Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 113: The Chunin Exams - 39

Chapter 113: The Chunin Exams - 39

Moments later, they arrived at Team Gai's room, and Tenten opened the door, directing him inside.

Daiki blinked at what he found.

'I kind of should have expected this.' he thought.

Neji was sitting on the edge of one of the three beds, the one closest to the wall and one that seemed to have been moved a bit away from the others.

…While Lee was doing one handed vertical push ups.

"Six thousand six hundred, sixty eight, six thousand six hundred sixty nine-" the bowl cut haired boy counted off to himself, before noticing his presence, "Ah, Daiki-san! Good to see you, how have you been?"

It seemed he'd gotten quite into a little bit of training over the past two hours while Tenten was with him.

"I've been good Lee, you?" he replied automatically.


Daiki rocked back on his feet, startled in spite of himself at the sudden…loudness.

Neji sighed irritably.

He heard Tenten face palm from behind him and then groan, "Please fix this idiot."

"He seems fine to me." Daiki shrugged, looking over his shoulder to the grin at the bun haired girl.

"You're not as funny as you think you are you know." she deadpanned.

"…Why does everyone keep saying that?" he rolled his eyes. First Isobu, now Tenten.

He was hilarious and people quoted everything he said.

'That has never once happened before, ever, and it will never happen, the only person who thinks you are funny, is yourself.' Isobu deadpanned, like the hater he was.

Tenten rolled her eyes right back at him, before stepped past and reaching down and palming Lee by the face, "I told you to take it easy until you got healed, didn't I you moron?" she huffed, and bodily picked him up with one hand and tossed him onto the bed.

"WHAT?" Lee shouted in question as he landed on the bed., "TENTEN THAT WAS NOT VERY YOUTH-"

She palmed him by the face once more, shutting him up, "Please…please just be quiet," she groaned, then turned her head to give him a pleading look, "Please fix him up so he can go back to his normal loud volume and not…this."

"See, I would…" Daiki trailed off and gave a shrug, "But my feelings have been hurt. I'm all depressed and as it turns out, my chakra control dips by negative sixty nine million percent when I'm feeling sad."

"Seriously?" she gave him a dead stare, "You're doing this because I said you're not funny?"

"Hey, what's with that look," Daiki smirked for a brief second before giving a mock gasp of pain and grasping his chest in an over the top manner, even making sure to stagger back a bit just to add to the show and force his legs to tremble, "I'll have you know I've been wounded in the heart, this is true emotional damage."

"I'm going to cut you." she deadpanned.

"Well, my chakra control is shot and now I'll have to worry about getting attacked, how am I supposed to use medical ninjutsu like that?" Daiki retorted.

"I hate you, hate you so much right now." somehow, her voice became even more dead. Like wow, if her voice was a corpse right now, it would have been in worse condition than Shisui's body.

"Ooof!" Daiki grasped his his chest even harder and stumbled back against the door, "The emotional damage just doubled, negative sixty nine billion chakra control now."

"WHAT IS HAPPENING!?" Lee tried to bounce up from the bed, only kept down by Tenten pushing down on him, "DAIKI-SAN MY FRIEND ARE YOU OKAY!?"

"…Tenten, just give him what he wants," Neji's head mechnically turned to stare at her, his somehow blank eyed gaze…becoming even more blank. He had some real skill with his eyeballs for sure, "Whatever he wants, just give him it, whatever will shut that idiot up, I'm this close to puncturing my own ear drums."

"…How is sixty nine billion doubled from sixty nine million, this is so stupid." she groaned.

"Your mind is just at a lower stage than mine I'm afraid, my brain exists in a higher dimension." Daiki replied, his lips twitching up into a brief smirk before he hid it again.

Tenten's eyebrows twitched.

She totally saw it.

"…Is that the dumbass dimension?" she snarked with a huff.

"OOOOF!" Daiki's legs 'gave out' beneath him and he slumped to the ground, limp.

"DAIKI-SAN!" Lee shouted, eyes wide in horror.

"…Is this truly my fate? How cruel." Neji rubbed his temples, trying to massage away what was no doubt quite the killer headache.

"…Alright, alright, I give up, you win," Tenten's shoulders slumped in defeat. The bun haired older girl closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she exhaled a few moments later and opened her eyes, a bright perky smile was on her face and she walked over to Daiki, hips swaying, "Daiki-sama~"

Daiki perked up.

He was actually quite surprised when Tenten boldly sat right down on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck, bringing one of her hands around to gently trail a finger daintily over his cheek, "You're so cool and strong Daiki-sama, I bet all the other guys around here wish they could be like you~" she simpered, "And so handsome too."

"This is all true." Daiki nodded, 'Though not gonna lie, wow, she can act really well.'

If he didn't know any better, he for sure would think he was dealing with a fangirl on the level of Sakura or Ino in their heyday of Sasuke simpery.

"And so humble~" she gave a tittering giggle, crushing the flash of exasperation that appeared on her face for a brief moment expertly, "Can you do me a favour Daiki-sama and please heal my dumb teammate? It would mean ever so much to me~" she asked, leaning forward to plant a quick, chaste smooch on his cheek, before pulling back to give him a pleading look.

His hands grasped her hips and in one motion he rose to his feet, "And suddenly I'm totally healed," he announced, "Sure, I'll fix up your teammate for you Tenten-chan, anything for a fan."

"You're the best Daiki-sama!~" she chirped, pressing another quick smooch to his cheek before letting go of him.

"TENTEN-SAN? DAIKI-SAN, WHAT IS GOING ON!?" Lee hollered, ruining the moment.

Tenten cringed.

Daiki laughed, walking passed her, "Don't worry about it leotard boy." he waved the bow cut ninja off.

He noted Neji was giving both him and Tenten a horrified look, his head turning from him to her and back again, back and forth, as if unable to understand what just happened, but disgusted all the same and not sure who to direct that disgust at.

He could see Tenten's face burning bright red in his peripheral vision, but being a generous guy and all, he didn't stare and make it worse, or comment on it.

Instead, he formed a single hand seal, of one of his most used jutsu and green healing chakra began to warm around his hands.

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