Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 112: The Chunin Exams - 38

Chapter 112: The Chunin Exams - 38

One seriously could not underestimate the healing properties of a lap pillow. Daiki practically felt his chakra recovery speed up massively, a thousand percent over even!

It was such a speedy recovery technique, that in response to Tenten's teasing, he managed through sheer epic badassery, to roll in place so he was laying face down on her thighs and could feel the full lusciousness of them against his cheeks.

He inhaled and then exhaled deeply, 'Smells like victory.'

A hand wove itself into his hair and fingers grasped his short spiky tresses and he found his face yanked up by the grip, his nose practically being buried in Tenten's toned belly for a second before his head was tilted up and found the brunnete looking down at him, one eyebrow raised, gaze dry, "…Really?" she deadpanned.

Hmm, looking up at her like this, he could only see half of her face, the rest was blocked out by the surprisingly large sloping of her breasts.

"Well, you probably don't know being a complete pleb with medic ninjutsu, but lap pillows are known to speed up recovery rates by one hundred percent," Daiki helpfully informed her, "Going the face down route of it though with a cute girl, boosts that ten times over."

Somehow her gaze became even dryer and her other eyebrow raised up to join the first, "You must be really great at infiltration missions with how easily you can bullshit with such a straight face." the bun haired older girl snorted.

"I'm not bullshitting, remember, I had to move to change my position," Daiki smirked at her, "Proof that it works."

"Utterly shameless." she shook her head, letting go of his hair and letting his face plop down against her thighs. Despite how firm and toned they were, her thighs were also surprisingly soft somehow.

Such a mystery.

Not that he was complaining.

"You're an utter menace," she continued, "I can only imagine the amount of girls you've taken advantage of like this and got away with just because you're cute and strong."

"None really," he said, his voice muffled slightly because of her thighs, "You're the only one who's ever given me a lap pillow, be proud."

He could have taken advantage of Hinata most likely, but he wouldn't. He'd felt up Sakura, but that was just for a laugh and to hype her up, and pinching Ino's ass didn't count. And Kurenai and Anko didn't count either, because he couldn't be taking advantage of them when they freely offered to ride his dick.

That was on them.

Really, his restraint was quite admirable when he thought about it. He was quite the gentleman.

"Oh wow, my biggest achievement yet," Tenten replied with a snort, "I can practically see the Hokage giving me a chunin vest and a super chakra blade as a reward right now."

'I mean if she wants to be my personal lap pillow giver, that's an easy reward.' he laughed mentally.

Tenten was actually one of the most suited to be a chunin in his general age group. She wasn't the strongest, nor was she the smartest, but she was mature and struck a nice middle ground between them with having both the strength and intelligence for the role, where as, most of the candidates were like Naruto, Sasuke and Lee, specc'd into the strength and not having the maturity, or the likes of Shikamaru who specc'd into the intelligence role and lacked the strength.

The whole theme of the chunin exams here was about that heaven and earth crap that old man Sarutobi thought up. Only those possessing of both the required mental and physical ability would be promoted.

Funny how that got hand waved for Shikamaru and nobody else. Then again the old man was dead and gone by the time the promotions came about. He probably just got promoted because of Asuma pushing for it and nobody wanting to slap the man down after he just lost his father.

It was that or Shikaku pushing for it as the more or less jonin commander that seemed the most likely options to Daiki. He refused to believe the examiners could be that utterly bum fucking stupid to promote him over everybody else for his showing against Temari.

Nepotism at its finest for sure.

Well if he ended up Hokage, it wasn't going to happen unless that noodle armed shadow boy got put through a grind course and gained some muscle. None of his teams would be getting led on missions by such a flimsy guy.

Honestly, such an un-motivated guy was near the last he'd promote from his age group.

"Chunin vest and chakra blade, got it," Daiki nodded into Tenten's thighs, "Seems a pretty good trade for you as my personal lap pillow giver."

That actually might make being Hokage worth it. He'd have his clones do all the work while he chillaxed with his head in Tenten's lap.

…He'd totally need to find some sheer skirt for her to wear though. Like a harem one. He should hit up the daimyo or something to ask him about getting harem girl outfits.

No wait, a belly dancer outfit would look way better on Tenten!

"Last I checked you weren't Hokage." Tenten pointed out.

"For now, but I'm pretty much next in line." he responded.

"Uh-hu? And where'd you get that idea?" the bun haired girl's voice was light as she asked, clearly disbelieving.

"Cuz I'm just that awesome," he smirked into her thighs, "No doubt if the Hokage were to die anytime soon or step down they'd pick me to replace him."

"And did you wake up with your face in a bowl of cereal after that dream?" Tenten snorted, "Or did you hit your head before I found you? Lemme check for a bump." he felt one of her hands reach into his hair and gentle rake through his dark tresses.

"Haters gonna hate, but that does feel good." he replied idly and just relaxed and enjoyed the feeling.

It wasn't like he blamed her for not believing him. After all, he had a hard time believing it sometimes that he was basically the next Hokage and he'd had a decent while to process it now.

And Tenten wasn't exactly privy to his full strength and resources, never mind his Jinchuuriki abilities and the like.

"Mmm, maybe your head is just one big lump and that's why I can't feel one on here?" she mused sardonically as she continued to gently rake her fingers through his short spiky hair, "Your head is plenty big enough for it."

"I'm gonna give you D-rank missions for a year straight when the truth come outs." he laughed.

"Sure you are," the bun haired girl drawled sarcastically, "Heck, tell you what, if it does turn out to be true, I'll give you a lap pillow whenever you want."

"Ooh, high stakes there," Daiki grinned and turned his head over a bit so he could look up into her eyes with one of his own, "I'm pretty possessive you know, which means no other boyfriend for you when that happens, these cozy thighs will belong to me."

"Uh-hu?" she rolled her eyes, "Guess I'd be stuck with you then."

Daiki blinked, before his grin widened to shit eating proportions, "That sounds like a proposition to me." he replied.

"You're the one that loves having your face between my thighs." Tenten deadpanned.


"Among other things," he shot back, "But it's good to know."

"Good to know what?" she furrowed her brows.

"How good my game is," he gave a tiny shrug that only the recovery power of the legendary lap pillow afforded him, "And that you're totally fine being stuck with me." his grin reached shit eating proportions.

Despite how cool she'd played it so far, Tenten was unable to stop the slight flush her cheeks took on, "I don't see you complaining about it." she replied.

"As if I would," Daiki laughed, "I'd probably be a shit boyfriend, but I wouldn't say no to dating you."

Her lips quirked up, "Is that so?" the bun haired older girl mused, before reaching down to flick him on the nose, "Save it for after the exams lover boy, we can try it out a bit if you want, see if it works out."

"Totally fine with me." he agreed.


Two hours later Daiki was up back on his feet and moving again. Albeit, a bit stiffly.

His chakra capacity had fully recovered though, which was what mattered. He just felt like he'd had a cheat day and gorged on a bunch of artery clogging junk food full of salt and super greasy fat.

As if he took a bite out of Choji's mothers ass.

Not that he would. There were some things even the ever fearless Daiki-sama himself was too afraid to face head on.

'And this is the boy that plans to save the world.' Isobu groaned.

Daiki shrugged, 'I know my limits buddy.' he replied mentally as he made his way down the hall that the assigned bedrooms were located in with Tenten by his side, or rather a bit in front of him.

Leading him to where her teams room was.

…And because he was taking advantage of his 'exhausted' body to check her out from behind.

It was only a short walk that took less than thirty seconds, about twenty five at most and only because of his pace and the fact that Tenten's team had claimed the most far away room at the end of the hall for whatever reason.

Daiki personally had chosen the first one.

He had no idea why none of the other two teams had before he got here. Possibly some strategic thing or something, honestly, he couldn't be sure since he saw nothing wrong with taking the first room he came across.

"You know, are you sure you had chakra exhaustion?" Tenten looked over his shoulder at him, forcing him to drag his eyes up from where he was admiring her backside, she rolled her eyes but didn't comment, "Because I've had chakra exhaustion before, a few times even, and I was laid up for days recovering, it's only been two hours and you're up and about."

"Your thighs have the magic touch, what can I say." Daiki shrugged with a grin.

She gave him a thoughtful look, "So it's just some trait you have then, bloodline maybe?" she mused.

"Yep, It's called the Sexygan, when I'm in contact with a knock out like you all of my parameters are increased by a thousand percent." he nodded and revealed.

"Well, keep your secrets if you want," Tenten rolled her eyes and turned back around, though not fast enough to hide the flush that spread over her cheeks once again at his compliment from his eyes, "I'll get it out of you at some point."

"I mean, if you wanna know that badly, I'll tell you…for a lapdance." Daiki grinned.

Tenten paused and once again looked over her shoulder at him, giving the younger boy a deadpan look, "Slow down a bit hot shot," she replied drily, "We haven't even had a proper kiss yet, never mind started dating and you want to jump straight to a lapdance?"


That was quite the interesting tell.

"You didn't deny you could give one," he pointed out, "Besides, what's a kiss compared to lewdly holding hands?" he joked.

They had indeed been holding hands for a decent bit during their date not that long ago.

"What kunoichi couldn't give a lapdance?" Tenten snorted derisively, before turning back around and continuing dawn the hall.

Daiki stopped in his tracks and blinked.

'Being able to give a lapdance is mandatory for kunoichi?' he goggled after her. Were seduction classes in the academy actually a thing? He thought that was just bullshit, but the girls did have some classes separate from the boys.

He'd need to ask old man Hokage about that.

Also, if true and he became Hokage, he'd for sure need to 'review' the skills of all the beautiful kunoichi.

For the good of Konoha of course.

Just to make sure they were up to par and not rusty.

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