Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 120: The Knight Commander

Chapter 120: The Knight Commander

the trees above his head did little in keeping the sun from peeking through their green canopy, as uncomfortable as being touched by the sun felt, he couldn't deny that the rays touching his skin was really refreshing. He looked at the scythe in his hand, if he had to be honest as a weapon this was to unwieldy, while the scythe might seem like a novel weapon, it really wasn't something he felt was suited to him. He turned to Jason, the minotaur's huge form seemed to cast a shadow over his body as he leaned his back against a tree.

"Master Alistair is on his way, the undead force has been mobilized and are currently being sent underground to wait for the arrival of the next force of goblins. First General Lenore has taken a small force ahead to carry out some preemptive guerrilla strikes, the Black Dawn commander has raised a perimeter and is keeping watch. On the other hand, Screet and Brutus have manned the defenses back at the village and are keeping watch with the scout towers, at the moment there's no trouble in sight, and we've had an influx of new villagers recently. All in all, the village is still functioning and the escape tunnels and bunkers are almost completed." Rezar nodded his head before stretching his hand out, the scythe in his hand held out Jason.

"Master?" Jason asked surprised as he took the scythe from Rezar.

"You're using a hammer, normally I would say give n how massive you are; smashing things might seem right up your alley, but you're to precise and thoughtful, and you always think about a bigger picture than most. The battlefield isn't really for you Jason, it's taken me a long time to realize it, but you're not that much of a fighter, however you're still bred for conflict.

The nature of what you are, means what you can do is kill, to bring death.

But you've done a good job in making sure the village is safe and there's safety in its surroundings and within it. On earth you would probably be the chief of police, but here you'll be the Knight Commander of Necron city.

From now on keeping the peace within the full scope of Morte Bianca would be up to you and the recruits you will train. You'll answer only to me, and they will answer to you. This scythe is not really suitable for me, but in your hands it would see better use. So let it be like a symbol of authority for you; Knight Commander Jason, serve your king well." Rezar said to him as he got up, and watched his the huge undead got down to his knees with the scythe held in reverence above his head.

"I will cherish this gift and carry out my duty with diligence ma-my King."

Rezar nodded his head, as he gestured for Jason to go away, Alistair showed up a few minutes later with a sack in his hands, a pretty surprised look on his face as he watched the lumbering undead minotaur pick his way out of the enclosing of trees Rezar had been resting. He shifted his gaze to Rezar before giving him a deep bow and then straightening up.

"your Majesty I've gathered the materials you've asked of me. But also is there a reason you gave the scythe we made for you to Jason, do you not like it. I was under the impression that it has grown stronger due to you being able to imbue souls in it?" Alistair asked as he placed the sack on the ground.

"Just because I'm a necromancer and death class holder doesn't mean I have to use a scythe Alistair, plus the weapon is not really suited for me and my style of fighting. Its in not practical in a war and would only shine in the hands of someone like Jason. On the other hand, I've designed a weapon using the mantle template given to me by the system, it would be a symbol of Morte Bianca, and I quite like what I've done with it. I just need some special materials to fully make it." Rezar explained as he pulled out a scroll and placed it on the ground for Alistair to see and study. And just after looking at the designs for a few minutes, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Normally I would say this is a design that's just all over the place and downright crazy, but I can see the novelty of this. All you put here is the idea and drawing of the weapon, the mechanics behind its forging and creation would be completely out of your comprehension, but seeing as the system itself would craft it, all it needs are materials of your own choosing and the parameters you've filled here." Rezar nodded his head as he and Alistair remained on their knees looking at the designs.

"So what do you think?" Rezar asked.

"It's a bold and crazy idea, and this is practically three weapons all meshed into one mechanical wonder, and with your ability to imbue it with souls it won't just be a marvel of engineering but one of magic as well. The materials chosen are also good. Black Adamantine, Blue Obsidian ore, and Wind Steel. One is a very strong metal to make up the blades, the blue obsidian ore would serve as the handle and shaft, and wind steel for the blades.

I brought along something extra called Ionite. It's a special compound capable of negating skills or spells, very hard to synthesize and even forge into weapons, but it can serve as the core for the blades, it actually bonds well with other metals and even serves as a bonding agent too. I believe adding it in would be smart."

Rezar nodded his head and took the sack from Alistair, he changed the materials he would use and then changed the description of the weapon a little bit to make arrangement for the new compound. He then took a step back as a prompt appeared in front of him.

[Materials detected and all Parameters filled. Begin crafting of the Royal Mantle of Morte Bianca]

[Crafting completed, Royal Mantle/Weapon has been created. Please name creation]


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