Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 41: The Land Of Loot - 4

Chapter 41: The Land Of Loot - 4

While he was incredibly low on chakra from the sealing, Daiki thankfully had a backup plan that could work as a tip-me-up.

The clone he had created to switch with him in case things went south. By dispelling it, he regained a full half of his total chakra capacity.

"Ah, that's better." he groaned in relief.

He just sat there for a moment, before erupting into stunned laughter. This was insane, he couldn't believe it had actually all worked out for him. Sure, he'd hyped himself up and told himself it would all work out.

But, there was that prickle of doubt that ate away at his thoughts at the back of his mind.

And odd as it was, even though he'd just sealed the Sanbi himself into his chest, Daiki didn't really feel anything different.

Like, since it was completely new to him, he could feel the connection between himself, his chakra and the contents of within the seal on his chest, but beyond that, he didn't really well..feel all that different.

Actually, wait.

As he focused on his chakra…he noticed. It felt, a bit different. In a way he couldn't really describe. Not stronger in anyway..and...hmmm…

'It's regenerating quicker already?' he realised with a start as he focused on it.

That was good, really good actually. He hadn't really had a frame of reference beyond Obito and Madara becoming Jinchuuriki to guess on how long it would be before the benefits package of being a Jinchuuriki showed up.

'It would usually take longer than this actually,' the voice of Isobu suddenly echoed in his mind, making Daiki jump with a yelp, 'I'm used to this now though, so I know how it works, I'm just actively helping you.'

Oh, well that made sense he supposed.

'Thanks.' he thought back, focusing on the seal.

'Don't mention it, I'm just doing as I agreed,' Isobu replied, 'I have to admit, it's a lot more roomy in here than the last few I was in, this is good work. Though, we really need to work on your chakra capacity, it's quite shallow isn't it?'

…Ouch, his pride.

He'd actually been particularly proud of reaching the chakra levels of a Jonin….

Well, either way, he wouldn't be long in increasing his chakra capacity massively. Not only because of Bijuu, but also because of the eyes he planned on getting his hands on…or, rather, his eye sockets on, in…? Holding?

Moving on.

Not only would Isobu be making his chakra capacity grow, the constant drain from the eyes, would basically amount to constantly using his chakra at least a little bit, which would immediately be topped up by Isobu regenerating his chakra at a much faster rate.

Between the two of them alone, his chakra capacity would increase massively, rapidly. And that was without actually factoring in his training, which would be massively increased due to again, the presence of Isobu.

'I see, these eyes do indeed look useful for more even than just their innate abilities.' Isobu chimed in, 'It seems you have everything planned out on how to get stronger, well, beyond finding training material, pure physical might only goes so far, as you can probably tell by my siblings and I.'

Huh, he hadn't explained them yet to Isobu. 'Can you see my memories?' he asked, interested and at the same time not sure what kind of reaction he'd have to the fact that he was a fusion of two people, one from another world entirely.

'Yes, I can see your memories, quite easily, you kept much of this seal open, remember? You designed it after all, you have given me full access,' Isobu replied, 'As for this other world business, trust me when I say, I have seen much weirder. I have even been to hell once.'

…Oh yeah, hell did exist in this place didn't it? The Sound Four tried to drag in Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba and Neji with them if he remembered right during one of the anime arcs, right? And there were actual demons from hell from the movies, like the one with that hot priestess that wanted Naruto's kid.

That did bring up a question. What the hell even were the Rashomon summons? Hashirama could summon them, as could Orochimaru and one of the Sound Four, the one with the faggy lipstick.

'They're creatures from hell actually,' Isobu helpfully supplied, 'They escaped some time in the past, quite annoying fellows, I believe the Uzumaki clan dealt with them by sealing them into doors.'

Huh, interesting. Also amusing that Hashirama Senju literally had a contract with what amounted to doors possessed by demons.

Also, funny, the Uzumaki clan just didn't give a shit man.

Isobu snorted.

Resisting the urge to laugh in amusement, Daiki changed the subject, 'So you've got a look at my plans then?' he asked.

'Yes, Raiga Kurosaki and this Ranmaru boy,' Isobu hummed, 'They shouldn't be a problem.'

Well, that was good to know, really good to know. He more was thinking about the fact that he was going to be killing a child and taking his eyes to get stronger, he'd long since come to terms with the fact that he would be doing it and comforted himself with the fact that Ranmaru may have pulled a heel face turn in the end, but he in the beginning, was all too happy to help Raiga murder innocents.

'You are a child as well, you understand?' Isobu pointed out, 'Killing, is killing in the end, no matter the age of the victim. And I have killed much younger children before. Just a hundred years ago, children not even half this boys age were fighting on the battlefield, killing, looting, scores of youngster humans have attacked me, I killed them all the same.'

Daiki nodded, he quite agreed actually. He said nothing more and let the topic drop with that.

He moved on, 'Right, then will it be alright to try out using your chakra right now then?' he asked, 'I want to get a feel for it.'

'That should be fine, I've got a feel for the signature of your chakra to match mine to it.' Isobu agreed.

A second later, he felt a massive surge of chakra spread out from the seal into his chakra coils, and his vision was tinted red as thick, tangible chakra began to bubble out of his tenketsu forming into a roiling cloak, a single thick and heavy shrimp-like tail forming behind him.

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