Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 194 Luna Devouring Serpent

Chapter 194 Luna Devouring Serpent

As the ten guardians got onto their own mounts, Shiro and Lisandra sat on Yin’s back.

Looking at the current team composition, Shiro was rather satisfied with how things are. In total, there were 13 people.

5 magic based classes, 3 physical attackers, 3 defensive and 2 healers. As for their injuries and stamina, Shiro had spared a little of her time to heal each of them. During the healing, she had even managed to find a small shortcut. If she made a piece of equipment that had her skill, fire of life, downloaded, she could get them to use their own mana to heal themselves.

The result of which surprised them since they have never seen a fire that could heal someone.

’If I want to get a 30% contribution in this raid, it will be hard to make up for it during the last boss. If anything, I should kill as many of the bosses at the start.’ Shiro thought to herself since this was a great time to class up.

Flying over the demon continent, they ventured deeper since the demon king’s castle was quite a journey away.


Narrowing her eyes, Shiro could see black dots in the distance that were flying towards them.

Flexing her fingers, she created a pair of binoculars.

"Everyone be careful. A swarm of demon bats are coming." Shiro frowned and warned everyone else.

Tracing her finger on the binoculars, she changed them into her Eclipse Cannon.

"I’ll shoot as many of them down as I can for now and you guys can fire when they get closer." Shiro said while looking down her scope. While the mages were more powerful than her, their range was shorter.

Pressing her palm on Yin’s back, a set of nanotech armour wrapped around Yin and increased her speed.


Firing her sniper, a beam of light cut across the sky. However, before it could kill more bats, the first one had detonated his mana and contained the explosion.

"Mn... seems like they’re prepared." Shiro frowned, seeing the bat stop her shot from doing more damage.

"But that’s fine I suppose." She smiled as she created a second sniper rifle and four cannons on Yin’s back.

"Yin darling, can you handle recoil?" Shiro asked.


Yin nodded her head as smirked as best as she could. It was almost as if she was saying; who do you think I am?

"Good!" Shiro grinned. Nanobots secured her to Yin’s armour so that she wouldn’t be blown back from the recoil.

A pair of visors dropped down in front of her as Shiro narrowed her eyes.


Coils started to extrude from each of the cannons as the ambient mana surged towards her crazily.

The nine who weren’t familiar with her power widened their eyes in shock seeing how much mana was being absorbed by Shiro’s cannons.

’All systems online. Fire.’ She thought in her mind as she pulled the trigger.


Several beams of light erupted from the cannon and shot towards the bats. This time, no matter how much the bats wanted to detonate their mana in order to contain the explosion, they found it to be impossible since the bullets would drill a hole through the barrier as if it were a piece of paper.

"Mana Disruption bullets. As if your tiny barriers can stop the bullet." Shiro grinned as she continued to bombard the bats from a distance. By the time the bats entered the mage’s range of attack, there was less than 5% of them left.

"Seems like we’ve underestimated your prowess." One of the guardians laughed as he flicked his finger and sent several waves of lightning orbs towards the remaining swarm of bats.

"Perhaps. But who wouldn’t? Level 50’s can only do so much after all." Shiro smiled. She wasn’t offended at all since she had underestimated people before.

"Indeed. In fairness, one’s prowess only shows once they’re level 51. Before that, you can say that you’re still a child in a way. Pass level 51 is when you start to make a difference." He smiled and shook his head slightly.

The jump from level 50 to 51 was astounding as the differences were like a child trying to fight a teenager.

However, for people like Shiro, she was like a child with a gun. That gun will let her bridge the difference between her and people passed level 50.

Continuing their trip towards the demon king’s castle, they were constantly bombarded by flying units that didn’t care for their lives.

Looking at her system, she knew that the raid had already started. So far her contribution was at 74%, which was good news since it will help her get that final 30% that she needed.

"I see the castle." One of the guardians said seriously as he pulled on his mount’s reins.

"I can sense defensive formations in the sky, so we’ll have to enter the castle by foot. Everyone be wary." Another guardian warned as he dived down with his mount.

Looking at everyone else, Shiro nodded her head and flew down with Yin and Lisandra.

Landing in front of the main gate, Yin shifted back to her human form. Her face was a little pale since she could clearly feel the dense amount of bloodthirst within the castle that rivalled Shiro’s bloodthirst.

"We have to be careful from this point on." Shiro said as her face was also serious. As a veteran who had faced countless enemies in battle, she knew that this was going to be a hard fight. Even just being in the presence of the castle brought shivers down her spine. She knew that whoever was inside was a genuine tier 6 powerhouse. Only question being why he hasn’t attacked them straight away.

Moving into formation, the 3 defensive classed guardians stood at the front of the party while the physical based guardians stood behind them. This group included Lisandra and Shiro since she could be also classed as a physical attack-based class user.

Naturally, the mages and healers stood at the back.

"Let’s go." One of the defenders said as they led the way through the castle gates.

Looking at the architecture, she could see the walls and floors being made from a dark purple material that solidified depending on the amount of mana that was being funnelled through them.

’Interesting...’ Shiro thought. If she was able to get some of this material and give it to Helion so that he could forge it into a set of armour, there was no doubt that it was going to be a strong piece of equipment. Who knows, it might even reach orange grade.

Shaking her mind of the stray thoughts, Shiro focused on her surroundings. The moment she felt any movement, she would attack without hesitation. Flexing her fingers, a hand cannon materialised in her hands.


A dense wave of pressure washed over them as demons started to crawl through the walls.

"An ambush! Mages and healers move to the middle! Tankers spread yourself out evenly!" The main defender shouted out as his body erupted with a golden glow. Illusionary pieces of armour wrapped around his body as he slammed his shield into the ground.

Mass Taunt!


All of the demons roared in a frenzy as they charged towards the tankers. The other two also activated their taunt skills while the other members of the parties started to take down the demons.

Lisandra spread out her angel wings and flew slightly above the demons and started to slash away without any regard.

As for Yin, she hovered in the middle of the formation and flicked tiny sparks of Dark Star elements that would detonate itself in the middle of a giant crowd.


With a gun in one hand and Ataraxia in the other, Shiro danced through the crowd of demons with ease.


Parrying a claw with her sword, Shiro twisted her body and aimed her gun at the back of the demon’s head.


Quickly glancing around her, she saw that she was about to be hit from several directions.

She curved the corners of her lips into a soft smile as she jumped up slightly and twisted her body, dodging the attacks by the skin of her teeth.

Flicking her sword up, she made another hand cannon and pulled the triggers several times at the demons.


Every shot was a headshot without exception.

Landing softly, she disassembled one of her hand cannons and caught the sword with ease.

"Her marksmanship is remarkable." One of the guardians praised with a smile.

"Indeed." Another agreed with him.

"Enough chit chat. Let’s kill these f*ckers." Old Tar, the one who fought the king, grinned as draconic energy burst out of his body.

Pulling his fist back, a fire erupted out around it and morphed into the shape of a dragon head which.


Punching out with his fist, an illusionary dragon appeared and started to devour everything in its way. Even the material that could harden with mana had a few layers scr.a.p.ed off the surface.


A line of corpses could be seen as Shiro was slightly surprised at his power.

"Impressive." Shiro praised.

"Not as impressive as you. I can’t do what you are doing now when I’m level 50." He laughed.


"You humour me. I’m sure you’re the same." Shiro chuckled while pulling the trigger which killed a demon that tried to sneak up behind her.

As they slaughtered their way through the ambush, they were rather relaxed since each of them were experienced in fighting against an army alone with a few exceptions such as the healer.


Decapitating the last demon, Shiro stored her sword away and glanced at the contribution chart.

’Hmm... My contributions have decreased to 67%.’ She thought with a slight frown.

Shaking her head, she decided to achieve more in the boss fights to increase her contribution.

Just as they were about to continue, one of the guardians raised up his hand to stop the party before crouching down.

"What is he doing?" Yin asked curiously.

"He’s currently mapping out the demon king’s castle and forming the quickest route we have to him. This way, we can save some stamina." The king smiled.

"Heh~ I see."

Pulses of mana could be seen spreading out from his hand as Shiro understood the concept of what he was doing. It was very similar to the scanners that she would make since they too mapped out an area through spreading mana.

"Alright, follow me. I’ve found the quickest route." He smiled before standing up.

Following behind him, the group kept their guard up.

On the way to the first ’main’ room, they were ambushed several times by demons. However, they were taken care of easily since the group had already gotten used to their movement.


Pushing open the door to the first room, they were shocked to see a giant magic crystal in the centre of the room. The sheer size of the crystal caused them to wonder how much mana had been stored inside since it was comparable to a large house. But that wasn’t the main problem.

The main problem was the presence of a giant white snake that wrapped around the crystal.

[Luna Devouring Serpent – LVL 60 BOSS]

HP: 30,000,000/30,000,000

MP: 30,000,000/30,000,000

"The Luna Devouring Serpent is a pet of the demon king. Be careful of its gaze since it can freeze you in place for a short time and WILL attack you." One of the defenders frowned when he saw the serpent.


A loud hiss could be heard as the serpent started to uncoil itself. Glaring at the intruders, it narrowed its eyes dangerously.

"Spread out! physical based classes pair up with mages and we’ll work in twos. Little birdie! You take the healer into the sky and help her get an overall outlook on the battlefield. No matter what, we cannot allow the healer to be injured."

Looking over at Shiro, Yin wanted to see her reaction .

"Go." Shiro nodded.

Shifting herself into her phoenix form, that was smaller than usual due to the size of the room, Yin picked up the healer and took her into the air.

"The main problem is to watch out for its crowd control. Otherwise, just deal as much damage as you can and we’ll adapt to it during the fight!"

They had no choice since there was limited information about the monster.

Tapping her necklace, Shiro brought out her swords as she grabbed two of them. Since the size of the snake was quite big, she was probably safer if she climbed onto its back.

"Let’s go Lisa!" Shiro smiled, dashing towards the snake.

"Got it!" Lisandra nodded.

Ataraxia Elemental Shift – Shadow!

Activating her skill, all of Shiro’s swords started to release a faint layer of black mist as she used the augmented Shadow Element.

This was by far one of her most powerful elements since it could corrode the enemy to a certain extent.

Jumping up onto the serpent’s scales, Shiro twisted her body and slashed her sword as hard as she could.


Seeing her sword bounce off, Shiro widened her eyes in surprise.

’F*ck! If I had used my gun, couldn’t I have shot myself with my bullet because of the deflection!?’ She thought to herself.

However, she quickly calmed herself down and focused her mind entirely. Her face became blank as she entered a state of complete focus.

Looking at her state, the ten guardians were once again completely shocked since this was a state that only the most experienced could enter. Even they struggled a little to enter this state.

Yin Style Asura’s Path – Asura Sword Path + Phantom Path!

Dashing forwards, Shiro flickered out of their view.


By the time they saw her again, they saw a found a fountain of blood spraying into the air since several scales were pried up from the serpent’s back.

A three-layered magic circle appeared in her hands as she slammed it into the wound.


Augmented Shadow Element invaded the serpent’s body as Shiro smiled cruelly.

’Since I can’t wound it heavily on the outside, I’ll kill it inside out!’

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