Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 86: The Chunin Exams - 12

Chapter 86: The Chunin Exams - 12

The roars of a humongous bear shook the air, while two giant wolves howled in defiance, and Daiki sighed.

Typical, just typical.

And Orochimaru was already on the move as well, his attack on team seven commencing.

Daiki watched idly as thousands of feet away, Naruto was blown away from his teammates by a massively powerful squall of wind, sent spiralling through the air, deeper into the forest and was promptly swallowed by a gargantuan snake that would loom over even the one hundred foot bear facing off against the two giant black maned wolves.

…Why did the snake summons have so many huge ass boss sized members?

Daiki shook his head and put team seven out of mind for now, Orochimaru wasn't going to kill them, and he had a little bit of time anyway.

His eyes drifted to the fight going on between three giant forest beasts. The male of the pair rushed the bear from the front, going for its neck, only for the bear to rear up on his hind legs, towering far above the wolf and slamming a razor clawed paw into its cheek that bodily lifted the huge wolf up off the ground and smashed it through a massive tree that was easily a thousand feet tall.

That bear had some serious power to it.

But, the wolves were cunning. Because the frontal attack distracted the bear, long enough for the female wolf to get behind it and sink her fangs into its lower back, where its spine would be.

She was trying to paralyze the bear.

The bear roared and swung around bodily, yet the wolf had latched her teeth into it so tightly that she was bodily picked up and swung around by the bear as it moved.

Realising it couldn't reach her with its arms, the bear thrashed around wildly, trying to dislodge the female wolf, only for the male wolf to come bounding back out of the forest where it had crashed through the massive tree and leap through the air, razor sharp teeth glinting.

The bear roared in pain as the male wolf gnawed into its side. But-

It seemed the bear wasn't stupid either. It gave up trying to dislodge the wolves right then and there before throwing itself back, the female wolf whined in pain as the bear crushed her under its bulk.

Her teeth came free and the bear stood back up and swiped down with both massive paws, grabbing the male wolf by the head and ripping it free from the bears side, blood spurting in great rivets through the air.

The bear lifted the wolf up by the head, both massive paws clasped around its skull and squeezed.

The wolf howled in agony.

It was sad, but tactics, intelligence and superior numbers, couldn't always bridge the gap to allow one to overcome raw unadulterated power.

He could already see how this would go. The bear would crush the skull of the male wolf, killing it, leaving the female alone to fend the bear off, she would by easy pickings one on one, either killed or forced to flee and leaving the pups defenceless either way.

This place was the law of the jungle, honestly, this entire world thrived on that aspect.

It was just how the world worked. Daiki had long since accepted that, and become part of the cycle. It was a dog eat dog world…

…Yet he found himself leaping through the air powered by a shunshin all the same.

He always was a dog lover.

He shot into the air above the bear, before thrusting both hands up above him and firing off a pair of Force Palm Jutsu' from his hands, jettisoning him down through the air like a bullet.

He threw himself into a forward spin, picking up a massive amount of momentum and came down atop the bear's skull with the most powerful knee strike he could muster.

A massive cracking sound resounded through the air and the bear froze, its paws going limp and dropping the male wolf to the ground, it landing on its feet in a daze.

A moment later, the titanic bear teetered on its feet, before collapsing side ways, eyes rolled up into the back of its skull, its sheer bulk making the ground rumble like a mini earthquake went off.

Standing atop the comatose…or possibly dead bear, Daiki met the eyes of the giant male wolf that stared at him wide eyed, shocked.

Joined a moment later by the female, tenderly limping over to her mate and eyeing him warily.

"You're welcome." Daiki told them dryly, eyes glancing up into the tree line where the star team stared down at him absolutely wide eyed.

They promptly turned tail and fled.

Daiki made a shadow clone.

The clone immediately shot off into the tree line after them.

Daiki eyed the pair of wolves, before sitting down on the bear's head cross legged.

Now that he looked at them, these wolves were kind of cool looking. When their pups grew up, they'd be a pack of six huge wolves of this size. Pulling a Kakashi and training these things to be ninken…that would be a hell of a power move.

Especially since with their immense size, they'd be much more combat able, and Pakkun took on Jonin and shit in the other timeline.

He didn't really need them for himself. But they could be a good gift for somebody and be a big help to him later through them becoming stronger.

Who did he know that needed and wanted a summoning contract? Sasuke wouldn't need them, even if he didn't go to Orochimaru, he'd get his hands on the Hawk contract no doubt somehow and the Uchiha had access to the Cat contract as well. Hanabi already had her Tiger….though he made a mental note to hunt down some more for her, get her a whole pack of em.

Hinata then? Or maybe Tenten? Yeah, Tenten wanted a contract didn't she? Heck, he could probably pass the training of them on to her as well, since she had Gai as her sensei and he'd be able to bug Kakashi into telling her how to train them into ninken.

"Hey," Daiki spoke up, making the wolves tense up at his voice, it was kind of amusing. He held his hand up, and brought out one of the blank summoning contracts he'd made through clone labour, "You know, I saved you guys here and now, but there's a bunch of these bears in this forest, what'll happen to you guys if you come across another one I wonder?"

He almost felt like a skeevy car salesman.

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