Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 106: The Chunin Exams - 32

Chapter 106: The Chunin Exams - 32

"I'm not gonna lie," Daiki said in leu of greeting, leaning on the doorframe and smirking at the older girl, "You are the last person I expected to come visit little old me."

Temari glared at him, "Were you expecting Gaara instead?" she challenged.

Ooh, how feisty, kitty came with her claws unsheathed he saw.

"Not really actually, but I'd still see raccoon boy coming my way before you." Daiki shrugged before taking an idle sweeping glance around with his eyes, peering through the walls all around him.

Kankuro wasn't anywhere nearby, in fact, he was downstairs in one of the bathrooms working doing what appeared to be maintenance on his puppets.

Weird place to do so, but he wouldn't judge.

It seemed big sis waited for her little brother to be occupied before slinking away to stealthily confront him.

My, how scandalous.

Temari grimaced at his words, "You know." she uttered those two words simply, eyes narrowing even more. Heh, if she compressed her gaze any further she might end up firing beams of chakra at him, pew pew!

"Know what?" his smirk grew tauntingly, "I mean, you'll have to be more specific, I know a lot of things, how to get strong quick, how to taunt like nobodies business, the meaning of the life, the colour of your underwear, green looks good on you by the way, how to make a mean protein filled breakfast that's great for growing muscle…"

And of course everything about their little plan, more than her even considering she didn't know her father was currently a rotting corpse right now.

Or would be soon.

Temari's face scrunched up in confusion, completely taken aback by his reply before shaking his head, "Don't take me for a fool, besides, you're completely wrong, my underwear is blue." she huffed.

His smirk grew to shit eating proportions, "Blue huh, good to know." he nodded. He could have of course just looked through her clothing at any time, but where was the fun in that.

It would be way too easy.

Temari blinked, suddenly realising just what he'd gotten her to reveal, but to his surprise, instead of getting angry about it or raging, she sighed and rolled her eyes, "You're one cocky smart aleck kid, has anyone ever told you that?" she responded, voice dry.

"Something like that. there's this one Jonin, she's all about me being all cocky." he shrugged.

"I have no interest in your sex life kid," Temari caught on instantly and rolled her eyes again, "Now, may I come in? I want to speak to you about what you were so casually throwing around earlier about me and my siblings."

"Huh, and here you thought I was hot as shit earlier," Daiki pointed out, "But sure, come on in, far be it for me to refuse letting such a pretty girl in my room, however temporary." he pushed off the door frame and stepped aside, gesturing for her to do so.

Temari entered and gave him a real surprised look, "How did you know that?" she asked, startled.

"You just told me." he replied smugly. He didn't even need to reveal the fact he read her thoughts earlier for that.

"Damn Konoha brat." Temari glared at him once more, losing that cool facade she had on her face.


Riling her up would be fun for sure.

Temari shook her head and released a deep breath, regaining her cool. And then stopped and stared, confused as she saw the state of his room for the duration of his stay.

That being the fact that it was completely empty.

"What the hell is with your room?" Temari looked over her shoulder to give him an odd glance, "Did you toss out all of the furniture?"

"I stored it in a sealing space actually," Daiki informed the sandy blonde, "It was getting in the way of training you see, can't let precious time that I can dedicate to the grind go to waste." he explained, and clenched one fist while curling his arm, making his bicep pop out vividly. Big, round and powerful, the fully visible veins trailing down just highlighting the power within these grind gained muscles.

"You're training in the middle of an exam?" She asked incredulously, but her eyes were locked on his arm, before she managed to drag her gaze away and up to look him in the eyes.

"Of course I am, you don't expect me to sit around doing nothing like some lazy bum do you?" It was Daiki's turn to give her an incredulous stare, "Seriously, do you know how much I can get done in four days?"

Four days was enough to make his physical stats go up by two. Though, considering how much harder it was making them go up the stronger he got, that may soon go down to one and below that even.

By his estimates, by time he broke the four hundred mark, it would take over a week of high intensity training just to go up a single physical point, if not more, and it would only get even harder from there.

And that wasn't even getting into the fact that with his clones he could master multiple jutsu in just a span of four days.

As it was though, he needed to take advantage of every single day he had at his disposal, not a single one could be wasted without gaining something from it. Otherwise, by time things really started to roll down hill, he wouldn't be able to keep up at all.

Temari raised an eyebrow, "Rest is important between training as well," she pointed out, "Especially with the fact that if this is anything like any other chunin exams, there will be an exam after this one with full on head to head combat, it could be one versus one or it could even be team versus team, and I don't think I need to explain which one would be bad for you, being all alone and all."

"Rest is important for muscle and fatigue recover and recovering chakra," Daiki nodded in agreement, "I'm just built different than your average guy though, I only need a fraction of the time anyone else would need, an hour at best to recover from intense training that would leave you gaping in awe."

Hell, technically speaking, he didn't even need to sleep. Isobu could charge his body at anytime and wash away any physical fatigue quite easily. Or at least, he could go massive amounts of time without sleep thanks to that if he so desired.

He didn't mind you, mostly because mental fatigue was still a thing that would grind him down and throw him off of his game, and he actually liked sleeping.

…Especially since he sprung for a really, really comfortable mattress not long ago, and his sheets were such soft lovely silk.

Who said only nobles and rich clan punks got to enjoy the finer things in life!?

Motherfucker he was the Sanbi Jinchuuiki Lord Daiki-sama!

'As nice as it is that you're so proud of being my jinchuuriki, you're going way off track.' Isobu deadpanned.


"Nobody likes a braggart, well, either way it isn't my problem if you screw yourself over in the long run," Temari shrugged, turning away from him and idly glancing over the empty room they were in, "Now, enough of the snark and sarcasm, I came here to talk to you for a reason."

"If you want to see me naked, it'll cost you." he quipped with a snort, eyes tracing over her back. And not actually ogling at the curvature of her hips and the swell of her pert ass cheeks through that dress of hers.

But rather, taking in the folded form of her giant fan. With his eyes, he could see deep into the make up of the weapon. The metal of it was lined with chakra ore, wind chakra ore at that, he knew enough to recognise the look of it now since he had a few blades made of the stuff himself, and there were some interesting seals inscribed within it.

Shoddy work to be honest, even Orochimaru's hack seal was much higher on the scale, the seal matrix wasn't even locked, but intuitive and quite interesting. From his idle inspection, it seemed that it was a seal to amplify wind chakra.

Probably to make up for the fact that only about thirty percent or so of the fans metal was wind chakra ore.

By time Temari turned back around, eyes rolling at his quip, he'd already memorized the seal matrix and made a mental note to improve upon it and edit it to make seals that amplified all the other elements while he was at it.

It would make a good reference for deciphering the seal work within the Kiba Blades.

"You know, you're hot kid, I won't lie, but you're not that hot," Temari scoffed, "Now, let's stop dancing around the topic, how do you know about my brother?" she demanded.

Daiki smirked and opened his mouth-

"Gaara, not Kankuro before you give me the run around again." she cut him off before he could say anything.

Huh, was he that predictable? Or was she just that smart? Guess that joke about his 'war paint' being make up he stole from Temari herself would have to be sheathed for another time.

Well, whatever, ruin his fun why doesn't she?

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