Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 107: The Chunin Exams - 33

Chapter 107: The Chunin Exams - 33

"Who doesn't know about your brother?" Daiki rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "Anyone who knows what a jinchuuriki is and is smart knows who the bijuu holders are."

They were fucking war deterrents for a reason. Killer Bee, Yugito, Han and Roshi were all in the Bingo Books for fucks sake. And if Fu was to be believed, she was in the Iwa version of the Bingo Book.

She liked to brag about that fact sometimes since he wasn't in any official Bingo Books.


"Hell, your brother is a running joke." Daiki added with a snort.

At least to him.

"A…a joke? Gaara is a joke?" Temari goggled at him, gobsmacked.

"Of course he is!" Daiki barked a laugh, "Look at the state of him. If there was ever a picture perfect example of a failure of a jinchuuriki, your little brother would be right on the money."

The gobsmacked look faded quickly and Temari glared at him hotly, "Gaara is the greatest weapon of the Hidden Sand Village, the only person capable of defeating him is our father, the Kazekage!" she spat angrily, the disrespect against her little brother bringing out what appeared to be a protective rage, "You were bragging to your little leaf friends earlier in the mess hall and throwing little digs at him, don't think I didn't notice, but you're nothing compared to Gaara, he's near unbeatable, and not someone a mere leaf genin could ever hope to even scratch."

"The fact he's the greatest weapon of your village while he's so weak is the funniest part of it all, it makes your village look like a giant circus," Daiki shot back, jutting his chin out at her defiantly, egging her on, "And your father the Kazekage is the big lead clown, big honking red nose and all, honk honk."

"You…." Temari floundered looking for words to fire back, but the sheer insult he levied at her village, her brother and father all at once stunned her mightily, "Where do you get off…!?"

"I think you'd be better at getting me off hot stuff," Daiki retorted, "Besides, you obviously can't tell me you don't see it, you seem like a smart chick."

"See what?!" she ground her teeth and commanded him to reveal, "Go on, tell me what obvious answer I seem to be missing you overly horny little fool."

"He's got it tattoo'd on his fucking forehead, if that wasn't a cry for help then I don't know what is," he answered with a scoff, "Love, your brother's a psycho from sheer loneliness and questioning his worth all his life, that's what happens to kids avoided and treated like a demon all their life. And he is weak, mentally and physically, he relies on the power of his Bijuu, and that won't do shit against me."

Temari didn't reply. Her hands were clenched at her sides so hard they shook and she continued to glare at him, but she had no words to refute him. He could see the realisation in her eyes.

"Course, it isn't your fault, and not your villages either really," Daiki shrugged, "Dear old papa Kazekage is to blame, both for the joke your village has become and the running laugh anyone high up has about your brother being some ultimate weapon." fucking hell, that twat Rasa sent off Pakura to her death, pretty much the strongest ninja of Suna bar himself.

The sandy pigtailed blonde grimaced.

"Your brother is a failure of a jinchuuriki because he doesn't control the power of his bijuu, it controls him," Daiki pushed on, "Do you know what you need to control the power of a bijuu? Willpower. That's it, it's a simple thing, but something your little brother utterly lacks in, because he has nothing, he's utterly alone in the world, as such, he has nothing worth fighting for besides himself, he has no hobbies, he can't sleep because of that trashy seal holding the One Tail and he has nobody to make his life worth living, and because of that, he's only got a fraction of the strength he would have, and like that, he's not even close to a match for me."

His words shook Temari so much, the sandy blonde actually stuttered back a step away from him, "…How do you know all this?" she couldn't help but ask in a whisper.

It seemed the home truths he'd dropped on her had rocked her core. Well, she was the one that came here demanding answers over a few taunts and bragging statements.

"Please, this isn't shocking to know at all," Daiki rolled his eyes, "Everyone in your village pretty much knows this and so any visitor learns it easily, and everyone in the Elemental Nations knows your father is so pathetic the Wind Daimyo is coming to Konoha for mission requests, then again, how can one expect a clown to lead an entire village of tens of thousands when he can't even care for his own damn son."

Temari's eyes were horrified for all of a few seconds at his words, before she closed her eyes for a moment, took a deep breath and centred herself, "Annoyingly, your words aren't wrong, I've long been unhappy with Gaara's treatment, and your words have merit behind them," she admitted and then crossed her arms and stared him in the eye, "True as a lot of it has been, Gaara has the full power of the Shukaku at his fingertips and the ultimate defence, you've yet to provide any proof of your strength and ability to beat him, just ran your mouth a lot."

Her self control was quite impressive, "If I end up fighting Gaara, I'll gladly prove how much stronger I am than him," Daiki shrugged, "Unless that is, you want to make me prove my strength right here and now?"

In response, Temari smirked, "Finally, that's what I came here for in the first place, a little test to see if you're all talk or not." her hand went up over her shoulder grasping the heavy metal base of her fan and then in a blur, she pulled it over her shoulder and swung it at him.

A single step back made sure it swept right through the area where his face was a moment ago, "Oh, not bad." Daiki blinked and found himself complimenting.

By his estimates, with how much metal was compressed into that giant fan, and the size of it, it had to be at least one hundred and fifty pounds in weight, and she swung it around like a light stick at blurring speeds.

Temari's eyes narrowed and she said nothing, instead palming the base of the giant fan with her other hand and expertly twirling it like a staff with both hands like a helicopter blade and lashed out at him in a blindingly fast barrage of melee strikes.

She was impressively strong, fast and skilled in close combat for a long ranged specialist, that was for sure.

Yet, despite that, Daiki barely moved an inch from where he stood as he ducked and weaved around her strikes.

He was just that much faster than her and could see the next move coming before she even fully started with it.

He also wasn't that nice of a guy that he would let some girl from another village attack him in his own village without consequence.

Or in any other village for that matter.

He also for example, could seal his weights away in an instant, becoming twenty thousand pounds lighter.

He ducked under one strike and then moved.

Temari's eyes widened as he outright disappeared from her vision, that was how fast he moved.

And then a ripping sound filled the room and Daiki appeared behind her, a familiar pale pink dress in hand.

Eyeing her from behind with a smirk on his face. His eyes greedily taking in the sight of her firm, round ass clad in only fishnet. and a powder blue thong that looked ever so delicious on her hips.

It took Temari a second to realise what happened and she whirled around, eyes wide in shock, "You…how?!" she gaped, not even bothering to cover her front and showing off her near enough fully naked breasts to him, large perky creamy melons topped with cherry pink nipples that poked through the fishnet.

"I'm just that fa-" he began answering, eyes on her breasts and memorizing their shape and every contour.

He tilted his head to the side as Temari tried to smash his head in with her fan while he was busy answering and ogling her tits.

"Tch." she clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"Well you're not shy that's for sure." Daiki laughed. She literally used his distraction in ogling her and replying to try and smash his head in.

Good on her.

"I'm a kunoichi, and not one like those little girls you hang around with that would lock up or get embarrassed over a little nudity," Temari huffed, slamming her fan into the ground beside her and leaning on it, "Looks like you're not just all talk I guess, not that this little bout was all that impressive, I'm a ninjutsu specialist, I'm just good enough in close to get by."

"You know, it's actually not that hard to compliment people," Daiki snorted, "Like for example, hey Temari, you have some really nice tits, they look real soft and I bet would feel real good in my hands."

"You'll have to just wonder about that," Temari rolled her eyes and then held out her hand, "Gimme my dress."

"How about no?" Daiki countered and lifted it up, idly spinning it in the air above his head, "I think I'll keep it."

Temari stared at him for a moment, before huffing, "Whatever, I've done what I came here to do," she replied and boldly turned around and walked towards the door, opening it, not caring at all that she was nude for the most part. She paused just before she stepped out and looked over her shoulder at him, "Keep the dress if you want, it might make your last few dreams memorable before you get crushed by Gaara after needling him like you did, he has his eyes on you now."

And then she boldly left the room behind and walked down the hall to her own. Daiki watched directly through the walls as she did.

"…Huh." he blinked.

That was not at all how he expected that to go when he pulled the dress off of her. Granted, she didn't exactly have far to go to get to her room, and nobody was around to see her, especially with her brothers not being in her room.

Well, she was…interesting.

Impressive as her tits and ass were, Daiki found himself more impressed by her mental resiliency, he dropped quite a few bombs of revelation on her and she was while shocked and overwhelmed initially, was quick to regain her cool.

Chucking, he walked over and closed the door, idly examining the dress in his hands, "How…fun." he mused.

Just then, there was a puff of smoke at his side and Daiki looked up from the pale pink dress in his hands to look over in surprise.

When the smoke faded, a familiar pink scaled chameleon came into view. Though, she was a lot smaller than usual.

"Toka?" Daiki blinked in surprise, "Why are you so small?"

"Because I felt like it, and obviously I couldn't enter such a narrow space at my full size, no?" Toka replied as if such a thing were obvious, "I wouldn't exactly be very good at stealth and infiltrating at my usual size now would I?"

"You can change your size?" Daiki's eyes widened. That was obvious for sure with her here and now, but it was very interesting to know.

"A staple of the Chameleon Clan, though we can only shrink and return to our full sizes, a reverse application of that same jutsu those Akimichi of your village tend to use," Toka shrugged, "Something you'll no doubt learn in the future…once you can match up to the sensing ability of the whelps of our clan that is, without relying on those silly eyes of yours."

Huh, neat, he could think of so many ways to use that kind of thing.

"You jealous you don't have eyes as badass as mine?" he taunted her.

Toka rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Hardly, unlike you I don't need to rely on a crutch for something so simple." she fired back.


Right in the pride.

Daiki coughed, "So, what's up?" he changed the topic, for no reasons, he just felt like it.

One hundred percent truth.


She rolled her ripple-like eyes again, but didn't call him out on it and instead walked over and hopped up onto his shoulder, perching on it comfortably. Right now, she was about ten inches long at most, "Show me your hand." she ordered him.

What a demanding little lizard princess.

Daiki did as bid and held up his hand, "So why do you-" he began asking, only for his eyes to widen as she opened her mouth and extended her long tongue out and dropped a small glowing green pebble into his palm, "This is..!" he gaped in shock.

"I took the liberty of grabbing the stone you wanted from that ferret, and as you planned, I left behind a small fragment of it within the annoying little beast to keep it alive," Toka explained, "I thought I'd save the trouble of bringing it back here to you then taking it back as you initially intended."

Daiki said nothing and just stared in shock at the fragment from the Stone of Gelel in his hand. Then slowly he started to chuckle and before long he threw his head back and released a full bellied laughter that echoed through the room, bouncing off the walls and reverberating, ominously.

"I see by your demented laugh, that you are pleased." Toka commented idly, making him shut up.

"Hey, my laugh is powerful and intimidating, not demented!" he growled.

"You keep telling yourself that," the pink chameleon snorted, "By the way, that clan was a decent challenge to find, though we found them travelling through the Land of Rivers, and interestingly, not far from them, I came across an odd ancient temple that the old man you told me of seemed to be trying to avoid."

Daiki's eyes widened.

'Wait, it's not in another continent, it's here?!' he thought, shocked. And not only that, but it was in the fucking Land of Rivers as well?

What the fuck!

No seriously, what the hell was up with the Land of Rivers and all the good shit there. It should seriously be renamed to the Land of Loot for crying out loud.

'This…this is good.' Daiki couldn't help but give out another ominous, not demented laughter.

When he got around to having Isobu slurp up the Ryumakyu, he could go after the Gelel Stone Veins as well, which should be comparable to the Ryumakyu itself as well.

…With the Ryumaku and the Gelel Stone Veins, could he perhaps, not become a match for Kurama!?

'Unlikely, going by your memories, while both together will give me quite the boost, I believe at best, I will gain power comparable to Chomei, and as you know, Chomei doesn't come close to the power of Kurama.' Isobu dashed those hopes.

Yeah…Chomei got their shit clapped by Kurama, even with Son Goku, Saiken, Kokuo, Matatabi and Isobu himself backing them up.

And that was only half power Kurama.

But still, that would be a significant jump in power regardless. And there was always other avenues to explore.

For now though, it was time to put some more plans into motion. Such as sealing this fragment of Gelel inside his Heavenly Star Seal.

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