Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 66: Prelude To The Chunin Exams - 4

Chapter 66: Prelude To The Chunin Exams - 4

"That…is a very big tiger." Hanabi noted.

It didn't take them very long to find their prey. With his eyes, just sweeping glances over the area would let him see through practically every part of the forest.

The sensory input was a bit hard to handle and caused a headache, but Isobu's chakra easily handled any inflammation that appeared in the brain from over working it like this.

As amazing as the Shinkugan was, it wasn't something that could be used so leisurely, it had its own drawbacks.

…Well, unless you had a bijuu. Then you could just laugh in the face of such a thing and dab all over it.

God he loved being a Jinchuuriki.

'Have I mentioned how odd of a human you are?' Isobu added.

Yes, yes he had, multiple times.

Putting that out of thought for now, Daiki looked down at their target. It was a massive, massive tiger, he estimated it to stand around seventy feet high on all fours, and had a proud burnt orange set of fur that stood out against the backdrop of the forest.

The huge beast was currently laying under a pile of rocks fashioned together in crude cave shelter. 'It's own making perhaps?' Daiki mused.

Animals in general in this world, were much smarter than the ones from his other life due to possessing chakra.

The summoning contract on top of that, not only bound the signers together through blood and chakra itself, it also stimulated the chakra itself of the summon beasts, which allowed for them to gain much higher mental faculties, that rivalled or even surpassed humans due to the mental aspect of the chakra.

That was the reason why the contract itself, was so much harder to create than just a 'simple' summoning seal, and why he was out here in the first place to test out the blank contract he'd made.

"Alright, now that we've found it, I'll let you get a see for how useful summons are okay?" Daiki grinned at Hanabi.

"By all means," Hanabi nodded, "I am quite curious to see your summons now."

"Well, make sure you don't pee yourself in fright," Daiki teased, before biting his thumb and then quickly running through hand seals, "Summoning jutsu!" he slammed his hand down.

There was a massive puff of smoke, and then from it, the titanic form of Shiromari appeared, the huge tiger leapt to its feet at the boss summons appearance and snarled at him.

…It didn't have much effect though, considering it didn't even reached the end of the chameleon's leg in height.

Daiki had to give it to the tiger though, it didn't back down even with the massive size difference, hell, Shiromari was comparable in size to Isobu.

With a roar that would probably make a civilian curl up and die on the spot from a heart attack of pure fear, the huge tiger leapt at Shiromari, fangs and claws bared.

Just before it made contact though, a humongous serpent headed tail whipped out blindingly fast and wrapped around the tigers neck, stopping it in its tracks and lifting it into the air.

It thrashed and clawed at the air wildly, but, the sheer difference in size and strength couldn't be overcome so easily.

"Daiki," Shiromari nodded down at him respectfully, "I do not sense any powerful enemies in the area, why have you summoned me?"

"Nothing like that buddy," Daiki grinned and waved at the girl on his shoulder, "This is Hanabi, my new apprentice, I just wanted to show her how amazing summons can be."

"I see, very well," Shiromari nodded simply, "What of this tiger? Shall I kill it?"

"Nah, I need it to test something out," Daiki waved the huge chameleon off, "And if it works out well I'm gonna make this guy Hanabi's personal summon beast."

"Ah, the summoning contract for your turtle friend, understood," Shiromari nodded in understanding, before looking down at Hanabi with great big yellow eyes, "A pleasure, student of the Chameleon Clan summoner, perhaps you will one day sign our contract as well?" he mused lightly, before dipping his head, and then erupting into a puff of smoke and disappeared.

The huge tiger, half unconscious from being choked out by Shiromari's huge tail, hit the ground, falling from a good fifty feet in the air, the impact of its huge bulk making the ground shake.

"So, what did you think?" Daiki prompted the girl on his shoulder.

Hanabi stared at the spot Shiromari towered over a moment ago, before swallowing, "…I understand, summons indeed seem very powerful, I do not even know how I would begin to combat such a powerful beast," she answered, awe colouring her tone, before she directed her gaze down at the huge tiger that was slowly pushing itself to its feet, "In contrast, the tiger does not seem nearly as impressive."

"That's mostly because while it's sentient, it lacks sapience, the wisdom use its sentience and intelligence," Daiki laughed lightly, "The summoning contract, if it works, will bind to its chakra and its bloodlines, bestowing that sapience on it, which basically means, it'll be smarter and even able to train and develop special abilities like jutsu maybe, everyone has to start somewhere after all, besides, most genin would get thrashed by this guy here."

"It is female actually." Hanabi corrected him.

Huh, "Well, get thrashed by her then," he amended, then nodded, "Alright, let's do this then."

He hopped off the tree, landing in front of the tiger just as she rose up to her full height, shaking off the daze from being choked out by his chameleon buddy.

She locked eyes with Daiki, before snarling, "None of that now." he glared right back at it, drawing upon Isobu's chakra, just enough so a yellow ring formed around his doujutsu and his eye whites bled into inky ringed purple.

And he unleashed the combined killing intent of himself and Isobu.

The giant tiger froze abruptly, its legs trembling beneath it and locking it in place. He had to give it props again for not just collapsing beneath the killing intent of a bijuu.

With it locked in place, Daiki summoned the contract he created from within the Dimension Force Seal, opening it up and laying it down. Then, summoned a kunai to his hand.

He tossed it out, burying it into the leg of the huge tiger, with how big it was, it was little more than an insect bite really, but the beast gave a startled roar, breaking out of its terror filled state.

And then with a thought, he summoned the bloodied kunai back to the Dimension Force Seal and then back to his hand.

He knelt down and layered the blood of the huge tiger through the contract matrix, just as the incredibly large feline predator roared and bound towards them.

"You're a real tough girl huh?" Daiki praised, she wasn't even thinking of running. Seemingly, she was going to defend her home to her last breath.

He could respect that.

She leapt through the air and he stood up, forming his fingers into the ox seal, "Seal!" he commanded.

Chains of interlocked sealing arrays erupted from the contract scroll, and just as her huge body soared over it, they shot up and wrapped around her body, holding her in place, then glowed a bright red.

They only did so for a few seconds, before the chains of sealing arrays seemed to seep into her body and she dropped to the ground in a daze, staring forward with glassy eyes.

Shooting forward, Daiki grabbed the contract, before leaping up into the trees, a grin of success on his face.

It worked!

"Is that it?" Hanabi asked, "And was that fuinjutsu? You must be really skilled to be able to use such a high level skill aniki."

"I am pretty awesome." Daiki proudly agreed, "So, let's have you sign the scroll and I'll teach you the summoning Jutsu, okay? It's pretty easy."

"Err, okay?" Hanabi agreed, "But, shouldn't you, do something about her down there? Don't you need her permission or something?"

"Eh, not really," Daiki shrugged, "You just need to sign the contract and you can summon her, though, you'll have to win her allegiance yourself to get her to fight beside you once you summon her though, otherwise she'll probably attack you, but no big deal."

Hanabi pursed her lips and frowned, "Aniki, I'm beginning to believe you lack common sense." she pointed out.


Later, Hanabi found herself walking through the halls of her clan compound, the sun was already beginning to set and she found, that she was exhausted.

Daiki-aniki, was a monster. She had never felt so exhausted in her life. After their adventure in what he seemed to fondly call the Forest of Death, he had given her the summoning contract scroll he had created, had her sign it with her blood, taught her the signs for the ninjutsu he used to summon that incredibly massive and powerful looking beast he called Shiromari…and then forced her to train with him.

And then when she couldn't go any longer, he healed her with medical ninjutsu and prompted her to go again.

'If this is how he typically trains with Hinata-nee-sama, it is no wonder she has improved so vastly.' Hanabi thought tiredly, her arms feeling absolutely dumb to the bone while she carried a huge scroll almost as long as she was tall.

Truly, Daiki-aniki was a monster and he made the harsh training she went through with her clan, seem paltry in comparison. It was no wonder he believed himself to be the most powerful genin in the village.

Just as she turned the corner to the hallway where her room was located, she almost bumped into her father who was coming around at the same time.

She was so exhausted her very senses were numb.

"Ah, Hanabi, I have been look-" her father paused, frowning and looking her over, "You look like you have been put through the wringer daughter. And that is an awfully big scroll you have there. What have you been up to I wonder?"

"I was meeting the one whom Hinata-nee-sama has been training with lately," Hanabi informed her father, "He is, a formidable person and I see now that I need much more training. I asked him to teach me as he has been sister, and he agreed. This scroll, is a summoning contract he made for me, to show off his capability as a shinobi and prove his claim at being the strongest genin in the village."

For the first time in her life that she could ever remember, Hanabi bore witness to her father gaping stupidly at her, as if she was speaking an alien language and grown a second head.

"Created a summoning contract…hah?!" Hiashi Hyuga sputtered.


(Right, so, I've decided to go through with that little offer I gave a few days ago. You know, I'm wanting to boost the follows and favourites on Pokemon Jordinio Version over on Fanfiction - dot - net. There is a link to it on my profile page on here. Currently it has Favs: 4,148 - Follows: 4,687. So, if you guys want to go follow and favourite it over there, it'd be a big help. And for every fifty favourites and follows it jumps up, I'll upload an extra chapter of this. And this little offer will last for the next 6 hours.)

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