Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 88: The Chunin Exams - 14

Chapter 88: The Chunin Exams - 14

There was a smile on the original Daiki's face as he left the newly formed Black Maned Wolf summoning clan to enjoy their massive bear meal together.

It was surprisingly easy to get them to agree to the summoning contract, and now they would become much stronger and smarter in the future because of it and that wasn't taking into account them possibly getting ninken training in the future.

Now, he found himself playing spectator to Sasuke versus Orochimaru. Naruto had already returned, saved them and got his ass beat and was currently hanging like a rubbish bag pinned to a tree.

He blinked, a rush of memories going through his mind suddenly and he groaned, palming his face as blood rushed south. He could see in his minds eye, Hokuto, the cute older brown haired girl, topless, fair skinned, round perky breasts a bit larger than a handful, capped with rosy little nipples, how they felt in his hands as he 'moved' them to apply the chakra filter seal correctly, and the taste of her lips as he stole a cheeky little kiss from her once he finished applying the seal.

….Fucking clones.

Well, at least he had quite a decent amount of star chakra to start with now, and he could definitely understand what his clone planned and passed on to him.

But, he put that out of mind for now, and focused on the fight going on. It was dwindling to an end now.

He watched as Sasuke bound Orochimaru to a massive tree with shuriken and ninja wire held between his teeth and ran through a few hand seals…

This was it.

In less than a minute, Orochimaru would give Sasuke the Cursed Seal. Such a useful thing that he had no chance of recreating on his own, not without Jugo's DNA.

Honestly, the Cursed Seal itself provided a lot of benefits. Not only did it automatically draw in natural energy, allowing it to be passively collected and would allow someone to basically stay in Sage Mode as long as it was active, it also bestowed upon the user a Sage Transformation like Jugo's.

And if Kabuto was anything to go by, both nature chakra style forms, stacked together.

He kind of wanted it himself. The only problem was dealing with that shard of Orochimaru's that was contained within the seal.

'You wouldn't need to worry about that though,' Isobu piped in, 'To do it like that, the soul shard would have to enter your subconscious, which while for some people would be a very big issue, is a moot point for you when I already live in your subconscious. If you want that seal, then get it, I'll destroy the soul shard.'

Daiki froze.

"Are you sure about that?" Daiki asked, voice serious.

…Because if so, that changed, while not everything, a hell of a lot. Shiromari and the Chameleon clan could not teach him senjutsu. It was one of the first thing's he'd asked.

Shiromari himself was capable of using senjutsu, but that had nothing to do with his chameleon clan, and more to do with his father Manda's side, the Snake clan. He did not so much as learn senjutsu, as he survived it and gained access to it, after all, the way one learned senjutsu with the snakes, was not through training or being taught, it was through being bitten, injected with senjutsu….venom itself for a lack of a better term, surviving and adapting.

Shiromari didn't have the slightest idea of how to go about teaching him how to feel nature energy. So, unless he somehow got the Toad's to teach him, learning senjutsu, was all but impossible for him.

But, the Curse Seal drew in nature energy. There was a slight possibility, he could use it, in the place of the toad fountain oil Naruto used, expose it to his body long enough and train to feel the energy itself.

For all intents and purposes, the Curse Seal Of Heaven, would be a stepping stone for him, to create his very own variation of Sage Mode. Not Toad, not Snake and not whatever the hell bullshit Hashirama Senju lucked into.

'You're the one well versed in seals,' Isobu replied, 'You should already know what happens when a living, conscious being is stuck inside a seal on someone. The subconscious acts as a bridge of consciousness for all attached to that body, and from what I gather, this Orochimaru uses to invade the bodies of others, he attacks and wrestles control of their subconscious and from there, subsumes them.'

Daiki nodded along in agreement. That did check out. Maybe if the seal itself wasn't connected to anything, it would be different, but when it was applied to the chakra of the holder itself? The physical and mental spiritual energy of the holder?

It would have a direct link to the subconscious. And made a lot of sense on why Orochimaru wouldn't mark a jinchuuriki like Naruto. To be perfectly honest, if Daiki was in Orochimaru's place, he would have marked Naruto, killed Sasuke, took his eyes, took over Naruto's body and implanted the sharingan in that new body.

The drain from the sharingan, wouldn't be anything of note at that point at all, not in an Uzumaki Kyuubi Jinchuuriki, born to the previous Uzumaki Kyuubi Jinchuuriki and a massively powerful kage father, having been exposed to the chakra of the kyuubi itself since the very second he was conceived.

Really, the only reason Naruto ever got exhausted at all early on, was probably more due to most of his chakra always being used to reinforce the eight trigrams seal itself and him only ever actually having access to a fraction of his total chakra, like twenty percent at best.

Really, if there was any living person who's body he would take, it would be Naruto's.

And Orochimaru wasn't an absolute retard…most of the time. The only reason he wouldn't go for such an absurdly amazing body, would be if it was impossible.

Because Kurama would splatter his little soul shard, he was a pretty possessive guy like that after all, despite his hatred currently of his situation, Naruto was his host, that went to the point where Kurama would refuse to let Naruto have Fukasaku gather nature chakra for him as well. And he did, even at this point, deep down, have a begrudging respect for Naruto.

Because give the guy some credit, despite all the shit he went through with the village, abrasive as he could be, he was a generally nice, compassionate dude and he didn't let himself get weighed down like some whiny little bitch, it didn't matter how many times his face was forced into the dirt, how many times he was kicked down and mocked, he always got the fuck back up.

Daiki had to respect grit like that at the very least.

Sasuke, in contrast, really wasn't anything all that special, not without taking into account him being a transmigration of Indra. As far as talent and ability went, compared to Madara, Itachi, Shisui, hell even Itachi's cute girlfriend Izumi who'd had her sharingan since birth and was a taijutsu prodigy that would make Gai weep in awe….Sasuke really just didn't compare.

Naruto himself even was much more of a prodigy than Sasuke in Daiki's opinion, if that dude had someone willing to teach him from the get go, the kid would have long since surpassed Kakashi even at this point. Sasuke after all, grew up with a father who while distant, did actually teach him, and Itachi, while busy a lot, did teach Sasuke as well. That, and the fact that teachers in the academy positively mooned after the guy and all ignored Naruto, even Iruka initially for the first few months he taught the class….showed how untalented Sasuke actually was.

Ironically, pure talent wise, Naruto was more like Indra and Sasuke more like Ashura. It was just the situation around the pair that made it seem like it was actually the other way around.

Daiki slapped his cheeks, 'I'm getting off topic.' he scolded himself, before shooting into the tree's in a blur of speed.

He'd wasted a whole two seconds on that thought tangent. He really needed to work on his inner monologue's.

'You do seem to like the sound of your own voice and reinforcing how you see the world to yourself. I'd say it was an identity issue, but let me be honest, you're just a bit of a narcissist.' Isobu added his two cents.

….He was actually quite okay with that.

'Better a narcissist than someone who lacked belief in himself.' Daiki replied, drawing lightly on Isobu's chakra, just enough to change his eyes and not draw on a cloak of chakra.

Despite how little it was in contrast to the full thing, his speed increased noticeably, as if he was using the body flicker to speed up.

There was about two miles of distance between him and his targets when he started moving.

At his full current speed, he crossed that distance in less than ten seconds, even without a straight path to follow.

Orochimaru, gave him plenty of time to arrive. The man had far too much fun 'playing' with his prey.

The sannin himself, so invested in his target, and with Daiki hiding his chakra using his eyes, didn't notice him arriving at all.

"-Sense power in your eyes that surpasses even Itachi's," a silky, siblant yet soft spoken voice echoed powerfully through the forest, "My name, is Orochimaru, if you wish to see me again and gain true power, then survive and pass this exam, Sasuke-kun!"

Daiki's eyes landed on his own target as he spoke, the face he wore, half melted, displaying slitted yellow snake-like eyes and a chalk white pale face.

Orochimaru formed a one handed ram seal, and opened his mouth, his fang-like teeth growing noticeably, before his neck stretched and launched through the air so fast, Daiki wouldn't have even been able to track without the Shinkugan and Isobu's chakra enhancing him.

Good thing, Daiki was already preparing, spreading his chakra out and running through a few hand seals.

The instant his neck reached Sasuke and his teeth were about to make contact, there was a puff of smoke, and in Sasuke's place, was Daiki.

A sharp pain lanced up through his neck, while Orochimaru blinked in confusion for all of a microsecond, before his eyes widened in shock.

The confusion lasted long enough for Daiki to elbow the man in the face, dislodging his teeth from his neck.

"You!" Orochimaru hissed, before his eyes seemingly widened even further, to the point where they looked like they would pop right out of his socket, "Rinnegan!?"

"Daiki!" he heard Sasuke shout as well, and saw his friend staring down at him from his previous position on a branch fifty feet up, sharingan eyes wide in shock.

Daiki would have loved to to smirk and give him some cocky line, but he couldn't.

Because that was when, he felt it. He felt the seal form on his neck and something spread out through his body, into his coils, and felt as his chakra coils were forced to take it in, felt as they were stretched out…wider in a sense to accommodate, growing, strengthening.

'...Oh, I forgot something.' he realised in that moment.

He'd forgotten just how much pain the seal itself caused when it formed.

Daiki hunched, bent over and roared as liquid pain, like lava coursing through his veins assaulted his senses.

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