Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 189 Incarnation

Chapter 189 Incarnation

Light Goddess’s Divine Judgement, a skill that the light hero loved to use when attacking monsters. Due to the holy nature of the skill, it had an increase in damage whenever he used it against monsters.

It was also a symbol to show that he was one of God’s chosen.


Light descended from the skies as a pillar of energy erupted from Lisandra.

Her blood tears continued to fall as she was releasing all of her anguish.

"All divisions! Attack the enemy and don’t let them get close. Lisandra’s classing up." Shiro called over the crystal as she knew of this phenomenon.

Whenever a person is given a chance at a class up regardless of level, example being when she was offered the class of Imperial Ice Queen, they would be supplied with the missing levels.

Right now, Lisandra was currently experiencing a giant power boost so that she fits the level requirement of the class.

Clicking her fingers, jet boosters formed on the soldier’s armour, providing them with more options to harass the demon army without being in danger.

"It seems like you’re the reason for this." The king said with a small smile.


"And here I thought that your class was just Ice Mage. You’ve been hiding quite a bit from me." He chuckled.

"As if I could tell you. Your mind was being swayed by the succubus. Plus, if the enemy knew we had this kind of power, they wouldn’t send their best men towards us now would they?" Shiro grinned.

"True." The king nodded. If the succubus had known that she was capable of this, she probably wouldn’t have shown herself. Not only that, but she would have also warned the army and focused on wearing them down before sending in the full force.

"But let’s take care of the Kalis Maganar first. I’ve been dying to show my full strength." Shiro grinned.

"Yin!" Shiro called out.

"Got it mum, let’s not hold back anymore." Yin laughed as she shifted herself back into a phoenix.

Hoping on Yin’s back, they shot up into the sky.

"Fuu..." Breathing out heavily, Shiro calmed her mind.

Jumping off Yin’s back, she free falled towards the Kalis Magnar.

Reaching out her hands, two tier 3 magic circles appeared on her wrist.


Nanotech armour wrapped around her entire body. Coolant cells could be seen near the back as magnetic disks appeared behind her.

"Rail Cannon A7, A8, A9 and A10 are online." Shiro muttered coldly.


Materialising near the magnetic disks, four matt black rail cannons could be seen with neon blue circuit patterns pulsing on the main chassis.

"Generation 2 Ignius Anti Material Rifle online."

Just as she said that, the hip compartment of her nanotech armour shifted to reveal two more magnetic disks. Nanobots started to converge around the disks as two anti material rifles started to form.

"Mn, this will do for now." Shiro frowned as she started to feel pain once more. However, she was satisfied with the amount of firepower she could produce.

"All systems online, generation 2 Battle Maiden activate." She commanded. Ambient mana surged towards her, charging up her armour.

Neon blue circuits started to spread through the surface as miniature Ion Thrusters materialised on her armour.

With a thunderous boom, Shiro launched herself towards the Kalis Magnar.

Shifting her body in mid air, she aimed all 6 weapons and fire immediately.


Unlike before, she was able to draw blood from the boss.

"Mn, not bad." Shiro nodded in satisfaction.

Controlling the thrusters with her mind, she quickly dodged the boss’s attack as her increase in speed left a faint trail of light behind her due to the thrusters.

Looking at the constant bombardment against the boss, the king couldn’t help but open his mouth in shock. While he was more powerful than Shiro in his prime, if he were to face off against her at the same level, which is now, he can guarantee an instant death. There was simply no logical way of facing off against that kind of fire power when they’re at the same level.

"Incredible." He muttered.

While Shiro was bombarding the boss, Yin wasn’t idle either. Shifting herself back to her human form, she would send arrows of dark star element towards the boss.

While it did do damage, it was almost negligible.

Sweat started to drip from Shiro’s forehead as she continued her ruthless onslaught against the boss.

While she did technically have the upper hand right now, it wasn’t easy. A single misstep was all it took for her to be killed instantly.

Looking at the battlefield, she could see that the army was winning so far. Casualties had increased but it was still within acceptable range.

’Hmm... Maybe I should leave the boss to Lisa. Even if I kill it, the EXP would just be wasted. That I can’t have. But if I leave it alone, the casualties would shoot up instantly.’ She thought with a frown.

Quickly boosting herself up into the air, she aimed all her weapons and fired at one of the boss’s eyes.

*BOOM!!!! URAHH!!!!!

Flinching back from the pain, the boss glared at her.

"Minimal damage huh? I guess that’s fine as well." Shiro muttered.

The next moment, the boss spread his wings open as mana gathered around him.

"Oh sh*t!" Shiro widened her eyes. She knew exactly what kind of move this was and the damage it could cause.

Removing the limiters on her weapons she allowed to fire at will towards the boss while she flew higher into the air. The further away she was, the better.

The boss had his aggro on her so the rest of the army wouldn’t be targeted.

Reaching the clouds, Shiro made an air mask before flicking her wrists.

*Kish Kish Kish!

All six weapons disassembled into a swarm of nanobots that reconstructed itself into a giant cannon within her arms.

The Eclipse Orbital Cannon. The strongest weapon she could configure to work in synchronisation with her current armour.

The weapon itself was massive and was almost four times as big as Shiro. Decorated with matt black panels, Mana Condensing Coils along with Solar Focussing Coils, the weapon was a sight to behold.

While the cannon was charging up, Shiro had to make sure the boss followed her past the clouds. Once she was up there, she’ll be able to redirect the sunlight to overcharge her cannon.

Snapping her fingers, several glacial arrows appeared beside her. A single gesture from her caused all the arrows to shoot towards the boss but they did minimal damage. All that they achieved was shattering into a thousand pieces. However, that was what Shiro was aiming for.

Clutching her hand into a fist, the ice crystals surged towards the boss’s rear and formed into a giant ice spear.

"Oh gosh mum’s at it again." Yin flinched slightly while turning her head away.

However, she couldn’t help but open her fingers a little and peak towards the boss just to see its reaction.

Shiro, who had just saw this from the corner of her eyes, felt her lips twitch.

’Oi didn’t you want to look away? Little kids should look at indecent things!’ She thought in her mind but didn’t stop what she was doing.

A three layered magic circle appeared around her hands as lightning, shadow and dark star element wrapped around the spear.

Both the lightning and darks tar elements were highly destructive and couldn’t be taken lightly. Especially if it was targeting one’s most vital area.

Flicking her fingers upwards, Shiro watched at the spear penetrated the boss.


Silence dominated the battlefield for both demons and humans as everyone opened their mouth in absolute shock.

They had just witnessed the boss get pierced by a giant ice spear in the chrysanthemum. Even the boss was sent into shock as he had never felt this kind of pain before.

Due to the nature of the elements that Shiro had infused the spear with, they could hear the sizzle along with smoke coming from the rear as the spear was actively cooking and destroying the rear at the same time!


After the boss recovered from his shock, his first instinct was to scream as loud as he could in order to distract him from the pain that he was feeling.

Crashing against the ground, the boss covered his rear and started to roll around in hopes of dissipating the pain.

Wincing at the unsightly demeanour of the boss, even the demon’s couldn’t blame him for rolling around like a child who stubbed his toe.

As for the humans, they took this moment to kill more demons. Naturally, they also pretended to not know Shiro.

’Who is this crazy girl? Coming here and violating the boss, how shameless.’ They collectively thought.

Meanwhile, Shiro massaged her eyes slightly when she saw the boss rolling around. Her initial plan was to increase her aggro so that the boss would fly towards her but she didn’t expect his pain tolerance to be so weak.

"Tch, I’ll do it myself then." Shiro clicked her tongue and flew up into the clouds.

Pushing the clouds aside, Shiro shielded her eyes from the sunlight while her weapons started to hum with energy.

Taking a deep breath, she set her thrusters to keep her floating in the air while aiming her weapon at the boss.

Tracing her fingers on the body of the weapon, Shiro started to augment the weapon with her compatible elements.

Tier 3 Lightning, Metal, Shadow and Dark Star.

Feeling the surge of mana above him, the boss gritted his teeth and ripped the ice spear out from his rear and flew upwards

Several orbs of void black energy appeared around him as he sent them flying towards her.

"Too late." Shiro grinned as she pulled the trigger on her weapon. Not only that, but she flicked her fingers and sent the ice spear towards the boss’s ass once more.

’Leave him alone already!’ The demons cried out in their minds with pity.


The pain of being pierced again caused the boss’s aim to go awry and missed his shot entirely.


Slamming against the boss’s head, the beam of energy drilled into his armour ruthlessly.

Both the augmented shadow element and dark star element ate away at his armour like it was paper.

Blood splattered everywhere as the boss quickly twisted his body so that it wouldn’t hurt him as much. Crashing against his hard armoured back, the beam of energy started to deflect to the surroundings.

Frowning at the outcome, Shiro truly wanted to curse the system. Feeling aggrieved by the her current progress, she truly wondered how other people could finish this quest with a higher grade.

’Why the hell would you give me a quest this hard?! This princess is a f*cking reincarnator with a triple S grade class and could only serve as a back scratcher! Are you kidding me?!’


Just as she finished her cursing, she heard a bell toll ring out as the light pillar shattered apart to show Lisandra in her new form. 6 pairs of angel wings spread out from her back as long blond hair flowed to her waist. A pair of crystal blue eyes that were still slightly red looked at the sky in sorrow.

She wore a white robe with golden highlights and light plated silver armour around her shoulders, arms, legs and torso.

However, Shiro didn’t focus on any of that.

’Why the hell is her bust bigger than mine! She’s just like Madi! One class up and she grows up! The f*cking injustice! Where can I complain?!’ Shiro thought to herself while gritting her teeth in frustration. Surely the sylph class would give her a better body proportion right? She remembered seeing decently endowed sylphs in her old life so she should be the same. This was totally not one of the key reasons for picking the class up along with more development options. *cough*

[Lisandra LVL 75 – Light Goddess’s Incarnation]

Looking at Lisandra’s level, Shiro’s eyes constricted for a moment. While the hero was dubbed the light goddess’s chosen, Lisandra was actually her incarnation.

Her heart pounded in shock as she couldn’t take her eyes off Lisandra.

’She’s not the one who killed me so why am I directing my anger at her? She’s still the same pupil that followed me around calling me teach.’ Shiro thought to herself as she shook her head in order to distract herself from the hatred that was boiling up in her mind.

Moving her gaze to Shiro, Lisandra had the urge to run into her embrace and cry out her heart but knew that this wasn’t the time just yet. She had to end this war.

Flapping her wings, she flickered towards the boss faster than Shiro could track her.

Drawing a thin line in front of her, she pulled out a holy blade that sent shivers down Shiro’s spine.

"Divine Augmentation." Lisandra said as she layered the Imperium Blade and the holy blade together.

Shrouding the Imperium Blade in a holy aura, light particles started to flicker off the edges as she swung it gently at the boss.


A blade of light descended from the skies as it cleaved the boss in two and split the earth apart to form a deep chasm that one couldn’t see the bottom of. Not only that, the night sky also brightened up to the point where it was almost indistinguishable from daylight.

One attack from Lisandra was all it took to turn night into day and end the boss that had been troubling them.

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