Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 40: The Land Of Loot - 3

Chapter 40: The Land Of Loot - 3

For a moment, neither spoke. Daiki because he couldn't actually muster the the willpower to at the moment, and Isobu because the giant shelled Bijuu seemed to be examining him.

The one to break the silence, was the turtle.

"Human, how do you know my name?" Isobu spoke, the Bijuu's voice was distinctly male, with a calm bass timber to it, it echoed powerfully, yet was not booming.

Daiki opened and closed his mouth, floundering for a moment, before gritting his teeth, what was the point of being one with the grind if he was going to bitch out at a critical moment like this?

"Through some bad luck that worked out well for me," Daiki soldiered on, "I'll be blunt, you and your siblings, the other Bijuu, are in danger."

The only reaction Isobu gave to his words was one single, slow, languished blink, "Is that so?" the Bijuu responded simply, "And how does this change anything? We are always in danger, you humans are always chasing us, sealing us away for your own benefit. The fact you know I am here, is a threat in of itself to me."

Well…he wasn't wrong.

"You're not wrong," Daiki said as such, "But, this goes beyond even that. I'll be straight with you big guy, I've saw the future and what's going to happen in the next few years. It isn't pretty, I came looking for you because I need your help and you need mine."

"Not an unheard of power," Isobu inclined his head slightly in a nod, "But tell me, how does this pertain to a danger to me? A few years, a few decades, it makes little difference to me, another shibobi war perhaps? Shall I be caught and sealed again?"

"…You're remarkably blase about the thought of being sealed inside a Jinchuuriki again." he couldn't help but point out.

Isobu tilted his head to the side slightly, "Should I not be?" he asked, "In the end, whatever human I'm sealed in to will die at some point, and I'll be sealed again, or get a chance to escape, either way, humans come and go, but we Bijuu always come back."

Daiki grimaced, "…Yeah, that's kind of the thing," he began, "If things don't go in a specific way in the future, which only happens because of a lot of luck, none of you will come back, all that will remain of you is the Juubi."

Isobu's one single eye that had been gazing down at him calmly, almost boredly, flew wide open in shock.

"...What? How? That is impossible!" Isobu's cool was completely lost.

Daiki swallowed, even just a narrow of this guys eye was terrifying, no killing intent needed, "Not if someone like Madara Uchiha has the Rinnegan and can summon the Gedo Mazo." he refuted.

Isobu froze completely, "The…The Rinnegan, just like father?" the huge shelled bijuu trembled in place, and Daiki bore witness to his trio of enormous armoured tails jerking back and forth in the water in clear agitation, such a simple gesture, creating thick roiling waves in the lake surface.

"Madara Uchiha passed on his Rinnegan when he died to an Uzumaki child to use as a pawn and has had a subordinate manipulating things in the background," Daiki pushed on, "You should know him well, he was mind controlling your former host, Yagura."

"...Yes…him, I remember him, but why, I don't understand what the point of that was now that you have told me this," Isobu murmured, confused, "If their plan is to bring back the Juubi, why not just capture me then?"

"To cause chaos," Daiki answered, "They're pitting the villages against each other, while creating an organisation of S-rank shinobi, all for the purpose of capturing all of your siblings, and well, that guy has a specific grudge against you in particular."

"I see," Isobu replied simply, seemingly deep in thought, "But why does he have a grudge against me?"

"Because he was in love with your jinchuuriki before Yagura," Daiki said bluntly, "The girl you were forced into, a former kunoichi of Konoha r-"

"Rin, yes, I remember," Isobu sighed, single eye closing, "I see, I understand. There is only two questions I must ask of you."

"I'll answer if I can." Daiki shrugged, he found himself becoming much more comfortable talking to the Bijuu as time went on.

He just had to grind through the conversation and adapt to the presence of the terrifyingly powerful giant turtle, that was all!

"Why does Madara Uchiha want to reform the Juubi?" Isobu asked, "It is an ancient, mindless beast that's only purpose in life is destroying all in its way."

Daiki shrugged, "He wants to be the new Sage of Six Paths," he answered, "He thinks with the Rinnegan and being the Jinchuuriki of the Juubi, he'll reach the same level as the original Sage Of Six Paths."

A shuddering breath exhaled through the guard over Isobu's mouth, "How foolish, what a contemptible man," the bijuu spat, the first hint of anything rude leaving his mouth at all, before the giant turtle sighed and met Daiki's eyes again, "Very well, my final question, why did you seek me out to tell me this? What do you mean by you need my help?"

Daiki winced, "Yeah, that's the part you're not gonna like," he sighed, before shrugging and chugging along, "There's no where you can hide, not even your personal little dimension thing, the guy who controlled Yagura has a space time ninjutsu that lets him break into things like that as well."

"..So you even know about that ability of mine? I see." Isobu mused, but said nothing else, letting Daiki continued.

He took a deep breath, and decided to just put it out there, like ripping off a band-aid, "I'm planning on doing everything I can to get strong enough to beat them and make sure they can't revive the Juubi," he put out there, then narrowed his eyes at Isobu and made sure the Bijuu made sure he was being absolutely serious, "To that end, I want to become your Jinchuuriki. No, not just a simple Jinchuuriki, the only way this will work is if you willingly join me and ally with me, allowing me to become a Perfect Jinchuuriki."

Isobu said nothing and silence echoed between them.

Daiki crossed his arms and held the Bijuu's gaze, "I have more options I can pursue to getting stronger, but becoming a Jinchuuriki will speed up my training immensely," he stated, "But, there's a not small chance I will die before I ever get strong enough to make a difference, with your strength backing me up, I can immediately go after something else I want, that will allow me to cloak my chakra completely, making it so none can ever tell I would be a Jinchuuriki in the first place, even if Madara stood right next to me and stared at me with the Rinnegan."

For all the abilities Ranmaru's eyes had, the one that Daiki most wanted, was the ability to cloak the users chakra signature so thoroughly not even the Byakugan could see through it at point blank range.

With those eyes, not a single person would be able to tell he was a Jinchuuriki, unless he used Isobu's chakra right in front of them.

Finally, Isobu spoke, "You speak quite confidently of your plans," the Bijuu hummed, "But, you realise what is needed for you to become a perfect Jinchuuriki? A full partnership between us, would mean nothing blocking my access from you, the only purpose of a seal would be to hold me, not block me from leaving."

The implications there were heavy. He would have to be willing to trust Isobu with his life.

"I'm not a little bitch Isobu, and I don't plan on leaving my fate and the fate of the world on the prophecy boy said to save the world and bring peace and all that nonsense, it's hard to when you've grown up beside the idiot," Daiki smirked, "And I wasn't sure if he even did win in the end, I didn't see that far. and with the enemies that are coming, so strong they make the ruling Kage look like wet behind the ears Genin, I need all the strength I can get. Without you, that's the best I'll amount to."

Daiki uncrossed his arms and thrust a hand out to point up at the towering bijuu who's head hovered over fifty feet above him, despite him being atop a cliff that was over two hundred and fifty feet high, "I'll put my life in your hands and go right down this path with you at my side," he declared, "And together, if my plans work out nicely, we'll get strong enough through the grind to be able to slap that pansy ass Juubi around even if it did get revived!"

Isobu gave him a languid stare, "…You're an odd little human aren't you?"

"At least I don't rap," Daiki snorted, "Your brother Gyuki has to deal with that."

Isobu shook his massive head, "It's been a long time since I spoke with a human that did not consider me a monster," the giant turle mused, almost nostalgically, before looking Daiki in the eye, "Very well, what you speak of, is far too private knowledge for you to have just come across it, especially with how easily you speak our names. I'll lend you my aid, now tell me human, you know my name, but what is yours?"

Daiki jabbed a finger against his chest, "The name is Daiki, Daiki Yurei, it means Shining Spirit, a name fit for a guy like me and my dedication to the grind!" he boldly introduced himself, "Pleasure to have you on board buddy!"

"Daiki, a good name indeed," Isobu nodded, "But, are you not forgetting something?"

"No, I don't think so," Daiki blinked, "What do you mean?" he asked, confused.

Isobu sighed, "A bit too gung ho perhaps," he mused, "What I mean is, how do you plan on sealing me inside you? You seem to have come alone after all."

"Oh, I've already taken care of that," Daiki shrugged the question off, reaching down and grasping his shirt at the base, before pulling it up and over his head, leaving his muscular torso bare, and exposing the four rectangular black ink blocks, spread about each corner leading to the centre of his chest, "I've already learned a strong enough seal to hold you, so you ready?"

He was eager and excited to get this show on the road.

Isobu blinked, "You are skilled in the sealing arts? Enough to seal one such as I at your age? Interesting," Isobu hummed, before chuckling, "Very well, show me your skill Daiki, I am ready."

"Alright, brace yourself then!" Daiki warned, bringing his hands up and clasping them into a Ram seal, focusing his chakra and flowing it through the seal on his chest.

Sealing characters spread out from the tops of the ink blocks, forming a spiderweb like patter on the centre of his chest, just like Fu, before suddenly, lighting up brightly with chakra and the characters began to form up and out of his chest, reaching into the thin air in the dozens, forming what looked liked inky black chains made of up conjoined sealing symbols and lashing out through the air like striking serpents, growing and expanding to massive sizes.

They wrapped around the massive Bijuu a moment later, and despite Isobu's epic size, the turtle was lifted up into the air as if he were a feather.

Though, of course Daiki only knew it happened like this, because Isobu allowed it, if he wanted, he could break free from these fuinjutsu chains as easy as breathing.

Isobu was dragged through the hair headfirst, making contact with Daiki and moments later, submerging into the seal inscribed on his chest.

As soon as Isobu disappeared completely, Daiki felt something click into place and a connection form between the seal and his chakra network, and he collapsed on his backside, panting in exhaustion.

"….Shit that used up a ton of chakra…" he gasped, and realised he was sweating quite intensely.

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