Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 34: Number Seven: Fu - 1

Chapter 34: Number Seven: Fu - 1

For a moment, they just stared. Daiki at the mint haired Jinchuuriki and Fu, eyeing up his 'Serpent King Manda'. Sure, the size difference in the naming sense, was a bit off and didn't fit, but hey, Manda was the biggest serpentine beast he could think of right now, even if he was too miniscule to truly describe his manly girth.

Daiki sighed, "Take a picture, it'll last longer." he deadpanned.

Fu yoinked her gaze from his crotch and shrugged, "I don't have a camera," she replied, "Can I borrow yours?"

"….I don't have one either." Daiki found himself retorting

"Maybe Shibuki?" she tapped her chin and mused. She sure wasn't shy at all, huh?

Shaking his head, Daiki ignored his state of undress, and crossed his arms, "So, what happened after I passed out?" he asked.

Fu clicked her tongue, "Don't know, I didn't wake up until like an hour after you had apparently beaten that dickhead," she pouted, "I can't believe I got taken out so easily, then missed Shibuki kicking ass and then you finishing him off, must have been an amazing show!"

Her shoulders slumped, "You know, it's been a long time since Shibuki was like that, he used to be way cooler than he is now," she shook her head, before perking up, "Anyway, your friends have already recovered and left, but your sensei has stuck around to wait for you to wake up."

Daiki gave her an odd look. Shibuki, cool? Well, Daiki supposed he was kind of cool yesterday when he finally manned up, but, beyond that, he couldn't picture the man as cool at all.

…And what was that about his sensei? "I don't have a sensei," Daiki pointed out, "Actually, how long have I been out?"

Fu shrugged, "Well, the scarecrow looking grey haired Jonin guy is waiting for you at Shibuki's place," she corrected herself, "And, about a day I guess? Not that long considering the beating you took and the fact you drank the Hero's Water. Actually, how are you feeling?"

She was a bit of a motormouth, wasn't she?

But, hmm? Kakashi stuck around? That didn't sound like him.

Daiki flexed his rippling biceps from his crossed arms and gave her a smirk, "I feel good, great even," he said, "How about you?"

In reply, Fu pumped her fist up, "I'm fine, I didn't take anywhere near as big a beating as you did, and I recover quick anyway, one of the benefits of being a Jinchuuriki, right?"

"Good to hear," Daiki nodded, before a thought occurred, "Actually, how is that treating you here? Like, the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki is treated like crap back in my village."

Fu blinked, before her bright smile turned a little shaky, "…Erm, I mean, it's not that bad you know? Shibuki always looked out for me growing up, before his dad died at least and he turned out the way he did, and well, I'm not really close to anyone else, they're wary of me, but, they don't exactly treat me bad or anything," she didn't even hesitate to explain to him, had he endeared himself to her that much already? Or, was it more likely she just had no filter? "Wait…you know the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki?" she suddenly asked, eyes widening as she caught on to that fact.

"Yeah, and so do you," Daiki pointed out, "Or, probably. You know the blonde kid, Naruto? He's got the Kyuubi."

"Eh….!" Fu gaped, "I talked to him a bit yesterday before he left, though he was more interested in the pink haired girl, I had no idea! Ah, that sucks, I've never talked to another jinchuuriki before!"

Oh wait…shit, wasn't it supposed to be an S-class secret or something like that?


Well, not like anybody had told him it was an S-class secret, he only knew from meta knowledge, so not like he could be blamed for it.

"You should keep that to yourself mind you," Daiki tacked on, just in case, "It's supposed to be some sort of secret, despite how badly it's hidden, so if you talk about it you might get my head chopped off."

Fu blinked, before grinning, "Ah, don't worry about it! I won't tell anybody, I promise! I'm just glad I got to meet another container like me," she waved him off, "It's almost like being proper comrades in a way? Close to beings friends, I don't really have any friends, so it's nice to know."


Daiki had to hold back a grimace. From what he remembered, wasn't Fu so lonely in canon, without any friends, that she actually allowed the Akatsuki to take her because she felt no joy in life?

Suddenly, he could quite easily picture this girl, floating in a shroud of chakra in a dark cave, surrounded by nine shadowy figures as they extracted the beast from within her out, leaving her in a state of agony for days on end, before they finished and she finally died, her corpse, treated like trash, just left to drop to the ground and left to rot.

His hand gripped his bicep and tightened, almost hard enough to draw blood.

"Aren't we friends?" Daiki found himself saying on instinct.

Fu's eyes widened, "We're…friends?" she replied slowly, a forlorn something in her voice that tugged at his heartstrings.

Fuck he was such a sap.

"We hit it off didn't we? You saved my life and then we fought side by side as well," Daiki shrugged, "As far as I'm concerned, I think that's enough to start off a friendship between us."

A second later he had his arms full of a petite, toned kunoichi as she slammed into him, arms wrapping around him, and he heard a brief sniffle, before it was drowned out by her voice in his ear, "Friends huh? That's great! I've never had a friend before!" she cheered.

Yes, though he should probably point out, friends didn't quite hug each other while one was completely nude, especially not when one was an exotically cute girl.

Not unless they were friends with benefits, or the friends beyond friends, the relationship kind. But, Fu wouldn't exactly understand that type of things right now, he didn't think.

'My dick is pressing against her stomach.' Daiki mused. His completely naked dick, was pressed against her soft, yet toned and equally nude belly.

It took all of the iron willpower he'd formed through throwing himself into the grind for months on end, to stop his 'Serpent King Manda' from entering 'Serpent King Manda: Sage Mode'.

Her 'Ryuchi Cave' was off limits for now!

It took him a not inconsiderable amount of time to extract himself from Fu's hug. And thankfully, it turned out his clothes were just sitting in a corner of the room.

In a haphazard pile.

Kakashi was such a cunt sometimes.

He wasted no time on pulling his clothing back on. While he wasn't really ashamed at all to be naked, it was hard to keep from going full bonerific sometimes, so better safe than sorry.

He didn't want to give Fu the wrong idea.

"You know what sucks?" Fu mused as he finished dressing, sitting on the bed he'd awoken in and kicking her feet back and forth, he made an effort not to stare at her lovely, toned legs.

It was hard, Fu had all the looks of an Arabian girl, and a pair of hips that just did not quit. She would look amazing in a belly dancer outfit.

"A lot of things." Daiki griped, sitting beside her now that he was done.

She chuckled, "Well yeah," she nodded, "But, hear me out here. You're my first friend, and I won't be able to see you much, especially since you need to leave soon cuz' you're on a mission."

"It's not like we can't visit each other," he pointed out in return, "Our villages are allied, so you can come to Konoha whenever and I don't think Shibuki will mind at this point if I pop over here to visit you either since I already know the entrance of the place."

Fu sighed, collapsed back onto her back on the bed, "If only, I'm not actually allowed to leave the village, being a Jinchuuriki and all," she pouted, "So, it'll have to be you visiting me alone, and well, you've got your own training to do as a shinobi and missions and stuff to do, y'know?"

…Well, exuberant she might be, but she clearly wasn't an idiot.

He didn't actually have a lot of time between training and missions.

"Well, there's a lot of things I want to take care of outside my village," Daiki mused, "I can always pop by and visit when I'm doing that and the Chunin Exams are in just two months, maybe you can come over to Konoha then and we can hang out?"

She perked up a bit, "Dunno about the chunin exams, I asked to go to the last ones, but Shibuki wouldn't let me," she shrugged, but grinned, "But the other stuff sounds cool, hopefully you'll have some fun stories to tell me!"

Daiki was about to reply, when she suddenly clapped her hands, eyes widening, "Oh, I know!" Fu grinned widely at him, "I can teach you the Wave Transmission Jutsu. And we can talk from really far away with it. Though….I dunno if you'll have enough chakra for it considering how much distance there is between our villages."

Wait, what?

"..You're going to teach me such a useful sounding jutsu, just so we can talk over long distances?" Daiki blinked slowly.

"Yup!" Fu flashed him a thumbs up, "But like I said, you might not have enough chakra to use it much, like, not even a jonin would be able to supply enough chakra to hold a full on conversation considering how far away Konoha is from here."

Jonin tier chakra huh? And not even manage a full conversation. Quite the chakra guzzler wasn't it?

Not to mention, his chakra capacity had outright doubled and was still in the chunin range.

If there was an Elite Chunin tier, like there was for Genin, then he was a ways off from reaching Jonin tier.

"Let me worry about that," Daiki waved off her worries, he had options after all, then paused as he remembered something, "Actually, there's a way you can help me out on that front."

"Hm?" Fu tilted her head, "Sure, whatever you need." she agreed instantly.

He should probably caution her after this though. To make sure she doesn't just give a random stranger whatever they want from her just because they said they'd be her friend.

"Can you show me your seal?" he asked, getting straight to the point.

Fu's exotic orange eyes looked at him strangely, before she shrugged, "Sure, I don't mind." she replied, before promptly turning around so her back was facing him, and pulling her short crop top and mesh up at the front, making it right up and expose her slender back to him.

Before he could get stuck ogling the suddenly half naked older girl, her back shimmered for a moment, chakra palpably running over her skin, and huge black blocks of ink faded into existence.

Each one was at a corner of her back, and all four of them perfectly lined up perpendicularly leading to the middle of her back.

Banishing any of the horny within himself, Daiki focused only on the grind and raised his hand, placing his palm in the middle of the seal and running his chakra through it.

As he did, chains of sealing characters spread out from the four ink blocks, forming into a spider-web like pattern.

"A Four Symbol Seal, huh?" Daiki mused. This was far higher quality than he thought it was going to be.

But, he could tell at just a glance, this was no masters work, so it probably didn't measure up to the four symbol seal Kushina had, and definitely not the eight symbol seal made by overlaying two four symbol seals over each other that Naruto had, even if he hadn't had the chance to examine them.

He could tell that right off the bat, because, even as low tier a seal user as he was, he could actually understand quite a bit of this seal matrix.

"Right, gimme a minute." Daiki said, and held his hand out, summoning a blank scroll and some ink from his Dimension Force Seal.

Which felt particularly empty right now, 'My weapons got destroyed by Sasuke and Fu's jutsu.' he remembered with annoyance, before dismissing the thought and focusing on copying down the seal on Fu's back.

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