Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 195 Demon King

Chapter 195 Demon King


Crying out from the pain, the serpent thrashed around in an attempt to kill Shiro.

However, Shiro gracefully flipped backwards to avoid its rampage.


A bell toll rang out as Lisandra dashed towards the serpent’s head with her sword that was basked in a holy aura.


Slashing out with as much force as she could muster, her sword lacerated deeply into the serpent’s skull.


"Arg!" Crying out in pain, Lisandra was slammed against the wall by the serpent’s head.

However, she was quickly healed.

Glaring at the serpent, Lisandra pushed against the head as she used the walls as a foothold.

A contest of strength sparked between the two as the serpent wanted to crush Lisandra into a meat paste.

"Hmph! You dare harm her in front of me." Both Shiro and the King said at the same time.

Flickering in front of the serpent, Shiro twisted her body as she swung her swords. A magnificent galaxy trailed behind them as she coated them with dark star element. It was unfortunate that they didn’t have a dark star elemental shift, but she’ll make do for now.

AS for the king, all his systems were on overdrive as he merged his dual axes into a giant war axe and swung against the serpent’s cranium.

*BOOM BANG!!!!!!

Recoiling in pain, the serpent crashed against the crystal.

’A chance!’ Shiro thought as she let her swords float around her. Tracing a line in the air in front of her, she created the strongest nanotech bow that she could.

Pulling back on the strings, Shiro was surprised at the tension since even she struggled a little despite the fact that her strength was twice as strong as normal level 50’s.

The more she pulled back on her strings, the faster mana would surge towards her as a black arrow started to appear between her fingers.

Calamity Dragon Arrow!

However, this wasn’t the same calamity dragon arrow that killed the wyvern. No, it was more powerful due to the fact that Shiro now augmented it with dark star element. Not only that, due to the fact that her links had healed up by 6%, the amount of mana she could use had also increased.

Quickly glancing at her arm, Shiro knew that she wasn’t able to continue gathering mana since she was soon reaching her limit. But this was enough.


Letting go of the arrow, Shiro’s body was launched back from the recoil. However, she kept her eyes on the arrow as it pierced through the serpent’s eyelids and into its eye.

"F*ck! This princess used everything and it only pierced the eyelid!?" Shiro muttered as she felt the corner of her lips twitch.

As it stands, the thought of getting 30% contribution seemed to slowly drift out of her reach.

Shaking her head with annoyance, she gritted her teeth since she wasn’t satisfied. Unless she ripped the goddamn eye out, she wouldn’t be satisfied at all.

Tapping her chest, nanobots started to spread out of her fingertips as a layer of armour was created.

"Generation 1 Divine Warrior armour activated. All System’s online." She muttered coldly.

Unlike the generation 2 battle maiden that she had worn during the battle against the Kalis Magar, the generation 1 divine warrior focused on close quarters power output rather than ranged bombardment.


Several boosters appeared behind her as mana was drawn towards them.


Igniting the boosters, her figure shot towards the serpent like a cannonball.


She shouted out as she twisted her body and punched towards the arrow that was still embedded within the serpent’s eye.



Blood sprayed everywhere as her punch had destroyed the eye with ease. Drilling into the serpent’s skull, almost everyone was shocked at the amount of damage she could cause to a monster that was an entire class above her.

Reaching out with her hand, Shiro created two giant hooks that dug into the remaining pieces of the eye before flying out of the serpent’s eye socket.

"RAHH!!!!!!" She cried out as she exerted as much strength as she could.


Looking at Shiro who had just ripped the eye of the serpent right out of its socket, the rest of the group, apart from Yin and Lisandra, dropped their jaw in shock.

"Are you sure she isn’t hiding her level!?" One of the guardians cried out in disbelief since this kind of power output was clearly above what level 50’s could produce. Hell, he even suspected that it could compare with level 55’s.

"F*ck! Why are you dazed! KILL IT!" Shiro shouted out since her body was in a state of fatigue after exerting herself to pull that eye out.

Releasing her armour, she retreated away from the serpent so that she could be healed.

"She’s right, we can’t be outdone by a level 50. Where would our pride go?" One of the guardians laughed as he pointed his sword at the serpent.

A golden aura erupted out of him as he pulled his sword back.

"HAAA!!!" He cried out as he slashed his sword horizontally.


A golden wave of energy slashed towards the serpent as it almost cut off its head in one go.

"Damn." Shiro muttered wearily. After exerting herself, she was only able to pull out an eye. Meanwhile, the guardian managed to almost kill it with a single swing of his sword.

The rest of the fight was pretty one sided. Under the bombardment of several level 100’s, the serpent died quickly.

As for the rewards, they were given to Shiro since they had no use for such equipment.

Looking at the giant mana crystals in the middle of the room, Shiro wondered if they could harvest this.

Pulling her fist back, she punched the crystal as hard as she could, causing a spider web of cracks to spread all over the surface.

Grabbing one of the pieces, Shiro sighed.

[Ruined Mana Crystal]

After being detached from the source, this crystal had now become a useless piece of decoration.

’It won’t be that easy huh?’ Shiro thought to herself.

"What’s wrong?" One of the guardians asked since they knew that Shiro needed the mana stones.

"Nothing. It’s just that I’m not able to harvest this." Shiro shook her head.

"Damn, that’s quite unfortunate." He replied, looking at the giant crystal in shame.

"Well there is plenty of time to gather the mana stones after we kill the demon king." He smiled as Shiro nodded.

While they were making their way to the next boss, Shiro glanced at the contribution list and sighed.

[Shiro – 61% contribution]

’If we can fight the demon king earlier, I’ll be able to keep more of my contributions.’ Shiro thought to herself.

For the next 3 bosses, Shiro barely managed to hang onto her contributions since her level was much lower than others.

By the time they killed the third boss, Shiro’s contributions stopped at 40%.

She wondered if there were more bosses, but according to one of the guardians, there were no more ’main’ rooms after the current one. Meaning, they only need to face off against the demon king.

However, before they could enter the demon king’s throne room, they were blocked by a 7 by 7 gridded wall that was filled with runes. From Shiro’s understandings, she could tell that one needed to rearrange the runes so that it flowed properly. But if there were any mistakes in the flow, the one who arranged the runes would suffer a backlash.

"Seems like we’ll have to clear this obstacle before reaching the king." One of the guardians muttered seeing a giant wall filled with runes.

"Does anyone of you know how to solve rune walls?" He asked since he had never bothered to solve rune walls.

"I can." Shiro smiled. Previously, when she constructed the rune key for the goddess’s chamber, it was done through analysing the rune wall.

Looking at the rune wall in front of her, while she couldn’t understand a lot of it, she had her ways of deciphering the code.

"Anyone else? The more people we have, the better our chances." He nodded and looked at the others.

"Brother Kali, we’ve spent our years defending our territory, do you think we’ll have the time to study rune walls?" Someone replied as her smile twitched slightly.

"Fine, miss Shiro, we’ll be counting on you. However, if you do make a mistake somewhere, don’t worry. We have a way to redirect the backlash onto ourselves." Kali said, turning to Shiro.

"I’ll be relying on you then." She smiled.

Walking up to the rune wall, Shiro flexed her fingers and created a tablet in her hand. While she could use her brain to decode everything, having a program to sort everything out was advised. The only thing she needed to do was figure out the meaning of the runes and combine them together.

However, just as she started to solve the rune wall, demonic insects started to crawl out of the walls as they charged towards the party.

"Focus on solving the wall! We’ll handle this!" Kali frowned as the situation was quite serious. Each of the insects were around level 70 and there seemed to be an unending swarm of them. While they were indeed level 100, it was still going to be a pain to have to protect Shiro while fending off a wave of high levelled monsters.

Shiro didn’t reply and only nodded her head since she knew that the sooner she solves this rune wall, the better.

Inputting the runes that she understood in the program, she started to run several simulations to decipher the meaning of the other runes.

While she was doing this, the sounds of combat could be heard behind her as the party were holding up pretty well.

However, even though that was the case, they were still getting pushed back due to the sheer number of monsters surrounding them.

One of the guardians peaked back at Shiro to see how she was doing but widened his eyes in surprise when he saw the speed of which she was working at.

Her hands blurred as countless runes appeared and disappeared continuously on the screen.

"Hopefully this should work." She muttered with a frown. She wasn’t confident about the solution since she couldn’t recognise some of the runes and could only guess.

Raising her hand, she started to rearrange the runes.


As the last rune fell in place, a horrific burst of mana surged towards her.

"F*ck! Holden!" Kali shouted out as he saw that Shiro’s solution failed.

"Sacrificial Substitute!" Holden shouted out as all of the damage was redirected onto him.

"Gah!!!!" He screamed. Blood poured through the cracks of his armour as he kneeled down.

"Heal him!" Kali commanded.

"Sorry, I’ve got it now!" Shiro apologised since the failure right now gave her the last piece to the puzzle.

Her mistake lay in the fact that she had mixed up the meanings of two runes which formed an anomaly in the rune sequence.

Raising her hand once more, she quickly rearranged the rune wall.

*Clack! RUMBLE!!!!

Unlike before, there was no horrific mana that threatened to turn her into a pool of blood. This time, the wall sunk into the ground as the path towards the demon king’s throne room came into view.

"Go!" Kali shouted out.

The party quickly charged through the opening as they watched the monsters retreat.

"Hm, must be because this is the way leading to the demon king’s throne room." Kali concluded.

Looking at the rest of the party, they brought out a few pills and started to recover.


Pushing open the door, they saw a handsome youth sitting on the throne with void black armour covering everything but his head.

When Lisandra and the king saw the youth, their eyes widened in surprise.



Just as they were going to run up the youth, they were stopped by Shiro and Kali.

"Look carefully, that’s not your brother anymore." Shiro said apologetically.

[Corrupted Demon King (Soul Possessed State) – LVL ???]

HP: ???/???

MP: ???/???

"He’s in a soul possessed state meaning his original soul had been consumed already. A demon has taken over your brother’s body!" Shiro explained.

The words were like thunder in Lisandra’s ears. Her emotions crashed down instantly as her disappointment grew. She thought that she was finally going to be reunited with her brother but now the truth was revealed. He was just a corpse possessed by a different soul. Her brother had already died.

Gritting her teeth and clenching her fists, she tried to suppress the violent turbulence of rage that was boiling inside her.

"Father, let’s kill this imposter for his sin of abusing brother’s body." Lisandra said as she glared at the demon king.

The king nodded as a layer of armour wrapped around his body.

"Light Goddess’s Suppression!" Lisandra cried out as she raised her sword at the demon king.


A ray of holy light descended from the sky as it crashed through the castle and onto the demon king.

Flinching slightly from the pain, the demon king looked at the party with a frown on his face.

[Corrupted Demon king (Soul Possessed State) – LVL 100 (Suppressed)]

HP: 150,000,000/???

MP: 100,000,000/???

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