Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 49: The Land Of Loot 12

Chapter 49: The Land Of Loot 12

The next morning, Daiki was posing in front of the mirror in the hotel room he purchased for the night.

"What do you think?" the boy asked.

'I think you look like a bandit that is trying to look like a big shot.' Isobu deadpanned.

"You mean like a handsome rogue?" Daiki grinned, curling his bicep at the mirror and eyeing himself.

His clothing had went through a little bit of a change this morning. He hadn't exactly been too tired last night, what with him being a new jinchuuriki and all and having more energy than he ever remembered having before.

So he'd played about with some of his loot through the night to pass the time. And in the process, found a very interesting feature in one of the items he'd 'liberated' and given a new home like the ever generous and caring saintly lad he was.

Well, his clothes hadn't changed that much. He was still wearing his black combat sandals and his black pants, and he was still wearing his tank top. The only real change, was the single armoured blue harness over his right shoulder, while atop it, sat the face of a roaring…spiky faced turtle.

'Why did you have to make it look like my face?' Isobu grimaced.

"Gotta represent." he shrugged.

See, during the night, when going over the plans those morons had for their 'Ultimate Weapon' he found something very interesting. There was actually a lot of seal work involved in the creation of the Infinite Armour as they called it, the basis of their plan.

See, Daiki originally thought it just siphoned chakra, that yeah, while useful, wasn't something you know, worth wearing something so lame looking.

Only, when he looked further into workings of the armour, he found it wasn't quite so simple. Yes, it was designed to absorb chakra. But that wasn't all. No, on top of that, it also had the function to direct that chakra to someone else, or, convert that chakra into pure life force and give it to someone.

When he figured that out, Daiki kind of understood why their plan was to go after the Ichibi. They needed a vast amount of life force to revive their master, Seimi.

'The only thing I can't figure out, is how filling up his corpse with life energy and basically bringing his body to life again, yoinked his soul back from the afterlife.' Daiki mused.

If it was just a matter of their possibly not being an afterlife, he'd maybe understand, but no, there very clearly was one, called the Pure Land even.

Well, either way, until he figured out how the seals worked on it to recreate the work on his own, Daiki could put the Infinite Armour to good use.

For example, recovering his lost life force from using the Hero's Water nearly a month ago by having Isobu fill it up with his chakra and then converting it to life force and slurping it up.

'I should remind you, I am not a chakra dispenser for all the crazy ideas you come up with.' Isobu pointed out dryly.

"You didn't say no though." Daiki reminded him with a chuckle.

Isobu did not reply.

Well, the Infinite Armour wasn't the only thing he'd found had some niftry extra features he didn't know.

For example, the pair of shining silver blades idly rotating mid-air beside him. Apparently the Kiba blades, could be remotely controlled by the wielder.

Combined with inscribing the link seal to his Dimension Force Seal, so he could return them to it wherever they were, well, he could think of so many fun ways to play about with them.

Daiki really wanted to find out who in the hell made the Kiba blades, because they were fucking overpowered. Samehada just got bumped down to second place on the totem poll.

He eyed the blades, massive grin spread across his face for a few moments, before with a thought, returning the airborne blades to his seal.

As much as he would just love to play about with them right now, he had shit to do.

To Tanzaku Gai to drop off a head, collect some sweet sweet dosh and then back to Konoha to face the music.


"Fucking Madara." Daiki grumbled hours later as he left the public urinal, house to the Tanzaku Gai bounty station behind.

Scowling, Daiki kicked a rock and watched it soar off into the distance, "That guy's made an enemy for life." he vowed.

No seriously, fuck that guy. Him and Obito actually, he knew the real one had a hand in the initial situation and Obito just continued it on because he was a salty fuck.

'Yes, vow to angrily end them, but no, not for the fact their schemes have killed tens of thousands and put the very world at risk, but because they lowered the economy of the Mist Village and in turn…lowered the bounty for the man you killed.' Isobu sounded very exasperated.

Daiki paused, "…Well when you say it like, you make me sound unreasonable." he replied.

'You're very unreasonable actually, you have too much tunnel vision.' Isobu replied simply.

Well excuse him for being disappointed that the head of one of the Seven Ninja Swordsman of the Bloody Mist, was only worth five million ryo.

'You looted five million from that mansion in the Village of Artisans just last night, after looting weaponry that in total must be worth over a hundred million.' Isobu deadpanned.

….It was the principal of the matter?

Isobu sighed and did not comment any further.

Daiki supposed he won then.

It wasn't like he was…what was the word, ungrateful? Truly disappointed? Whatever, it wasn't like he was actually down about getting five million ryo on top of getting what he actually wanted from Raiga.

But freaking Asuma Sarutobi was worth thirty five million. Daiki thought he'd get at least twenty for Raiga.

…And he could have gotten himself a sweet new pad with loads of dosh left over for sure.

'Guess I just need to grind up my wallet as well.' he mused, shrugging and getting a move on.

While he was here in Tanzaku Gai, he may as well go to one of the Leaf outposts and send a messenger hawk back to the village, top it off with a message for the Hokage's eyes only, very urgent, and fill it up with some vague stuff about tails, turtles and such, prepare him in advance and make sure the man knew he was thinking of the village first.

Even though he wasn't.

He continued on, making his way into the village and traversing through it to the other side where the outpost was.

On the way, right in the middle of the entertainment district, a large street known for being 'vice' central, with many a casino and bar, a flash of white in Daiki's peripheral caught his eye.

If it wasn't for his new eyes, he wouldn't have even noticed with how brief it was. But with the Shinkugan, he could see much clearer and in much more detail even in the corner of his eye than he did from his previous full eyes.

It was a long mane of white hair.

"Hello ladies~!"

Daiki turned and stared, watching as a tall, broad shouldered man in green and red, with a large and long mane of white hair boldly swaggered his way into a brothel.


That was the name he read off of the sign atop the two-story, motel-look alike of a building.

Well, at least they knew what they were about.

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