Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 65: Prelude To the Chunin Exams - 3

Chapter 65: Prelude To the Chunin Exams - 3

"Right, first things first," Daiki declared an hour later after filling his belly and getting a good run down of his new students thoughts on her abilities, "Before we get down to the training, I need to show off a bit to you."

"What do you mean aniki?" Hanabi, once again hanging over his shoulder asked, confused, "Isn't showing off a silly thing to do for a shinobi? Father always said that the ones that need to show boat about their strength, do it for validation to feel good about themselves because they have no true belief in their own abilities."

…That did sound like Hiashi Hyuga, that was for sure.

"In a way, he's not wrong," Daiki nodded in agreement, "But this isn't about me showing off to make myself seem cool and stuff, it's about showing you a bit of how strong I am." he explained, walking along the paths between the training grounds

He was not headed towards training ground sixty-nine for now though, he had something else to take care of, another destination that would allow him to kill multiple iwa shinobi with one jutsu as the saying went.

Damn rock humpers.

"What do you mean?" Hanabi repeated her question, "I don't understand the point of you showing off your strength for me."

"It's about trust," he stated simply, "So you can see proof and have faith in me, like, if anything or anyone super strong popped up, you wouldn't need to be afraid cuz' you know I'd kick their asses and make them my little bitch."

"You're very crass aniki," Hanabi noted, but nodded in understanding, "But yes, I understand now, thank for you explaining."

"Not a problem, if you've got something you don't understand, just ask me, I'll do my best to help you out," he flashed her a thumbs up, "Just make sure you don't let go of me, the place we're going is a little bit dangerous."

"I will not." Hanabi promised.

Their destination, was training ground forty four, or, using its other name, the Forest Of Death.

He needed to test out the summoning contract he'd been working on for Isobu. Training ground forty four, was the best place to do so, it was filled with massive, powerful beasts after all.


The Forest of Death in total, was around ten kilometres long. That totalled out to just over six miles.

With the Shinkugan, at a high enough vantage point, Daiki could easily oversee the entirety of the forest.

So as he approached the massive gates barring off the training ground, he picked the perfect spot.

He launched himself up through the air with a powerful leap, Hanabi secured on his back with her grip around his shoulders and landed atop a branch sticking out of a gargantuan tree over a thousand feet tall.

The second he landed, an ominously loud chittering resounded through the air and a massive centipede over a hundred feet long and thicker than he was tall launched up towards them, pincered mouth aimed directly at him to bite him in half.

"Aniki!" Hanabi's arms tightened around his neck and she froze at the sight of the massive beast.

"Don't worry." he assured her calmly, and thrust out one hand, channelling a hefty dose of chakra through the seal on his palm, "Force Palm Jutsu."

The air rippled and distorted as a massive shockwave erupted from his palm and slammed straight into the massive insects face just as it was a few feet away.

Its huge, ugly face erupted in a shower of gore, slimy green blood and innards raining through the air while its corpse topped backwards to slam into the ground below.

Daiki easily avoided the nasty green goo, hopping up onto a higher tree branch, "See?" he grinned at Hanabi, "The creatures in this forest are pretty big, but any decently strong genin can handle them one on one." he assured.

Hanabi blinked, "I see, true, it was not faster than me, I could have dodged it if needed," she agreed, "Though, I lack the striking power that would have been needed to break through such an insects tough shell, your jutsu ignored its outer shell entirely for the most part and struck it from the inside."

"Shock waves are pretty nifty for that, good catch," Daiki praised the girl, gotta inspire confidence in his student after all, "If blunt force and slashing attacks aren't working, shock wave types like your Hyuga Vacuum Palm and my Force Palm are great back ups."

"Understood," Hanabi nodded, "So then, do you recommend I work on the Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm over the Eight Trigrams Sixty Four Palms?"

"You know, your techniques are a mouthful," Daiki noted with a snort, hopping off the tree branch to another and making his way through the forest, idly scanning the place with his eyes, looking for a nice target, "It's up to your preference in the end, you can already block tenketsu, the sixty four palms is pretty good, but it's just a faster more advanced version of what you can already do, the Vacuum Palm gives you a long range option with some good variety usage and can do damage to tougher opponents that your sixty four palms can't."

"Hmm," Hanabi hummed, "Your points are valid, the problem is, the Vacuum Palm while easier, costs a lot more chakra to use, so is usually put off longer until we Hyuga develop larger chakra capacities."

"Gotcha," Daiki nodded in understand, "That's something I can help you with definitely, I'm a bit of an expert on increasing chakra capacities actually, but enough about that, do you have a favourite type of animal?"

"Not especially, though I suppose I'm fond of cats to a degree." she replied.

"Cats, alright, that'll work," Daiki grinned, he'd already caught sight of a few, "Next question then, lion or tiger?"

"I'm more partial to a tiger," Hanabi answered, "Why are you asking me this?"

"Cuz I'm gonna test something out," he replied, "If it works out, I'll get you a summon of your own."

It wouldn't exactly be a famous summon clan or anything, but it would be useful, especially due to what he found in the contract matrix for the chameleon clan.

"Are…summons not rather rare?" Hanabi asked, confused, perhaps a little befuddled.

"Yeah, but they're pretty amazing, totally worth getting, I have a contract with the chameleon's, they're awesome," Daiki happily told her, "Besides, this will be your own personal summon."

After all, if it worked, he couldn't just dump it or something, so he'd give it to his new student.

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