Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 50: Refuge In Audacity 1

Chapter 50: Refuge In Audacity 1

To think he'd run into Jiraiya of the Sannin of all people here, on his way back to the village. Granted, from what he remembered, the Sandaime recalled him to return during the chunin exams, so the guy had to have been in the general area.

'I can use this.' Daiki's lips quirked up into a brief calculating smirk.

He knew of course, when he returned to the village and let things slip, he would be questioned quite a bit and examined, he just wasn't scared of his secrets being pulled from his mind, because anyone that entered his mind was going to meet his big, giant three tailed turtle buddy.

But, what if he went to Jiraiya, had him examine his seal, confirmed the okay and then sent the message back to the Hokage?

Well, then he'd have a rock solid alibi now wouldn't he? And if he spun it right, like being hesitant to return to the village as he was right now…

Well, wouldn't that just paint him in a shining patriotic light?

Honestly, Daiki found himself having to resist the urge to rub his palms together and let out a rather Orochimaru-like, 'Kukukuku.'

He didn't of course, because he just didn't fit that look and it would make him look cartoonishly evil.

He was debonairly evil after all.

'Please don't apply words to yourself that you clearly don't understand the meaning of.' Isobu sighed.

Some people just couldn't appreciate his style it seemed.

Plan branching out in his mind, Daiki followed the man into the building. As soon as he entered, the clinging of bottles and drinking glasses, boasting men and cooing women entered his ears.

It didn't take him long at all to find his target.

Jiraiya was already sitting at a booth, sake on the table, his arms around a pair of particularly voluptuous and scantily clad ladies, both blonde, one long pig-tails, the other in a high ponytail.

He clearly had a type.

Ignoring the going ons around him, lest he fall to temptation and take a few of these whores to pound town when the grind awaited, Daiki made his way over to the booth.

"Jiraiya-sama, hello." Daiki greeted him politely.

The white haired man looked up from where he was staring into the valley of a lovely pair of tits and raised an eyebrow at him, "Oh, is this a friend of yours Jiraiya-kun?" busty pigtails cooed, rubbing the mans chest.

"He's quite the cutie, and look at those muscles." Ponytail agreed, eyeing his arms.

Daiki resisted the urge to flex, the gains from the grind were designed to do so after all.

"Something like that," Jiraiya narrowed his eyes for a brief second at Daiki, before grinning at him, "Bit young to be in here are you not kid?"

"Not really," Daiki shrugged, "Actually, I'd probably be following your lead right about now if I didn't need to talk to you about something important."

"Kinda busy here," Jiraiya answered with a shrug and side eyeing both the women beside him, then jerking his head and urging Daiki to leave, "The Gallant and Handsome Jiraiya will gladly give you an autograph later, like say, tomorrow if you're still here."

Well, it wasn't like Daiki didn't understand the situation here, he'd be pissed too if he was about to plough the ever loving shit out of two hot ass women like this and some punk ass cock blocker interrupted him.

"Alright, I suppose I can wait," Daiki shrugged back, "I just thought you'd be interested in this really huge turtle I found the other day."

"…A turtle..?" Jiraiya looked at him as if he were crazy, completely confused.

"Yeah, a super huge turtle," he nodded, "Bigger than any living creature I've ever seen before, heck, I bet there could only be eight others at most in existence." he added, lifting up three fingers.

Jiraiya's eyes widened, "…I see, a huge turtle huh? Consider me interested." he unwound his arms from around the ladies of the night and stood up.

"Jiraiya-kun?" Pigtails gave him a confused look.

"Haha! Sorry ladies, but it seems this young little tadpole needs the guidance of the gallant Jiraiya!" the white haired man laughed boisterously, "But don't mind it, I'll make sure to come see you two again later, make sure to keep yourselves free for me!"

Bidding the ladies goodbye, the legendary toad sannin hopped over the booth table in a smooth motion drawing 'ooh's and 'aah's from the ladies, and placed an arm around Daiki's shoulder and then the world blurred around them as they were suddenly moving.

Moments later, they appeared on the roof of a building on the opposite side of the street from the whore house.

"I hope this isn't a joke kid," Jiraiya clicked his tongue, letting go of Daiki, "You said you found the Sanbi?"

Man, this guy was absurdly fast. If he wasn't wrong, he was actually faster than Daiki was even in his three tailed cloak form.

It showed him how far he still had to go.

"I did," Daiki confirmed, "I came across the Sanbi yesterday on my way through the Land of Rivers, during a mission to the Village of Artisans."

Jiraiya grimaced, "That…could be bad," the tall white haired man crossed his arms, "Tensions are already high with the Sand, and the Land of Rivers is right in between the Lands of Wind and Fire, if they catch wind of it being there and move to capture for it…"

"Well, it's not exactly there anymore." Daiki cut his thoughts off.

"What?" Jiraiya stopped cold and blinked, "What do you mean it's not there anyway? Bijuu aren't exactly subtle, hell actually, if you came across it, why are you still standing here? You're a genin right? I don't get the feel of a Jonin off of you at least, why aren't you dead?"

"…Yeah, about that," Daiki pulled down the collar of his shirt and channelled chakra, allowing his Four Symbols Seal to appear on his torso, Jiraiya's eyes widened in shock, "See, I kind of came across a bunch of guys having subdued it and wanting to use it to attack the Leaf Village, so I kind of jumped in and sealed it inside myself when they were tired out."

"You….you….you what?" Jiraiya gaped at him, fish mouthed and eyes wide.

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