Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 134: The Battle Of BoneFire Valley 4

Chapter 134: The Battle Of BoneFire Valley 4

The sight of hundreds of dead Hobgoblins rising up from the dead was one that would be burned into the minds and retinas of all who were present here, it was nerve wracking and jarring, this was the stuff of nightmares, a thriller in the flesh and a day of the evil dead so to speak. The confidence of the Hobgoblin army had been terribly shaken, even as they charged at Rezar who was isolated from his own forces led by a battle crazed Lenore that was currently on fire. But the Hobgoblins were not to be out done as their ranks lit up in resplendent glows, skills being used as the two armies crashed into each other.

It was not like the movies, this wasn't some nice well-choreographed charge where the frontlines would begin fighting, no this was like two high speed bullet trains having a collision and at the same time lightning decided to strike from above. Armor got squeezed, bent and broken along with bones as swift skills relived quite a few undead of their heads and second life, and the living had massive chunks of their flesh ripped apart by those zombies who wanted to resort to baser instinct. Tiny scores of goblins hobbled in between the legs of the larger fighters, undead in their form and frantic in their attack as they sowed chaos everywhere.

Rezar stepped back, dodging the swipe of a glowing spear that blew his hair backwards, before moving forwards, raising both Khophesh's to parry the spear that came swinging to the side, before stepping into the guard of the Hobgoblin that attacked and smashing his forehead into the helmet covered face. Using enough force that his face was split open, and the head of the Hobgoblin was blasted backwards through the air, its body following soon after, its neck snapped and held up awkwardly by a thin strip of flesh.

Rezar deflected a great sword swinging for his neck with his much smaller blade, before smashing the pommel under the jaw of the Hobgoblin attacking, calling forth the chains of the weapon as it surged upwards and out the top of his skull, before retracting back into the blade.

But just that second was enough for two daggers to find their way into his heart, their edges were burning, as if superheated to high degrees to enable ease when cutting through flesh. That weapon was Muriel tech, and while he found it impressive, he was really pissed off that he had been harmed by the technology of his subordinates. But it didn't end there as a lightning bolt was blasted onto his chest, charring and burning a hole in the white robe he had on, and subsequently following that was a fireball that was more liquid than flames.

It burnt his face and hair, peeling his flesh all the way down to its bones until all that was left was a hollow skull staring at the Hobgoblins, blue flames burning within its sockets. Rezar laughed, but all that could be hear was chattering as his teeth clacked against each other. The Hobgoblins were shocked, more and more of them tried to attack him as their weapons found purchase in his body over and over again, the former white robes becoming nothing more than blooding rags, hanging in strips off a body that had its organs spilling it.

[Hellfire: Wild bloom]

*Boooom! *

An area thirty meters in diameter was awash with flames, that subsequently spread and then went up into the sky as a mushroom cloud of flames and death. Rezar and much of the Hobgoblins that tried to kill him were caught in its epicenter. Giving credit to them, a few of them survived the blast, but many others fell to the flames from hell, as a crazed demoness charged into the flames, her rapier a beacon of light that left holes in the bodies of everyone it passed by. She came to a stop with her back against Rezar's, his burnt flesh slowly healing as he faced the direction of parts of the Hobgoblin army that had not joined the fray yet. He raised both Khopesh up, before stabbing them deep into the ground, finally utilizing a skill that no one has seen him use in battle before.

[Final Rites]

[Final Rites Lvl 1: Call forth the voice of death to read the final rites of your enemies. All enemies within 500 meters would be swallowed by the earth, their bodies and souls a sacrifice to the court of the dead. // Cost 300 magic// cool down: 7 days]

What did the voice of death sound like, Rezar wasn't really sure as only those considered his enemies could hear it, but as for the rest of them the earth shook and split as asymmetrical graves opened up besides every Hobgoblin caught within the radius of the skill. The winds picked up and howled and lightning crackled and thunder boomed in the background. The sun became overcast as skeletal hands ablaze with blue flames stretched out from beyond those graves and grabbed onto the shocked and terrified Hobgoblins. Some tried to move, others to run, some were so haunted by the sounds they heard they couldn't even move their bodies.

Regardless of their state of mind, each and every s ingle one of them was dragged by those hands into the graves laid open for them, their frantic screams and scrambling meaning nothing at all as death took them, entombing them in the bowels of the earth as the earth itself closed up. The lightning flashes disappeared, the booming thunder stilled as the dark clouds vanished, and right over the head of the hundreds of graves that had showed up; alabaster tombstones rose up, with the names, classes, levels, traits and skills of the ones that had been entombed within them.

And then there was the silence, and within it the Apostle of death that brought about the quiet of victory and the terror of the heart. His form charred and burnt black that his pristine ebony was hidden beneath scars and festering wounds. But the white of his hair and blue flames burning beneath hollow sockets could still be seen and remembered for ages to come, and looking up at him, her gaze fervent and frenzied, was the Demoness of flames that brought chaos down for him. It was a sight worthy of songs, a memory worthy of a temple, it was quite a sight, and Gynaika knew. It was beautiful, death was beautiful.

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