Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 104: The Chunin Exams - 30

Chapter 104: The Chunin Exams - 30

Anko snorted and the Hokage's chuckles turned into full on laughter.

"Do…do you not understand the meaning of respect, boy?" Danzo couldn't help but ask, goggling at at his sheer arrogance to talk to a man of his stature like that.

"Do you?" Daiki countered an instant later, "I mean, you were happily running your mouth about me right there without understanding or even knowing a fraction of what I can do. And for the record, yes, I can full on use the Sanbi's chakra as I please and I can enter Bijuu Mode at will. I just don't show that off because that would be fucking stupid to advertise, unless you think that's a good idea or something."

Silence. Danzo had absolutely nothing to say in return. The old mans hand tightened over his cane and his lips trembled as he looked and tried to find words with which to reply.

And failed utterly.

"Try not to bully Danzo too much, he's a feeble old man these days Daiki-kun," Hiruzen replied in his stead, smile still on his face, "Also, maybe try not to broadcast your multiple tailed friend so openly, hmm? Those in here can be trusted not to let this information leak, and know as such, but not everyone has the training the ninja in this room have when it comes to guarding secrets."

"Fair enough," Daiki shrugged, "I only brought it up because you guys were already talking about it and obviously already know, and Anko I told personally, oh, by the way, hey pony girl." he waved at the camera.

"You really need to work on that tact brat." Anko shook her head.

"Pony girl? Ufufufu, I sense an interesting story there." Hiruzen giggled in interest, without any shame at all despite those gathered in the room.

Homura sighed, and Koharu rolled her eyes, well aware of her teammate of multiple decades perverted side.

"Hiruzen, really, must you?" the old woman asked.

The Hokage shrugged.

"She offered to let me ride her like a pony if I fix that hickey on her neck." Daiki shamelessly and proudly replied.

Dozens of eyes swept over to Anko and gave her a series of stunned looks, the Hokage and Danzo included.

In return she shrugged, "I'd do pretty much anything to loosen the hold Orochimaru has on me or get rid of, it, he's offering one better," Anko admitted aloud, "The horny little brat has been pretty up front about wanting to bang me, if it motivates him and lets him accomplish what he promised, I'll happily do it."

"Hmm…interesting, tell me more." Hiruzen leaned forward in his seat, wiping his nose discreetly.

"Yes, I quite agree, but on your ability to deal with the Cursed Seal, not your shameless lustful ways," Koharu was quick to jump in, "And I do hope young man that you aren't so easily led astray by some female skin as you seem to be, strong and talented you may be, an understatement, but even a Jinchuuriki will have trouble surviving getting their throat slit after they are led astray by the first pair of large breasts or long legs that try to seduce them outside the village."

"That wouldn't kill me," Daiki shrugged, "But fair enough. So Anko has filled you guys in on the situation with the Curse Seal?"

"She has." Homura inclined his head simply, speaking for the first time.

"Right, well you probably already know the specifics of what I told her then," Daiki hummed, "To get to the point, the real problem with the Curse Seals are the shards of Orochimaru's soul in them. I can project myself into the seals if it comes to that, but I'll have to fight that shard of Orochimaru and kill it. It won't be anywhere near as hard to kill as the real Orochimaru, because it only has a fraction of his chakra and as such won't be able to use his full power, and I'll be able to use my full power while I'm at it. I'm confident I can do so, but I'm covering my bases first, and learning how he fights and his jutsu from Anko just to make sure."

At the mention of his traitorous student, Hiruzen sobered, a frown appearing on his face, "How far that boy has fallen," he shook his head in dismay, "Still, we may benefit from this. Anko was once one of our brightest and most talented, a rival of Kakashi in talent, if not for that seal, she may have become even stronger than him."

There was a reason after all, why one such as Orochimaru had specifically sought her out to take as his own personal apprentice.

"That'd nice, but I'll take not being able to use my full strength and chakra over being brainwashed by this damn seal any day of the week." Anko shrugged.

"You won't be waiting much longer," Hiruzen promised, "I'll be personally over-seeing Daiki's training during the month leading up to the final rounds of the Chunin Exams."

It was a grand reveal, and it silence the entire room once more. The fact that the Hokage and legendary Professor was personally going to be training the boy.

"You…you can't be serious?" Danzo hissed.

"I see you clocked on old friend, still quick even in your old age, at least sometimes I suppose." Hiruzen chuckled.

"You want to make this brat Hokage?!" Danzo demanded.

And shock filled the faces of all others within the room.

"I do." Hiruzen replied simple with a single nod in confirmation.

"Hiruzen, truly? Is that wise?" Homura asked, turning to look at his old friend and Koharu nodded in agreement.

"Yes, for his age he is strong, and his potential is mind boggling, his ability to reach the level of strength needed is not in question I dare say," she brought up, "But he is so very young still, he has yet to come close his to his maturity and in-experienced still."

"Things that he will gain in time, and I dare say myself that I am not in any danger of suddenly dying any time soon," Hiruzen pointed out, "I will be training him myself personally, and will be promoting him straight to Jonin once these exams finish, coming to the aid of Team 7 and driving off my former student is proof enough of his ability to hold the position."

Daiki on the screen gave a bit of a start at the old mans words, but nobody noticed since everyone's attention was on the Hokage and the extremely shocking information he was revealing.

After all, everyone within the room was there to hear the Sandaime Hokage's personal choice on who would become the Godame Hokage, history in the making.

"Foolish," Danzo scoffed, "Strength and experience? Paltry, what we need is a leader that can make the hard choices. Should he become Hokage, it will be revealed that he is a Jinchuuriki of a bijuu belonging to another village. Mist will bark, though they are toothless now so do not matter, but Stone and Cloud, they will threaten and encircle us, threatened by us possessing another bijuu at our beck and call, what will he do then? Placate? A child that has not seen war, has no right to be Ho-"

"I'll destroy their villages if they try it," Daiki cut him off, "Thanks to my eyes, I can mask my chakra entirely, non can sense or see my chakra unless I allow it, even when using the Sanbi's chakra. I can get into any of their villages without them any the wiser and transform into the Sanbi itself and unleash a Bijuudama right in the centre of their villages. I'll wipe them out and then leave, and that's it. Now will you shut up? Old man Hokage's word is law, so stop your damn whining about it before I decapitate you, I'm sick of your voice already."

Danzo was stunned into silence by the threat and proclamation of intent against their enemies.

There was absolutely nothing he could say against that.

"Hiruzen…is he actually capable of such a thing?" Koharu asked.

"Indeed, very much so," the Hokage nodded, "Though, that should be a very last option Daiki-kun I'd like to have you agree with. Wanton killing on that scale, is not something one should so casually decide on."

Once again, shock prevailed over all else for most of the room, wide eyed stares turning to look at the boy on the screen at the Hokage's confirmation.

"Well obviously," Daiki snorted, "I've got no problem killing enemy shinobi or kunoichi, but killing civilians isn't pleasant at all, sickening really. That's just for if Stone or Cloud tried to push their nonsense like they have before, I'll let them see that I can push back harder."

"…I rescind my previous statement, and apologise," Danzo added a moment later as the boy finished, "I will not go back on my words that the boy is arrogant and his in-experience shines brightly, but if he has the will to back up those words, then he is a much better candidate than Jiraiya or Kakashi, they wouldn't have the stomach for such a thing, see that you don't soften that edge Hiruzen."

"I will try my best." Hiruzen replied, blatantly rolling his eyes. Because of course threatening genocide was what won the boy Danzo's favour.


"Well…if even Danzo is agreeing with you now, then there is nothing much I can do to convince otherwise," Koharu sighed in defeat, "We will have to make sure the boy matures though, that is for sure."

"…I'm still here you know." Daiki pointed out at her words.

"However could I forget?" the old woman responded dryly.

"Heh, I like you lady," Daiki snorted, "Too bad you ain't young anymore, I've seen a picture of you in the records, you were pretty hot, I wouldn't have minded you in your younger years helping me 'mature' if ya' know what I'm sayin'."

Koharu palmed her face, "You are a cretin rivalled only by Jiraiya."

"Thanks," Daiki shamelessly grinned, "Now, I've got training to get back to. Need to throw myself back into the grind so I can get even swoller and then Im'a go all Tobirama on these bitches in the exam and make Konoha great again!"

With that said, the boy on the screen pushed up off the wall, his head lowering and looking ahead of him and more or less letting them know he was done speaking.

"Grind? Swoll?" Koharu was utterly lost, "I don't understand, what does that mean? And why is he bringing sensei's name into this?"

"A personal quirk of the boys, the grind is what he calls training, grinding at a wet stone I assume and swoll, I'm not sure, but I believe it has something to with his muscles," Hiruzen stroked his chin ands hummed, "As for the mention of Tobirama-sensei, it is a joke I'm led to believe that he first started using with young Sasuke-kun because of Tobirama-sensei's wariness of the Uchiha."

"Hmph," Homura snorted, "Tobirama-sensei would have been amused."

"That is not the point," Koharu shook her head, "To use the honoured Nidaime Hokage's name like that, how disrespectful can one boy be? You should look into giving the boy lessons in etiquette before he mouths off to someone and starts a war."

The older generation fell into a discussion of the boy, and Anko watched on blankly, "…Huh, who knew the kid was actually such a big shot." she mused.

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