Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 103: The Chunin Exams - 29

Chapter 103: The Chunin Exams - 29

"So this is Daiki Yurei hmm?" the impassive voice of an elder woman mused aloud. There was no inclination was to what Koharu Utatane felt in her voice as a gathering of high ranking shinobi and kunoichi alike observed the boy making his way back to his provided room for his stay in tower of the Forest of Death.

Beside her, a frown was on the face of her teammate Homura Mitokado, but he said nothing himself.

Each of them were sat on either side of the Third Hokage, who had a small amused smile on his face as he witnessed what just happened in the mess hall of the tower.

Throughout the room, the staff of shinobi and kunoichi that oversaw the Forest of Death itself and the second round of the Chunin Exams kept quiet.

Even Anko, standing beside the screens showing off the feed from the camera's throughout the tower.

"He's-" Kohura began.

But she was cut off.

The sound of wood echoed through the room as a cane was thrust into the floor hard, "He's a fool," Danzo Shimaru spat, non too impressed, "He just drew the eyes of the Kazekage's children, one of them an unstable jinchuuriki, knowingly at that, just so he could show off to a girl."

His one un-bandaged eye opened and he gave a disdainful glance at the Hokage, "This is the one you have so much interest in?" his disappointment could not be any more apparent.

Hiruzen's smile grew, "As always, you have such a narrow view on things my old friend," he replied, voice casual and not at all bothered by his disdain, "I assume you're annoyed at the fact he so easily revealed what he knew, in front of them at that?"

"Of course, any advantage he could gleam from that is now lost," Danzo scoffed, "Talented he may be, but talent means nothing without the proper mind set to utilize it."

"You're looking at it all wrong," Hiruzen chuckled, shaking his head in amusement, "That wasn't a mistake, Daiki knows exactly what he done. While he was indeed showing off to young Hinata, that was not all he was doing. He was getting in their heads, telling them he knows exactly what they can do and he is not impressed, they in turn know nothing of his abilities and will work themselves into quite the tizzy no doubt over trying to counter him."

"Pure arrogance," Danzo scoffed, unperturbed by the reply he got, "That boy Gaara, he's as unstable as they come and his seal is pitifully weak, he can allow the Ichibi out to run amok at a moments notice, yet this boy see's no threat in him."

"Last I checked, three tails beats one," Hiruzen smugly pointed out, "And of course Daiki has full control over the Sanbi and works together with it, young Gaara can only let the beast itself run rampant, the Shukaku is no match for Daiki and the Sanbi together."

"So you say," Danzo huffed, "I have yet to see any proof of this wonder boy you have been telling tall tales of and giving such special treatment to having any control over the beast at all, and even if he did, defeating the Shukaku would be no simple matter, the damage it would cost when being brought down would be catastrophic if released within the village."

"We're not in the village old man," Daiki's voice echoed from the speakers connected to the camera feed, "So stop your whining."

Everyone froze, Danzo included at the sudden interruption.

Everyone bar the Hokage himself though who merely chuckled even louder.

For a moment nobody said a thing, such was the surprise at the sudden interruption.

Danzo was the one who found his voice first, well, beyond the Hokage that was, "You can hear us?" he asked, surprise evident in his tone despite how he tried to hide it, his one singular eye open wide.

"I can see the entirety of this forest, and whatever I can see, I can hear, that includes you guys sitting up top in the tower thinking you're all mysterious and shit and observing everyone," Daiki scoffed, "The Kazekage's children aren't a problem, I could beat all three of them, even Gaara, his ability to bring out the Ichibi isn't a problem, we're far enough away from the village that I'd have room to clown on it, and I wouldn't let it get that far anyway, I'd seal it off before he ever got the chance."

"Yes, that, indeed." Hiruzen helpfully added, the amusement plain on his face at seeing his old rival be berated by a child.

"…I was unaware of such an ability, dear Sarutobi apparently didn't see fit to inform me of such." Danzo quickly regained his calm and gazed dryly with his singular eye at the Hokage.

Hiruzen just gave him a pleasant smile, "Well, I didn't think you needed to know, you are after all supposed to be on house arrest," he pointed out unrepentantly, "I only allowed you out to indulge Koharu and Homura when they asked after I revealed we had a little chat and invited them here."

"Hmph," Danzo sniffed, looking away from the Hokage and looking to the screens and the boy taking central stage within them who was now leaning against one of the walls of the hall he was in, arms crossed and casually looking up, "Be that as it may, it is still a risk you foolishly and arrogantly took without needing to."

"Cool story bro," Daiki scoffed and many of the gathered shinobi outright goggled at his disrespect to one of the honoured elders of Konoha, "Also, just for your knowledge, I wasn't just showing off for Hinata, I was showing off to Temari as well, she's pretty hot isn't she? It'd be cool to bang a Kage's daughter I'm thinking."

"Bro!?" those gathered in the viewing room had the distinct and ever so rare opportunity to see Danzo Shimura completely lose his composure and sputter in shock, confusion and a not so little helping of disbelief.

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