Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 89: The Chunin Exams - 15

Chapter 89: The Chunin Exams - 15


Isobu rolled his singular eye as his jinchuuriki screamed bloody murder in his head, keyword being inside, he was putting up a tough face and just making roaring shouting angry sounds on the outside.

That cool, composed 'badass' look he projected all the time to the other humans, had to be the biggest lie of the century. He was a complete idiot, of the highest order.

But he was an amusing idiot, and…that idiot, despite all his boasting and continuously growing arrogance, was his idiot friend.

It had been a long, long time since he'd had a friend. In fact, had he ever had a pure friend? Even his caretakers tasked to watch over him as a youngling, more treated him with awe and careful respect because of his father. And even his siblings weren't the most…affectionate.

…If Isobu had his way, he'd take the fact he actually deep down liked Daiki calling him 'Isobro' to the grave.

And he couldn't say, that Daiki didn't make life amusing as the very least.

"I suppose I should do my part then, hmm?" the turtle bijuu mused lightly to himself, his eye landing on a small blurry humanoid figure forming bit by bit within Daiki's subconscious.

It hadn't been hard to track it down. After all, its chakra was more than enough to stand out when the other other chakra within here was his own and Daiki's.

"Sorry, but this is a one room apartment, and I like my space." Isobu imparted on the fragment of Orochimaru, before bringing one of his shelled fists up into the air and bringing it down.

He crushed the fragment of Orochimaru, and forced his own chakra into it, breaking it down, he heard a scream of agony come from it, but ignored it, this man wasn't exactly deserving of pity or mercy.

He seared the fragments consciousness and body out of existence, breaking it down into pure chakra, before diverting it into Daiki's own chakra coils.

It was a pittance compared to his own chakra capacity, but it would give a decent boost to Daiki's own capacity as it was currently.


The pain was almost all consuming, and he felt his consciousness begin to grow hazy, his coils felt like they were about to burst.

He was dimly aware of a shout of worry and then a hand on his shoulder-

"You! What the hell did you do to Daiki!?"

That sounded like Sasuke.

"…No…no, that is not the Rinnegan, it is close, but a slight difference, and why can I not sense his chakra!…No, it is not important, ringer indeed though," Orochimaru's siblant voice distracted echoed, before: "Kuku, that is my gift meant for you Sasuke-kun, it seems your young friend tried to come to your rescue thinking it a threat to you, but no matter, I have enough stored still to form another, stand still now won't you?"

"Like hell!" Sasuke snarled, "Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jut-gah!" the Uchiha gagged in pain.

"You are fast and skilled Sasuke-kun, but you are not ready for this stage yet, the same stage your brother stands on." Orochimaru's voice floated through his ears.

Then…the haze on his consciousness suddenly disappeared and his eyes snapped wide open.

The pain was still there, oh god fuck was it still there, but there was also a rushing sensation, almost like pleasure.

It was power.

His chakra coils and capacity erupted in size and scale, and he felt like, he'd almost doubled in overall capacity.

And that was before a new sensation, spread out from his neck and encompassing his entire body, his chakra exploded out of his tenketsu in a spiralling raging cloak of power that turned the very air into a vibrating maelstrom.

There was one off thing about it though. His chakra, it was dark blue in colour usually…but not now. Now, it had changed.

A deep, royal purple with ebony black embers spread throughout it.

Daiki felt…amazing.

He felt strong like this, incredibly strong. The power it gave him, was almost akin to one of the tails of Isobo's full on cloak form.

'So this is the Cursed Seal of Heaven.' Daiki clenched his fist, before whipping his head around, banishing any stray thoughts immediately.

Orochimaru pulled his fangs from Sasuke's neck, allowing the boy to drop to his knees in scream in agony as the seal seared itself into his chakra network, just like Daiki before him.

Damn, he was too busy recovering to stop that.

"Oi, snake man." Daiki grunted.

"…How peculiar," Orochimaru took his attention off of Sasuke and eyed Daiki, "I cannot feel the connection to the seal on your neck, and you are using the power of it already? My, how interesting, how did you do it I wonder? Those eyes of yours perhaps?." his yellow eyes glinted with curiosity.

"Wrong." Daiki snorted, then moved.

He disappeared in a blur of speed, and Orochimaru's eyes widened slightly in shock, the pale man leaning back just in time for Daiki's knee to spear through the air where his face was previously.

Daiki thrust his hand out, a quick Force Palm Jutsu turning shooting him down onto the branch the man was standing on and avoiding the counter kick the man retaliated with.

A sweep was stepped over, but Daiki spun through it, launching himself into a roundhouse that the man couldn't simply dodge with being so close and the sheer speed he was moving at.

Orochimaru blocked the blow with a forearm, but the force of it sent him skidding back.

"…This is not the speed and strength of a genin, no, this isn't even that of a typical Jonin!" the man hissed in surprise.

His surprise and curiosity left him completely open for the clone that burst out of the tree line behind him, bringing one of the sparking kiba blades down through his head, cleaving him down the middle.

His body burst into mud.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu and my, are those the kiba blades? Where did you get your hands on those I wonder, child?" Orochimaru hummed from above.

His clone gave a yank on the handle of the blades, and they separated from his hands into the air, spinning like buzzsaws and generating a massive amount of lightning chakra and spread it to the clone as he ran through handseals.

At the same time, Daiki ran through his own.

He was going big with this one.

As one, they both snapped around to look up at Orochimaru.

"Ice Style: Twin Black Dragon Blizzard!"

"Lightning Style: Electromagnetic Murder!"

Drawing on the chakra armour over his torso, Daiki punched out both fists, and from them, a pair of massive serpentine black dragons with glowing red eyes erupted, shooting through the air at Orochimaru.

A split moment later, his clone thrust his palms out, unleashing a massive wave of crackling electricity, far bigger than he could generate on his own, encasing the pair of ice dragons in the current of electrical charge.

Orochimaru, a testament to his status as a sannin, leaped back blindingly fast and with a shocking distance.

Daiki didn't bother directing the dragons to chase him.

They slammed into the place where he stood previously, before erupting, exploding outwards into a truly massive hurricane of icy black, tearing trees decades old and thousands of feet high up from their roots and sending them flying through the air as if they weighed that of a feather.

The expansion and size of the jutsu was so large, it spread out and subsumed Orochimaru before the man could react himself.

Daiki would have got caught up in it as well….if he didn't cut his losses and run.

Using all his newfound speed, he had moved and retreated, and now found himself a good mile away, watching his jutsu roar toweringly high into the air.

His clone landed beside him a split moment later, Naruto and Sasuke over his shoulders, while he had Sakura under his arm.

"…Daiki…what…how?" Sakura sputtered, green eyes staring at him wide, awed, even a bit horrified.


In the very centre, at the eye of the tornado, Orochimaru lay limp, his body sizzling, smoking and charcoaled, yet at the same time, frosted over.

For all intents and purposes, he was dead. Not even he, a legendary sannin could take such an epically powerful jutsu and come out unscathed.


The body of the snake sannin twitched, before its mouth opened and spread wide, and another Orochimaru pulled himself free, soaked to the bone, but otherwise fine.

"…If I wasn't quick there with the replacement, I may very well have taken some rather gruesome injuries." the snake sannin mused to himself, idly eyeing his shedded skin.

Those injuries would not have killed him, and his healing ability was such that he would have recovered from them…


"…What an incredible jutsu." Orochimaru licked his lips, "An ice style dragon variation? Two at that, used in a combination lightning jutsu amplified by the Kiba Blades, kukuku, a ringer indeed Sarutobi-sensei."

His old sensei was up to his old tricks, sending a little monster like that into the Chunin Exams.

And that was without taking into account the most interesting aspect of the boy. Those eyes, they were red initially, some form of doujutsu Kabuto had informed him before, but then…those purple rings surrounding them, they looked just like the Rinnegan.

"Perhaps a precursor?" he mused in thought.

Like the Sharingan came before the Mangekyou Sharingan, possibly?

'If so, it makes sense how he cut the connection, Pein has a jutsu to absorb the very soul of a target through touch, it would make sense for the eyes that evolve into the Rinnegan itself to have access to such a jutsu.' he thought.

How fascinating. Disappointing in a way that his jutsu would be useless for taking such a body because of it, but fascinating nonetheless.

"…Gaara will not be enough for dealing with this one." Orochimaru crossed his arms.

He would need to be dealt with some other way.

Perhaps Kimmimaro-kun would be able to keep the boy busy? It would no doubt cost the leader of his Sound Five his life even if he did manage to win.

But…such was life.

He paused as he felt a familiar chakra rushing his way, a smile blooming across his cheeks.

"Kukukuku," Orochimaru chuckled to himself, "Well, a teacher always has time for his first student, no Anko-chan?"

He had enough time to see how his old apprentice was doing these days he supposed.

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