghastis had a high level of physical resistance so they were the perfect tanks to protect the mages, Krana, and the archers, Igni Colossus.

But as she took a better look at the enemy, she noticed that they were holding balls of energy in their hands.

"Wait isn’t that demon essence?!" Shiro muttered in shock.

When demons die, they drop an item called demon essence. But much like mana stones, a small amount is also released naturally into the air upon death.

’Could they have allowed us to attack them for this essence?’ Shiro wondered.

After the attack, they would naturally let their guard down a little. Which meant a prime opportunity to counter-attack for the demons. The fact that they tried to bombard the kingdom proved this and if it wasn’t for Shiro, the attack would have succeeded.

Forming a small semi-circle, the demon army started to chant in synchronisation.

"What are they doing...."

Following their chant, the surrounding mana surged crazily towards their location as a 3 layers magic circle appeared in the air. A 4th circle flickered slightly as it was struggling to be formed.

"Holy sh*t! They’re summoning an avatar!" Shiro widened her eyes in shock. She now knew why they had been allowed them to attack the camps and the fort.

Using Demon Essence in a way similar to how one would use mana stones, they were trying to summon an avatar to the battlefield. It was what the Black Monarchy did in New York then they summoned a giant monster using the totem ritual.

Swiping her hand in front of her, Shiro made an anti-aircraft cannon and loaded it up with a mana disruption bullet.


Shooting the 4th magic circle, she sighed in relief when she saw it shatter apart like glass.

Tier 3 might be still within reason for her but tier 4 was a definite no go.

"All divisions! Halve your fire for now. The demons are planning to use demon essence to summon a monster. The more you kill them, the more powerful the monster!" Shiro called out to the army.


Just as she had set down the order, an ear rupturing scream could be heard reverberating all over the battlefield.

A giant portal opened up as two pairs of arms ripped it open and forced its way through.

[Ancient Kalis Magnar LVL 85 – Boss (Weakened due to broken summoning circle. Base Level: 150)]

HP: 100,000,000/???

MP: ???/???

It had dark purple scales, four arms, two giant translucent wings that glistened with a myriad of colours and 6 pairs of neon purple eyes that sent shivers down one’s spine with a single look.

"Damn, they really aren’t taking any chances are they?" Shiro muttered with a slightly forced smile.

"Division 4 and 2, I want you to focus fire on the Kalis Magnar! Division 1 and 5 I want you to shoot the Igni colossus in the back. As for Division 1, I want you to take all the focus from the over divisions but don’t fight. Focus on running away while making sure that they aren’t able to attack the other divisions. If you see them trying to attack the other divisions, attack them back." Shiro shouted.

"Understood!" They replied seriously.

Tracing her finger down the body of her sniper, Shiro created a few upgrades as she aimed towards the Ancient Kalis Magnar.

Currently, the Kalis Magnar was the biggest problem on the battlefield. Following that was the Igni Colossus due to their long-ranged power. By getting rid of these two first, the chances of victory would increase.

Of course, she could also allow the soldiers to transform now to increase their power. But, if she did that, she wouldn’t know who the spy was. She had to let them make the first move.


Crying out in anger from the tiny magic that the soldiers sent towards it, the Kalis Magnar snarled before flapping his wings.


His body slowly lifted up into the air.

However, Shiro wasn’t about to let it attack from the air.


Several tier 3 magic circles wrapped around the barrel of her sniper as she narrowed her eyes.

She didn’t need to destroy both wings, just one was needed.


Firing the sniper, the recoil instantly smacked her off the back of Yin. But this was the least of her concerns.

Looking towards the Kalis Magnar, Shiro widened her eyes when she saw only a faint scorch on the wing.

"You’ve got to be kidding me!" She cried out.


Landing back on Yin’s back, Shiro looked at the battlefield with a frown.

’Something must be missing. The system wouldn’t give me a quest that I can’t do. I know that there is a spy, Lisandra is a key member and she also has her sword. Then what am I missing?’

"Division 3, pull back a little more. You’re too close to the enemy! Division 4, put your back into your attacks! They’re too weak!" She commanded. While she was doing this, Lisandra was laying on Yin’s back while sniping the Igni Colossus.

As the battle continued, the situation started to turn in their favour. Even though the Kalis Magnar was still alive, they were at least able to kill some of the other demons on the battlefield.

Of course the casualties would have increased massively if not for the fact that Shiro was tanking the Kalis Magnar together with Yin.


Quickly dodging another fire breath, Yin’s facial expression wasn’t looking too good since she was currently on a thin line between life and death. 1 wrong move and it was over.

’How could you expose your darling baby to this kind of torture!!! Bad parent!!!’ Yin cried out her injustice in her mind.

However, she knew that Shiro couldn’t exactly help it either. Without Yin, there was no way that she could have kept the Kalis Magnar busy.

Swooping down with Yin, Shiro had her fly close to the ground while aiming her particle cannon at the boss.

Glaring at the girl who had been giving him so much trouble, the boss gritted his teeth in frustration.


Opening his mouth, it split into three parts as spots of light started to converge together into a golden orb of fire element.

"Yin, once I fire my shot, jump into the rift." Shiro said as she kept her focus down the scope.

The mana that was radiating from the sniper was increasing with each passing second as it was several times more powerful than the shot she fired using the fortress.


Crying out in acknowledgement, Yin started to increase her speed. This way, she could force the boss to fire his attack earlier.

"ALL DIVISIONS!!! FOCUS FIRE ON THE KALIS MAGNAR WHEN I SAY FIRE!" Shiro shouted out. She was going to bait out the spy with this along with dealing some extra damage.


Just as she was about to say fire, the queen release a dense explosion of darkness element.

"Demonic Possession!!!" She grinned as the soldiers, widened their eyes when they saw their skin slowly turn dark purple like the demons. Since Shiro was going to fight against the Kalis Magnar at full force with the support of the army, she thought that this was a prime opportunity to get rid of Shiro who had been a constant pain.

Even the king was shocked that his skin was slowly turning purple as well.

"How could you..." He muttered in disbelief.

"Hahaha! I f*cking knew it." Shiro grinned as she snapped her fingers.


A surge of electricity exploded out of every soldier’s body,as nanotech armour wrapped around them. The demon possession was instantly broken as the queen widened her eyes in disbelief.

Even the king was wrapped up in nanotech armour as he was surprised to see his class change.

[Nanotech Rail Berserker]

Information about the class instantly flowed through his mind as two heavy axes appeared in front of him.

Instinctively grabbing the axes by the handle, he felt power surge around him as it reminded him of his peak days.

Naturally, with the change in class destroying all signs of demon possession, the previous debuffs that were placed on his disappeared as well.

"You... You’re a succubus." He glared at the queen.

The queen didn’t respond as she was trying to figure out how Shiro had negated the effects of the demon seed. She had been overlooking the entire army for a while and knew that everyone had taken the demon seeds.

"Impossible." She muttered.

"Nothing’s impossible." Shiro replied.


The queen’s communicator suddenly burst apart with nanotech wires wrapping around her and stopped her from moving around.

"ALL UNITS PREPARE THE RAIL CANNON!" Shiro shouted out as the soldier’s armours lit up with neon blue circuits and created a weakened version of Shiro’s rail sniper in their hands.

Knowing that it wasn’t time to dawdle on such matters, all units aimed towards the boss while their visors would help them aim their weapons properly.

"FIRE!!!!" Shiro shouted out as she pulled the trigger.


All of the bullets crashed against the attack as it exploded on impact. Quickly flying into the rift, Yin retreated from the area.

Appearing besides the queen, the three of them landed on their feet and dragged the queen up by her collar.

"So succubus, was being the spy hard?" Shiro chuckled darkly. However, Lisandra placed her hand on Shiro’s arm, causing her to stop.

She could feel the disbelief and fear from every shiver in Lisandra’s hand.

"Is this true mum?" Lisandra asked as her voice cracked slightly. She clearly saw what had happened from above but she didn’t want to believe.

"Che, don’t call me mum. I’ve killed her long ago." The succubus tried to spit on Lisandra’s face but was stopped by Shiro.

The spit was frozen in mid-air before crumbling away.

"What did you just say!?" The king widened his eyes in fury.

After his mind was cleared, he remembered how her behaviour took an obvious turn but ignored it due to his ’love’. But now that the succubus came clean, he realised that the wife he loved was replaced.

"Her scream at the end was f*cking arousing." She grinned fearlessly. Since she was captured, she knew her final outcome was death.

"My brother, my mother..." Lisandra muttered as tears started to form.

Shiro stayed silent since she knew Lisandra needed to vent out her frustrations.

"Why... why my brother, why my mother?" Lisandra asked. Her tears started to fall as her grip around the Imperium Blade tightened to the point of bleeding.

"So many whys child. Just know that I loved every second of it. You mother’s face when she died, your brother’s face when I stole his essence and turned him into a demon. All of it by my hand haha- ARG!!!"

She was cut off when Lisandra’s sword slashed against her eyes and blinded her.

The king was shocked at her outburst but allowed her to do what she wants. He knew that Lisandra loved her family the most. More than he ever will. For her to suffer this kind of shock, he wasn’t surprised at her reaction.

"Your judgement... Is death!!" She cried out as a huge amount of light blades appeared in the air and skewered the succubus. Due to the nature of the holy swords, sizzling sounds could be heard from her body before she turned to ash.

Tilting her head back, Lisandra screamed into the sky in sadness as blood started to leak from her eyes.

Shiro narrowed her eyes at this skill.

’Light Goddess’s Divine Judgement’ She thought with a frown.

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