Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 300 Cyrils Identity

Chapter 300 Cyril's Identity

"Right then, first things first. The princes. We’ll have the princesses allocate some men and weapons to the third prince. Naturally, you try to hide that it’s your doing but make it so that they’ll find out as long as they try a bit harder. Just do this for now and we’ll talk about the rest later." Shiro said while looking at Cyril.

Currently, the best thing to do is give them small tasks to act as checkpoints so that things will run smoothly. After all, a lofty goal at the start would only cause more stress and make them overthink a lot of things.

"Sure. That’s doable." Cyril nodded her head.

"Quick question, is it ok for me to stay here for a second? I got something I want to test out." Shiro asked since she wanted to see if she could lighten the burden on Iziuel with her life fire right now.

"Hmm... Since the world tree sapling is here, I can’t say for sure. Why don’t we head back and talk to the elders first?" Cyril suggested.

"That sounds fair. It would be weird if they trusted someone new to be near a sacred item after all." Shiro agreed. Plus, she was going to ask a little in regards to who Cyril actually is. There were too many secrets around her and she wanted to ask the elders more about it.

Making their way out of the hall, they noticed that the legacy area slowly faded away.

’So all of the mana has been used up...’ Shiro thought to herself with a sigh.

Shaking her head, she gave Edvimar a silent prayer and promised that she’ll look after Lyrica.

Sneaking out near the exit, Shiro made sure that she knocked out the observers once more.

"Won’t they get suspicious at the sudden gap in knowledge?" Silvia raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe. But, that’s fine. I’m pretty much ready to duke it out with level 100’s anyways. If anything, I’d like to raise my level so that I have better control over the situation." Shiro shrugged.

Now that her Nanomancer class had upgraded, level 100’s were within reach for her. It was only those executives that were above level 100 that bothered her. Once she annoys any one of them, she could almost guarantee that the city would suffer quite a bit of collateral damage.

After all, those in the B class or higher are basically walking disasters at this point.

Making their way back to the elder’s room, Cyril reported back that they had obtained the inheritance.

The elders were a little taken aback at Shiro’s appearance but she just told them that the third prince had her wear it as to not attract any attention.

"Hmm... he must have done that to stop the first and second prince from trying to get you." One of the elders muttered.

"Oi, don’t say that in front of the girl." Another elder reprimanded while pinching his thigh.

"Ssss!" Taking a sharp breath in, he suppressed his cries and decided to just spectate and say nothing.

"Well it doesn’t matter anyway." Shiro shrugged since she didn’t really care.

After discussing the main plans for now, she had the elders help the princesses allocate some manpower to the third prince without arousing too much suspicion.

"Girls, why don’t the lot of you go level up some more while I deal with some of the more miscellaneous tasks." Shiro said with a smile.

"Eh? But don’t you need to level up as well?" Aarim tilted her head in confusion.

"Don’t worry about it. My EXP is linked to Lisa so her kills are my kills and vice versa." Shiro replied.

". . .Damn. But doesn’t that mean that if you both farm at the same time, you’ll be able to level up twice as fast."

"Indeed." Shiro shrugged slightly.

However, neither Aarim or the party members knew that she was technically going four times as fast as the usual levelling speed. If they did, Shiro knew that they would freak out at her insane levelling speed.

Sending the party on their way to level up, Shiro sat down on the chair and looked at the elves with a serious face.

"Now that we’re along, why don’t we talk about some of the more serious things?" Shiro asked with a smile.

"Oh? What do you want to talk about then?"

"It’s not required for you to answer but who is Cyril? From what I’ve seen, I don’t think she’s Edvimar’s daughter." Shiro said with a frown.

Looking at each other and hesitating a little, the elders eventually nodded. Since they were going to be working together, telling Shiro the truth was ok.

"You’re half right. Cyril is not the proper child of Edvimar but rather an experiment using his genes. You see, one of the families had wanted to create a being with incredible potential. That’s why when they got their hands on Edvimar’s genes, they started to experiment with how far they could take it. After experimenting, they made tens of children that were a mix of both elf and monster." The elder sighed.

"I’m guessing they wanted to harness the power physique of the monsters then?" Shiro asked as they nodded.

"Yes. The family wanted to see how far they could take the fusion. By the time Cyril was created, we’d already sent people to storm their labs. Out of all the experiments, Cyril was the only stable one. At the time, we didn’t want to kill Cyril since she was technically just born. That’s why we’ve been raising her while keeping a close eye on her."

"Hm... what monster was Cyril created from then?"

"Vampires. By impregnating a vampire woman with Edvimar’s Gene’s, they were able to create a half vampire half elf that didn’t have the weakness of sunlight or silver. When paired with incredible regeneration, healing and great physical strength, Cyril had managed to dominate even dungeons much higher than her level. Back then, she cleared a level 70 dungeon despite being a level 50 due to the sheer ridiculousness of her healing. She had managed to outlive the boss and slowly chip away at its health. If she needed to land the final blow, she would have some items to help her."

Furrowing her brows, Shiro took a moment to digest the information.

’So Cyril is an experimental being not too far from what I was. Not only that, she’s a mix hybrid between elf and vampires...’ Shiro thought to herself.

{That’s... quite extreme...} Nimue said with a slight frown.

’I suppose so. That being said, she could become a very powerful ally in the war to come you know?’


"Anyways, moving that aside for now, I have another question."

"Go on."

"How much freedom are you giving in regards to the situation right now?" Shiro asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean how much authority do I have?"


Taking a moment to consider this question, the elders discussed their thoughts before coming to an agreement.

"Your authority will allow you to do most things without directly consulting us. However, this is limited to anything under allocating manpower. For tasks that are more important, we’ll have the final say." The elders answered.

"That’s fair. Since that’s the case, I got a small favour to ask. Am I allowed back into the world tree? There are some things that I’d like to confirm regarding the legacy space. While the space is gone after Lyrica had claimed the contents, there should still be some marks left which may give me an insight to composition." Shiro asked. Naturally, that was a lie since she couldn’t tell the elders that she had the life fire. After all, it is regarded as a holy relic for their race.

Revealing this would only throw everything in jeopardy.

"That..." Hearing her request, the elders hesitated. The world tree sapling is next to where the legacy space was. If they lost the world tree, it would be a huge setback for the elven race.

"Sorry, we can’t allow that unless you have company with you." The elders shook their heads.

"Understandable." Shiro nodded.

After talking for a little while, she returned to her room.

"Right then, time to sneak into the world tree again." She said with a grin.

{So you’re just going to ignore the fact that they said no?} Nimue asked with a raised eyebrow.

’Well it was either they say yes and go or they say no and I sneak it. Plus, it’s not like I’m going to harm the tree after all.’ Shiro shrugged.

Setting an illusion so that they won’t get suspicious, she made her way back to the world tree.

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