Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 121: Attack On Goblins 6: Vita Gratia

Chapter 121: Attack On Goblins 6: Vita Gratia

"Vita Gratia!"

[Name has been set as Vita Gratia]

Mantle Name: Vita Gratia// Level: 0// Grade: Silver

Type: Weapon(Unique)// Effects: Attack, Defense, Speed of all citizens increased by 25%

Skills: N/A

Rezar kept on looking at the staff/spear in front of him with a rather happy smile on his face. In all honesty this couldn't be considered a staff or spear as its ends or rather much of its body was actually a pair of curved blades that if separated made a weapon called a Khopesh, a king of Egyptian sabre. Rezar grabbed the staff and twisted the middle which was a deep blue metal shaft, in the end he was left holding on to two Khopesh in both hands.

He could combine them to make a staff with both blades at the end, sure a weapon like that might prove a little difficult to handle, but the staff form was just a basic addition. What really mattered was the dual Khopesh form, and the last surprise he had hidden, but he really couldn't show it now given he was in a location that he really liked. This place would make a really nice park, and he'd rather not destroy it.

"Alistair how far away is the larger force of goblins?" Rezar asked as he held both Khopesh in a reverse grip, with their curved blades seemingly highlighting his arms.

"they're about a day northeast from here, or just about three hours away given if you choose to ride your ant or run there yourself. Why are you asking?"

"Well a new weapon needs to be tested to see if it works doesn't it?" Rezar asked as he turned to face the direction in which Alistair had pointed him.

"But we already have a plan set in place your Majesty, you deciding to make a move right now might cause a hindrance." Alistair could not help but let out an exasperated sigh, all that was left of Rezar was a shower of dead leaves that had been stirred by his movements. It was annoying, but he also found it endearing about how one track minded Rezar could be at times, he had a childlike curiosity to him that made everyone want to protect him, even with how fearsome and dangerous he was. He didn't know this, but to the people around him, he was more like a younger brother than a King, but it made serving him easy.

Alistair nodded his head and went back the way he had just come from, they weren't too far from the sentry towers, and he was trying to see if he could bypass the system and install cannons in the arrow towers that have been placed besides the sentry towers, if it was possible he wanted to combine them both into a single entity, that wouldn't be bad at all, he should get that architect to work on it too.

As Alistair mused to himself, Rezar was rushing through the forest in a speed that would put most stealth classes to shame, this new bonus to his speed came as a result of his new class, and that class was [Apostle]. When he thought about it, he already had a caster class that also doubled as a dps class. He had a warrior class, so he thought he would try and get a priest like class, unfortunately it didn't turn out as he had expected.


[you have chosen apostle as your class. This class has been influenced by your connection to the entity known as death and @#%$#@! $ the class is now Death's Apostle]

[due to the nature of the Death's Apostle Class, and in conjunction with your traits, the class miner has been deleted! The classes Advanced Necromancer and Death Lord has been assimilated. No skills or stats have been lost.]

[Due to the nature of your new class, you can no longer have any other extra classes! However, the [Job] option is now opened for none combat classes.]


[You are the messenger and closest confidante of death itself. With power over death and to some extent life, you're responsible for judging and taking the lives of those deemed unworthy. As an apostle of death, you shall ferry the dead, judge souls, liberate the living from the constraints of death and rule the halls of judgement. The passive skills [Death Sense] [Sin Sight] and the Active skills [Wraith Avatar] [Ghost Wave] has been generated. +10 to all stats every level up, +10 skill points every level up. Cost and cool down of all skills reduced by 80%. This class does not rank up to a higher leveled class.]

Honestly speaking Rezar was so pissed off he had not even bothered to level up the class, he didn't lose the stats he had gained from leveling up the other classes, but this [Death's Apostle] had left him limited in what he could do or achieve, but never the less he could spam his skills now and use them as much as possible, even those that had larger costs, especially the passives that required on his magic to work.

Priest had told him there was no used crying over what was, this was Elysium trying to balance things after realizing he was a getting too strong and the new class would have made him too hard to beat. He also said this wasn't the first time it has happened and it's actually quite common for some people to be relegated to a single class. It didn't mean they didn't get stronger, because of their focus such people always tend to cause more damage with their skills than those who had many classes to improve their stats.

Never the less he would take whatever future sent his way head on, but for now he had a battlefield to invade, because like a kid, he has gotten a new toy and he just couldn't wait to show it to his friends and even better. To use it on his enemies."

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