Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 190 Bickering

Chapter 190 Bickering

Watching the boss get killed in a single strike, the demons panicked and quickly retreated.

"Everyone! Return to the kingdom for now!" Lisandra shouted out. It was dangerous to pursue since they’ll be in demon territory. Plus, with the existence of a tier 6 demon lord, one wrong move and everything will be over.

Nodding their heads, the soldiers followed her orders and retreated.

As the army retreated, Shiro disassembled her armour before gesturing to Yin. Yin nodded her head and shifted into a phoenix.

Carrying Shiro towards Lisandra, Yin hovered a short distance behind her.

"Lisa." Shiro called out.

"Teach..." Lisandra turned around as her façade instantly shattered and tears started to form.

"Teach!" She cried out and dove into Shiro’s embrace.

Receiving her hug, Shiro didn’t push Lisandra away as she gently stroked her hair.

Shiro didn’t know what to say so she opted to stay silent and allow Lisandra to cry her heart out.

"Mother *hick*... Brother *hick* .... Why did this have to happen to me?" Lisandra cried out as her heart tightened with grief.

"I don’t know." Shiro replied. There wasn’t anything else she could say to consult her. The best thing for Lisandra right now was to just vent all of her emotions out.

Gesturing for Yin to bring them down, Shiro sat down near a tree with Lisandra still in her embrace.

Sitting there patiently, she watched as the night slowly turned to day.

Lisandra’s sobs slowly died down as she calmed herself.

"Better?" Shiro asked with a faint smile.

"Un." Lisandra nodded her head slightly. A blush crept on her face as she felt embarrassed from crying into Shiro’s modest bosom.

Looking at Lisandra who’s wings would flap a little from nervousness every now and again, Shiro couldn’t help but feel her heart soften. Even if she was now the incarnation of the goddess that supported her killer. After all, Lisandra didn’t know anything nor was she the one who killed her.

"Let’s head back shall we? We need to figure out what to do after this. The demons will probably find other ways into the mainland." Shiro smiled slightly and flicked Lisandra’s forehead.

"Ou~ Fine." Lisandra rubbed her head a little before frowning.

Shaking her head, she flapped her wings lightly while floating behind her.

Yin frowned a little before she too shifted herself back to her human form. Spreading out her wings, she floated to the right of Shiro.

"Little Lis, you should walk." Yin pouted.

"Nope. I’m tired after killing the boss so I should be flying. Big sis Yin should be walking since you’ve been flying this entire battle." Lisandra retorted while sticking out her tongue.

While Yin did like the sound of big sis Yin, she was mum’s only baby ok!? She didn’t need a sister! Ok maybe Kanae is an exception but not Lisandra!

"Hmph! I’m a phoenix! Have you ever seen a phoenix spend most of the time walking?" Yin pouted.

"No but I have seen you spend most of your time sitting." Lisandra retorted, not backing down at all. While she was joking around with Yin, Shiro could tell that she was using this to distract her from her sorrow.

"You!" Yin heaved her chest up and down in frustration as she didn’t know how to retort. Lisandra had been spending all her time training so she couldn’t call her lazy.

Tears started to form in her eyes as her face slowly reddened up.

Looking at Yin who was on the verge of tears, Lisandra couldn’t help but feel a little guilty. Surely a phoenix who was in the realm of C class wouldn’t cry this easily right?

Briefly glancing at the two, Shiro rolled her eyes.

’Why the hell do I feel like I’ve just picked up another daughter?’

One was a miniature version of her with void purple wings while the other was her disciple with 6 pairs of angel wings.

It was the literal definition of devil on one shoulder and angel on the other.

"Will you two hush for a bit?" Shiro sighed tiredly.

"But mum!" Yin turned her head at Shiro as the tears started to fall.

"Yeah yeah, eat something and calm down." Shiro sighed as she shoved a mana stone lollipop into her mouth.

"One lollipop can’t trick this baby!" Yin pouted but didn’t throw the lollipop away.

"Fine then two." Shiro replied and instantly shoved another on in her mouth.


"Three." Shiro cut her off by shoving a third one in.





When the fifth one was brought out, Yin dispelled her wings and started to walk happily. With five treats in her mouth, she didn’t mind letting Lisandra fly around her mum for a bit. In the end, Lisandra couldn’t follow them out anyways. Right?

"Che, big sis Yin’s a glutton." Lisandra pouted and turned her head away.

’At least one of my daughters is docile.’ Shiro thought to herself but paused.

’Hold up when did she become my daughter?’

Sighing out tiredly, Shiro massaged her eyes and realised a ’small’ problem. Within a single quest, she had basically picked up two daughters. Not only that, one was a phoenix and the other was a goddess incarnation.

One was destruction and the other could technically be called creation due to her element.

That being said, it wasn’t like she could bring Lisandra out with her. If she tried to form a contract with her, it might be blocked by her contract with Yin.

’But she’s a goddess incarnation, would it even work? Not only that, but could she possibly find out about what happened between me and the light hero?’ Shiro thought.

She didn’t know what being the incarnation meant but the possibility of Lisandra knowing what happened was there and it wasn’t something that Shiro would like her to know if possible.

After all, she had been quite bloodthirsty back then. After her reincarnation, she had actually become quite ’docile’ when compared to her previous self.

Everyone has a past that they don’t want to expose after all.

"So what’s this whole thing about?" Shiro asked, sweeping her glance at Lisandra’s wings.

"Mn? Are you curious teach?" Lisandra asked as her wings fluttered slightly.

"A little." Shiro nodded.

"Well I don’t know either." Lisandra looked to the side embarrassingly.

". . . ."

"Hmph, at least this baby knew what she was when she classed up." Yin chipped in.

"Yin darling?"

"Yeah mum?"

"Shut it."

"Urg!" Yin was about to cry when Shiro stuffed a few more mana stone lollipops into her arms. This caused her to instantly shut up.

’Tsk, glutton.’ Shiro rolled her eyes mentally before turning back to Lisandra.

"What do you mean? Didn’t you use one of the skills in that battle then?" She asked curiously.

"I did. But I only *cough* know 2 skills." Lisandra scratched her cheek embarrassingly. During her class up, she had gained massive powerups regarding her stats and had also gained passive such as flight due to her angel wings. Not only that, her race was also changed into the divine race.

BUT, despite all of that, she only knew of two skills. The first was Divine Augmentation which she used against the boss and the second was Divine Blessing.

This skill would allow her to form a protective barrier around her and her ally. It would also heal them for a small portion of their health while increasing the damage of their next attack.

After explaining the skills to Shiro, Lisandra waited for her reaction like an obedient bunny.

"Mn, not bad I guess. The first skill is good for offence but the second skill is alright. I already have a way to heal and increase my attack power." Shiro responded.

"Oh..." Lisandra looked a little downcast after hearing her response.

"Heh heh~ This baby is more useful." Yin puffed up her non existent chest in smugness.

"Che, unlike Lisa, you can’t kill a mid to high tier C class enemy." Shiro rolled her eyes.

"Pft." Lisandra couldn’t help but snicker after seeing Yin get scolded slightly.

"What are you laughing at!?" Yin gritted her teeth in annoyance.

"You." Lisandra stuck her tongue out.

While Shiro was glad that Yin had someone to play with, she was also a little annoyed since it meant more trouble for her.

"Gah! I’ll fight you!" Yin cried out as she spread out her wings. Of course, she kept her lollipops in a pouch first. They were precious commodities after all.

"Hmph who’s scared of who! This princess will fight you too!" Lisandra glared back.

"Who’s a princess?! It’s obviously me!"

"Fine then I’m the queen!"

"You’re not the queen, mum’s the queen!"

"Fine then I’m the first princess!"

Shiro could feel a vein slowly bulge up as it threatened to burst.

Listening to the two quarrelling behind her, Shiro snapped as she quickly turned around and grabbed both of them by the cheek.

"Shut it and play nicely!" Shiro glared as two ice spears appeared and aimed towards their rears. Of course, the tips were rounded off since Shiro’s didn’t want to kill them.

Remembering what the spear did to the boss, Yin paled slightly. Lisandra didn’t see Shiro do the task but she remembered seeing a horrifying wound on the boss when she killed it. After seeing the spears, she finally realised that had happened and paled.

’Surely teach won’t be that ruthless right?’

"Mum wouldn’t harm your baby girl like this right? I’m barely of age ah."

"Try me." Shiro narrowed her eyes as the spear inched closer.

Lisandra did the smart thing and didn’t let out a single sound.

"I swear you two are like two sisters. Always fighting." Shiro sighed as she thawed the ice spear.

"Can’t you two be nice to each other for a while?" She asked. She still had the problem regarding the mainland and the fallen god corpse so she didn’t want to waste too much of her time on these two rascals.

"Hmph, fine I’ll be nice because mum said so." Yin huffed.

"I’ll follow teach’s orders." Lisandra nodded.

"Good." Shiro smiled in satisfaction.

Letting them go, they made their way back to the kingdom. Thankfully, the two followed Shiro’s request and didn’t fight during their way back.

Arriving back at the kingdom, they received the news that the king wanted to talk to them privately. In addition to this, Shiro could detect a sort of reverence from the soldier’s eyes when he saw Lisandra.

As for Lisandra, her face became stern and her body posture was intimidating. She knew that along with Shiro, she was the kingdom’s pillar of support so she couldn’t show any weakness.

Yin didn’t play around either as her face was serious too.

While both Yin and Lisandra received gazes of reverence, the only kind of gaze that Shiro got was fear.

Rubbing her chin, Shiro conjured up a mirror.

"Am I really that scary?" She muttered.

’Yes!’ Both Yin and Lisandra cried out in their mind.

Seeing each other’s expression, they instantly knew that they were thinking of the same thing.

Shaking their hands together, they had found a common ground.

’Mum/teach is nice but she’s god damn scary!’

Arriving at the king’s study room, they could see the king shuffling through several records.

"Ah you’re here." The king said respectfully.

"Stop. God your tone makes my skin crawl." Shiro said as her face was filled with a tiny amount of disgust.

"You know... You can’t just say that to a king right?" He said as his eyes twitched a little.

"Oh don’t give me that crap. What are you gonna do? Bite me?" Shiro retorted fearlessly.

Watching the two interact, Lisandra decided to be a good child and look away. What the eye can’t see the mind won’t think.

’Sorry father, but you’re going to have to put up with teach alone.’ Lisandra thought.

If the king knew what Lisandra had thought he would have cried out at the injustice.

"*cough* anyways. Since you’ve managed to send the demon’s back to their continent, we should talk about what’s going to happen next." The king sat down.

"You should know about Lisandra’s true identity now that her class is revealed." The king said in seriousness.

"Wait father, what do you mean by true identity?" Lisandra frowned.

"Darling, you should know that you’re special by now right? No normal person could be part of the divine race." The king smiled sadly.

"Is this about Lisa being the light goddess’s incarnation?" Shiro narrowed her eyes.

Yin could tell that thing’s were on thin ice since she knew about what had happened to Shiro.

Even though she was bickering with Lisandra before, she still cared about her like a sister.

"Yes it is." The king nodded.

"Mn, before you tell us about her identity, I want to ask you a question." Shiro said, raising her finger.

"What kind of question?" The king tilted his head curiously.

Looking at Shiro’s demeanour and aura, he could tell that she was stopping her killing intent from spilling out which led him to ask himself this; ’What kind of question could incite such killing intent from her?’

From the entire time that he had seen her, she had been quite friendly if you turn a blind eye to some of her actions. But never had she shown her hatred like this.

"Do you know of the class Light Bearing Hero and the name..." Shiro asked as she trailed off. She couldn’t suppress herself as her aura slowly leaked out.

"Aekari Lumire?" Shiro said, almost hissing out the name in anger.

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