Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 85: The Chunin Exams - 11

Chapter 85: The Chunin Exams - 11

While the original Daiki was busy with his evil scientist shtick , his clone was making a beeline straight for the tower in the centre of the forest.

For all the time it took others to get there, Daiki, having the scrolls needed and being able to see his destination…didn't take long to get there.

And long before anyone else at that.

He entered one of the many doors of the tower, closing the door behind him and finding himself in a wide open spacious room, two doors on each side of the opposite wall, while in the middle a message sat on the wall.

'…Without heaven…'

It was a fragmented message, and a hint for anyone who made it this far with both scrolls, to open them now.

As he unrolled the scrolls and idly glanced at the seals engraved in them, before tossing them on the floor, Daiki idly wondered who would be coming to see him to congratulate him on passing.

There was a poof of smoke as the summoning matrix activated.

…He wasn't at all expecting the one who appeared though.

A familiar elderly man, liver spots on his face, adorned with red and white robes and a kickass pointy hat.

"Ah, Daiki-kun," the Sandaime greeted him with a smile, "I expected you to reach here first I know, but not this quickly. Thirty eight minutes since the exam started, I have to admit, I am impressed."

For a moment, Daiki just stared at the old man before sighing and shrugging, "Not really, I could have finished this in less than ten minutes if I really wanted to." he admitted. He'd taken it kind of leisurely really, if he wanted to, he could have stolen another scroll from Anko and just made a beeline here.

"Is that so?" the Hokage hummed lightly, "Well, be that as it may, you absolutely crushed the previous record of four hours by a landslide, your name will go down in the history of the chunin exams I dare say."


"Cool," he grinned lightly, "So, can I ask why you appeared Hokage-sama?"

"It is tradition for me to congratulate the first ones to pass the exam," the Sandaime answered easily before lightly clicking his tongue, "Actually Daiki-kun, I dare say after what we've talked about in the past, that it's fine for you to drop the formality with me, right? I'd much prefer you to be comfortable around me."

Daiki raised an eyebrow at the man, before shrugging, "Sure, whatever you say old man." he replied.

In response, Sarutobi chuckled, and if Daiki's ears weren't deceiving him, he heard fondness in his tone, "Ah, there's the real you," he noted, "Brash and straightforward, like Naruto-kun in that regard."

"Nah, I'm way cooler than Naruto," Daiki crossed his arms and retorted, "I have an epic turtle, he has a fox with bunny ears."

Sarutobi raised a white eyebrow at him at his words, but didn't comment, "I have actually been meaning to ask, how has your situation with your new…tenant going?" the old man asked.

"Awesomely," Daiki responded, "Sanbro is the best. He even taught me a bunch of water jutsu that his old host, Yagura knew."

"Sanbro?" the Sandaime's second eyebrow raised and he chuckled as Daiki shrugged.

'Oh dearly departed father, I didn't think it could get worse. Can we go back to Isobro instead?' Isobu groaned in his head, 'This host was clearly a mistake, listening to their idiocy in multi-stereo with these clones is horrible.'

Daiki ignored Isobu's melodramatics. He knew the turtle was just playing it up.

"But yeah, it's going fine, you don't need to worry about it." Daiki added.

"Forgive me, an old man worries sometimes despite evidence pointing to no need of it, you are in a bit of an odd situation, there's never been a Jinchuuriki like you to my knowledge," the old man apologized, "But enough of that, I'll take your word for it, there is something I wish to ask of you, here and now."

Daiki forced the grimace that wanted to surface on his face down, "…And that would be?"

"You already know," the old man smiled knowingly, "I've kept my distance and not brought it up, but the period leading up to the exam finals will be good time to make use of. Daiki-kun, will you, or will you not, accept my offer to become a candidate for Hokage?"

…Damnit, he knew it was coming.

"What do you mean by the period leading up to the exam finals?" he asked, deflecting.

Sarutobi clearly knew what he was doing, but answered nonetheless, "You are powerful for your age, but without the power of the Sanbi, you don't even come close to the power and ability required of a Hokage," the old man explained, "Being Hokage is not just about leading the village, but being the protector of the village as well, the main pillar that holds this village up on their shoulders, the two main qualities needed of a Hokage are love for this village and the strength to protect it."

"…Not the leadership ability and intelligence?" Daiki couldn't help be question.

"While it would be preferable for them to have that as well, they are lesser needed than what I just listed, advisors and those you trust can shoulder those responsibilities if needed," the Sandaime shook his head, "That is why, if you accept, I will personally oversee your training. But, do keep in mind, you will not become Hokage for years yet if you accept, so do not feel pressured by that."

It was such a good deal to be honest on that front. Training from the Professor himself, who like Kakashi was known to know over a thousand jutsu, but unlike Kakashi, had mastered each and every single one.

"What if you die before I'm ready?" Daiki needed to ask, he wasn't an idiot, he'd looked up the laws of the village itself thoroughly after the old man had gave him the offer, "If you pick me as your successor and train me as such, if I'm not ready for it and you die, I'll be thrust into the position."

The Hokage's word was law in this village. If they chose a successor, then they were the next Hokage. Others like the Daimyo only had a say in the next Hokage, if the Hokage themselves passed away without picking a successor.

Which was the problem, because if things didn't go well, a month from now, this man would be dead. And if he accepted his proposition, Daiki would be thrust into the position of Hokage.

"There's no need to worry about that," the Hokage chuckled lightly, waving off his concerns, "While I am indeed old, I dare say I'm not close to dying any time soon yet, especially considering that old gnome Onoki is still going strong."

…That, was not what he wanted to hear. The old man all but confirmed if he accepted, he'd be chosen as his successor and end up Hokage if the man died during the Konoha Crush.


"…If I accept will I be able to look at the stuff in the Forbidden Scroll?" he asked.

"Yes," Sarutobi replied simply, "Actually, you'll be required to, just in case some of the jutsu in there ever see the light of day and need to understand and combat them."

Double fuck.

Like, that was such an amazing fucking offer. It made it all the more tempting to take the old man up on said offer.

'…Should I?' he thought, his mind was racing with all the possibilities.

To save the Hokage, he'd probably need to get involved in that fight somehow. Maybe get Jiraiya involved as well. He could free up Jiraiya with his own summons to deal with Orochimaru's...probably.

But, getting involved in that fight, he would definitely have to use Isobu's power and would reveal his status as a Jinchuuriki.

Either way, the Akatsuki would learn of his status somehow if he really got involved fully in the Crush.

But…access to the Forbidden Scroll and personal teaching from the Sandaime Hokage, the Professor and third God of Shinobi himself…

With his clones, it would amount to much more than just a mere month of training. If he pushed to using up to fifty clones a day for training…

That could amount to nearly four years of ninjutsu and other discipline training under the man.

That…that may make him more than a match for dealing with the Akatsuki, especially since he knew all of their abilities.

Daiki grit his teeth-

"Fuck it!" he shouted, making the Sandaime blink in surprise, "I'll do it old man, sign me up, I'll go full in!"

…And if he did end up Hokage at the Crush, he'd just train Naruto and foist the hat on him.

Yeah…yeah, that'll work!

Sarutobi chuckled, "Well, a bit dramatic of you, but I'm glad to hear it," the old man mused, "Very well, from now on Daiki-kun, you will by my student. We'll be beginning your training as soon as this secondary exam finishes."

"Sounds good," Daiki grinned, punching his fists together, "I've got a bunch of other jutsu to get down, it'll be quicker with your help."

He had a bunch of wind jutsu to get down that Yagura knew of and now the Earth jutsu he yoinked from those rock humpers minds.

"That will be no problem," the old man nodded, "Though, I think you should dispel now right clone-kun? And let Daiki know all of what we talked about."

As expected, the old man Hokage knew he was a clone, "Sure thing Hokage-sensei." Daiki grinned at the man, before doing just that and dispelling himself.


The original Daiki, after summoning one of the chameleon clan and assigning them the fetch quest of finding and retrieving Shisui Uchiha's corpse for him, decided to go take a look at the team from the Hidden Star village.

He mostly kept his distance from them, just examining them from afar with his eyes and noting how they moulded and used their chakra and memorizing the hand seals used.

"Hmm.." he noticed in interest, as they stopped atop a massive tree, overlooking a wide spacious clearing with a cave leading underground.

It wasn't hard to see why they stopped, it was because there was a fight currently going in in the middle of the clearing.

It wasn't any shinobi or kunoichi fighting though. It was a massive, massive bear, easily over a hundred feet tall, facing off against a pair of much smaller, but still massive wolves.

They were odd for wolves though. Easily fifty feet or so tall, with blue-grey and white fur, and black lion like manes around their necks. Though, one of them had an extra bit to their mane that came up over their head like a spiky black mohawk.

They were Black Mane Wolves if he wasn't wrong. They were native to fire country, though, these ones were much, much bigger than than the usual variety of them that were more akin to the size of normal wolves.

…Why the hell did every creature in the Forest of Death end up supersized?

And it was odd in of itself that they were actually facing off against the much bigger bear. But, a single glance at the cave entrance and seeing underground with his eyes told him why.

Four much smaller wolves were hiding within the cave itself, out of sight. He said smaller, but they were still massive compared to normal wolves, a good ten to fifteen feet in height.

Wolf pups he assumed, and the two fighting were the parents trying to protect them.

Just then, a rush of memories streamed through his mind and Daiki froze, "…That damn fucking clone!" he snarled.

He would have accepted the offer as well, since the clone was literally him…but blaming the clone itself made him feel better.

'…Guess I really do need to speedrun shit now.' Daiki grimaced. He needed to get his hands on all the available power ups he could and become one with the grind if he wanted things to go his way now.

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