Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 35: Number Seven: Fu - 2

Chapter 35: Number Seven: Fu - 2

After he copied down the seal and sealed the copy in his Dimension Force Seal, Fu was eager to teach him her jutsu.

It was a jutsu that spread out a wave of chakra, almost like sonar waves, on a specific frequency decided on by the users and carried the inner thoughts of the user to their target.

All in all, it was basically a jutsu used for talking within your head with another. A very useful tool for a ninja really, when it came to not making any sounds and not letting others overhear your plans.

And, from the looks of it, it actually wasn't all that complicated. And according to Fu, he should be able to get it down within a few days of training.

When he was done and knew what he had to do to finish learning the technique though.

…Daiki felt guilty. She gave him a really useful jutsu just to talk with him, and didn't mind at all when it came to showing her seal to him.

She didn't know, just how much her doing so, contributed to his overall goals either.

She had sped up his plans, immensely.

He couldn't leave her without giving her something in return.

...So he taught her a jutsu of his own in return.

"Oh wow!" the second Fu that had been summoned through a puff of smoke, a half an hour later grinned, both her and the original eagerly looking each other over, "This jutsu is so cool!" the twin girls exclaimed, turning to grin at him.

'Best idea ever.' Daiki decided then as he bore witness to his spontaneous decision.

Especially since-

Both Fu's quickly latched onto his sides and hugged him tightly. They were very touchy feely and didn't mind at all hugging him.

It was hard to be jealous of how easily she learned the technique compared to him, when there were benefits like this.

"This is so great!" Fu beamed at him.

"Yeah, you said this jutsu can transfer memories right?" her clone on his other side nodded eagerly in agreement, "With this clones like me can head outside of the village and explore and have fun, then send the memories back to the original, you're the best Daiki!"

He supposed they could be used that way as well.

"Well, happy to help out a friend." He grinned back at them both.

Just then, there was a knock on the door, before it swung up, and a familiar cyclops-faced Jonin entered the room. He paused, looking over the two Fu's, before raising an eyebrow at Daiki, "Sorry, was I interrupting something?" he then wiggled said eyebrow at the teen.

"Oh, it's you." Daiki's good mood evaporated and his gaze turned dry.

"Oh, did it suddenly get colder in here?" Kakashi hummed, the amusement in his eye plain as day, "Anyway, sorry to interrupt your flirting with your new little friend, but now that I see you're awake, Shibuki wants to talk to you before we leave." he explained, before looking down at the book in his hand, as he always did.

"We weren't flirting," Fu protested, before pausing and looking at Daiki, "Were we?"

"Not really," Daiki responded idly, "Just ignore Suckashi, he's just projecting because he's a like a thirty year old virgin."

"Hmm?" Kakashi looked up from his book boredly, "Did you say something? I couldn't tell, I'm just so strong you see that sometimes the voices of the incredibly weak just don't register."

Daiki resisted the urge to toss a kunai at the man.

It was a close thing though.

Mostly because he didn't really have any left, granted.

As tempting as it was, to be a petty little shit and blow Kakashi off, Daiki knew he couldn't act so petulant in another village and make Konoha look bad.

So, he reluctantly did as the man said and left the house he had been sleeping off his exhaustion from yesterday in and was directed to another, larger home, near enough a mansion in comparison to the rest of the homes throughout the village.

Fu led him through, while Kakashi stayed outside, his new friend bringing him through the home to an office space, guarded by two shinobi.

They both eyed Fu and Daiki for a moment, before ignoring them.

Fu ignored them right back and promptly kicked open the door, slamming it into the wall with a loud bang, "Hey Shibuki!" the girl greeted loudly.

Snorting, Daiki followed her inside.

He found Shibuki sitting behind a large oak desk, the man looking up from a large scroll, a bunch more of them spread about his desk, and piles of documents.

'Guess even in a minor village the paperwork is killer.' Daiki mused, and made a vow to never become Hokage.

Shibuki sighed, "…Fu, how many times have I asked you not to just barge in?" he asked, laying the scroll down.

"Dunno, never counted." she shrugged.

He sighed once more, before looking at Daiki, "Thanks for coming to see me before you left," he started, before promptly bowing his head to Daiki, in a rather shocking move that actually surprised the boy, "I wanted to thank you personally for your help. If not for you and your friends kindness and bravery, Waterfall would have fallen yesterday, you in particular went above and beyond, suffering many debilitating injuries from what Fu tells me and then even going on to use the Hero Water yourself, whether you knew or not, the fact remains, you gave up at least a decade of your life force to help us, so please accept my gratitude."

"It…It's fine….we're y'know, allies…" Daiki trailed off, rather shocked and unable to formulate any other reply. Where the hell had the cocky, haughty coward from yesterday went to?

Even the way he spoke, softer, yet at the same time, it carried a much heavier weight than it did yesterday.

It was the voice of a man, and not a cowardly little boy.

It was like he was looking at a completely different person!

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