Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 299 Leaving The Trial

Chapter 299 Leaving The Trial

"That being said, I’m surprised that you’re a Sylph Queen. Iziuel would be overjoyed if she knew that a new queen was crowned." Edvimar shook his head lightly before smiling at her.

Furrowing her brows, Shiro was confused as to why he knew that she was the sylph queen and what kind of connection did he have with Iziuel.

"How do you know I’m the sylph queen?" She asked curiously.

"Well I had a contract with Iziuel when I was alive so I’m more sensitive to what a spirit feels like. Anyways, I don’t have long since the more I talk to you, the more power I lose. This is just a projection after all. Once the stored mana runs out, I’ll fade away. So while I want to talk to you more, time doesn’t allow it. Let me give you your final reward though." Edvimar said while flexing his fingers.

"While the volume 4 of the nanobot research is unattainable since it was never a finished concept, this trial can at least grant you a power similar to it." He smiled.

[Skill Transfer Detected. Acquired skill: Analysis.]

[Analysis: A skill that has merged with your eyes. By directing mana into your eyes, you can scan the internal components of items and equipment.]

With this skill, it would make it easier for Shiro to duplicate the things she sees with her nanobots. In addition to this, since she needed a thorough understanding of an item to duplicate it with her class, this skill will help her understand it much quicker.

"It might not be what you expected but there is a limit to how much this trail can help you." Edvimar shook his head.

"Now that I’ve done what I’ve wanted to do, I’ll have to go. Take care of Lyrica would you? She’s mine and Isilia’s pride."

"Of course. But before you go, can you tell me why Iziuel is being used as a battery in the world tree?" Shiro furrowed her brows.

"Ah, she’s still there... you see, she was there initially to help maintain the world tree. Without enough energy, the world tree would die out. As it was the only one left, Iziuel gladly sacrificed herself for it. However, now that you’re here, I’m sure you know what to do. Your life fire " Edvimar said with a knowing smile.

Since he had seen her use the life fire, that meant that she was the only one that fit the requirements of cultivating the world tree. While some may find it off that one would use fire to grow a tree, the special properties of her life fire made this possible.

Looking at Edvimar who slowly faded away, Shiro thanked him one more time.

[Trial has ended. User is being sent out of the legacy space. Brace yourself.]

Light filled her vision as she realised that she was back in the real world. Looking down, she noticed that her disguise wasn’t activated, exposing her new form.



Furrowing her brows at the sudden shout, Shiro turned around and saw everyone looking at her with wide eyes.

"Surprise?" She grinned while doing a small pose.

"Your body, what happened? Shouldn’t you be, well... you know." Madison said while subtly pointing at Shiro’s chest.

"Aren’t you supposed to be flat mum? How did you get a bosom? Or is this an illusion skill?" Yin chipped in with confusion while walking around Shiro.


Knocking Yin’s head in annoyance, Shiro clicked her tongue.

"Just think of this as my body maturing a little."

"So what happened? Why did you disappear with Lyrica?" Silvia asked curiously.

"Well I’m not too sure. All I know is that I was dragged in and got some upgrades. Plus, I have an a.d.u.l.t body now so that’s what I care about. Also, were you girls not teleported as well?" Shiro asked.

"No we weren’t. It’s been a few hours since you and Lyrica disappeared so we’ve just been waiting."

"I see..."

{Could it be because you had a connection to Lyrica’s mother? That and maybe because there are requirements that we don’t know about.} Nimue suggested.

’Maybe. But we won’t know for sure.’

"Ah by the way Shiro, don’t you want to change outfits or something so that you won’t kill Lyrica the moment she saw you?" Madison suggested with a grin.

"What do you mean? Why would I kill her?" Shiro furrowed her brows.

"Ah we’ll see later then haha." Madison chuckled as she couldn’t wait to see how Lyrica would react to Shiro.

Talking with the group for a little longer, they sat down and waited patiently for Lyrica.

While this was happening, Aarim was a little pale in the face. That was because Shiro’s true nature seemed to have grown quite a bit from the last time she had seen it.

Not only that, it was also chewing on several ghostly limbs while making eye contact with her.

-Kek, don’t you know it’s rude to watch a lady eat?- The figure grinned as Aarim quickly turned off her skill.

For a ’nature’ to suddenly start talking to her was a first and it was clearly unnatural.

’That can’t be Shiro’s true nature. It has its own sentience. Could this be proof that Shiro is from another world? That she’s occupying another body hence why the nature seems to be independent from her.’ Aarim thought to herself while trying to make sense of the situation.

’But if that’s the case, then why is the nature so eerie? Who did she even take over then? Hmm.... Library. I need to go to the library to find out.’ Aarim shook her head while sneaking a glance at Shiro.

As the party continued to talk, they suddenly noticed the surrounding mana fluctuate for a moment.

"Seems like big sis is coming out." Cyril smiled and stood up in anticipation.

A set of magic circles appeared on the ground as Lyrica’s body was teleported in the centre.

They could see that her body was trembling right now while wiping away what seems to be tears.

Understanding that Lyrica must have had a talk with her father, Shiro gestured for the rest of the party to hang back and give her a moment to calm down.

After all, even Shiro had the same reaction after meeting her own family that she hadn’t seen for decades.

Glancing down at her bracelet which still had the photo inside, she smiled softly.

After a short moment, Lyrica finally calmed down and took a deep breath.

"Sorry about that. I was just a little emotional after seeing my da- Shiro!?!?" Lyrica widened her eyes in shock.

"You feeling better now?" Shiro asked with a soft smile.

Looking at her smile that was paired up with her mature and charming body, Lyrica’s brain short circuited and she stopped thinking for a moment.

"Lyrica?" Shiro tilted her head seeing her blank expression.

"Ah I knew it. You killed her." Madison said while trying to stifle her laughter.

Rolling her eyes, Shiro walked up to Lyrica and waved her hand in front of Lyrica’s face.

"You ok?"

"Ah? Huh? Yeah I am." Lyrica nodded hastily and quickly jogged over to the party while hiding her blush.

Shaking her head softly, Shiro smiled and followed behind her.

"So what did you get from the trial?" Madison asked Lyrica.

"Me? I got a few items and skills that would help me support the party." Lyrica said while bringing out an orb.

[Saint Class Essence ]

An item that will increase your chances of gaining a Saint type class tremendously.

"Hou... that should be something that your mother made for you right?" Shiro asked with a smile. Knowing that Isilia was capable of making something similar to a dungeon area, an item that allowed an increase in chance to obtain a better class should be within her reach.

"Yes it is." Lyrica nodded with a soft smile.

"I think that this might be the inheritance since it basically guarantees a saint type class." Madison suggested.

"That could be true." The party nodded in agreement.

"Ah speaking of which, I also have some items for you." Shiro said while handing them one of her tears.

"I managed to get these in the trial and they’ll prove to be quite useful."

Looking at the tears, the party members who knew of Shiro’s identity were taken aback and blinked a few times just to make sure that they were seeing things correctly.



"These are the tears of the sylph queen right?"


"Not crocodile tears right?"


"And you’re telling me that THE sylph queen cried?"


"..." Looking at Shiro who admitted that these were her tears, the girls were confused as to what caused her to cry.

"Don’t think about it too much." Shiro waved her hands nonchalantly. After all, they had bigger worries.

Now that the trial had ended and Lyrica had received the ’inheritance’, they’ll need to start actually making a move in regards to the princes. The longer they wait, the more power they’ll gain.

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